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1、 1. 当今社会,社交网站很流行2. 各人对此看法不同3. 我的看法Social Network SitesIn recent years, social network sites like Renren and Kaixin have rapidly gained popularity among all kinds of people. Many people spend a lot of time on those sites chatting, making friends and playing games. Those sites have become a part of th

2、eir life.The public hold different views on this phenomenon. Some are in favor of those sites for they provide many opportunities to know other people and to know whats happening in the world. Besides, theyre very convenient to access. One can use a computer or cell phone to log on at home, in a res

3、taurant, or even in the subway. But some people dont approve of the social network sites. They say that people are wasting too much time on the sites. Some even get addicted to them and abandon their real life. After all, they dont live in the virtual world.In my opinion, the social network sites ca

4、n be very helpful when we want to keep in touch with friends, but we must remember that the real world is the most important in our life.【参考范文二参考范文二】Social Network SitesSocial network websites have rapidly increased in popularity over the past few years. Many people have registered and become member

5、s of some social network websites, such as Facebook, Kaixin and Twitter. These websites have become a part of their daily life.Peoples opinions vary greatly on social network sites. Supporters regard social network websites as places to share feelings and experiences with their friends. Besides, the

6、y say these websites provide various interesting games and can help people relax. However, opponents think it is difficult to protect users privacy on social network sites. Apart from that, they maintain that users chances to gain employment may be reduced as more and more employers take the images

7、which users portray on social network sites into consideration.As far as Im concerned, social network sites serve as a good platform for us to make new friends and keep in touch with old ones. Still, we should be aware of the potential dangers involved. It is very necessary to adjust our privacy set

8、tings to control who has access to our personal information.College Students Job Hunting1.近几年出现了大学生就业难的现象2.产生这种现象的原因(如大学生追求的目标过高,专业不对口等)3.如何解决这一问题(改变就业观念,大学生再培训等)问题解决型模板Nowadays/In recent years/In modern society,描述问题,which has/have been brought into focus/has/have arousedgreat concern 。(进一步描述问题或变化)T

9、he reasons for this phenomenon are varied. Among allthese reasons,原因一 plays/play a critical role.Moreover/Furthermore/Whats more,原因二.Besides,原因三。In view of the seriousness of the problem, effectivemeasures must be taken before things get worse. /Considering the seriousness ofthe problem, it is an ur

10、gent thing or us to take effective measures to 解决该问题. Firstly/First of all,方法一. Secondly/Moreover,方法二. Thirdly/Besides/In addition,方法三. Onlythrough these ways/Only in this way 该问题才能解决。划线句子也可作为模板College Students Job HuntingIn recent years, college studentsfind it increasinglydifficult toget a job. It

11、 sounds strange since young college students areusually intelligent, well-educated phenomenon, aspirant and eager to bringtheir talent into full play. Then what underlies the strange phenomenon? (提出问题段)There are several reasons for this.To begin with,nowadays college students aim too high. All they

12、want are “good” jobs whichcould offer good salary, comfortable working conditions, high social statusamong others. Consequently, most college students are unwilling to acceptvacant jobs they consider not“good” enough. Another reason is thatthere is abig gap between the majors some students study in

13、school and the demands ofvacant jobs. So companies think some students are not fit for the jobs。(说明原因段)Solution to the problem requiresefforts on both thesociety and the students. The companies should value the students, talent andknowledge while the latter should not merely aim at material gains. T

14、hey shouldbe down-toearth in building up their career. Furthermore, they should facetheir weak points so as to improve themselves and be more competent该文章转载自无忧考网:http:/该文章转载自无忧考网:http:/www.51test.ne 预测作文一 For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write acomposition on the topic: Living alone or L

15、iving with Roommates?You shouldwrite at least 120 words following the outline given below in Chinese。1.有人认为大学里应独自生活2.另一些认为大学里应与别人同住3.你的看法对比选择型模板When it comes to/When asked about 谈论主题, different people will give different answers/offerdifferent views/have different choices/preferences. Some people ta

16、ke it forgranted/believe 大学里应独自生活。理由一. Inaddition,理由二。However, others maintain/argue 大学里应与别人同住. In their opinions,理由一. Besides,理 由二。(这两段也可写成:When it comes to/When asked about 谈论主题, different people will give different answers/offerdifferent views/have different choices/preferences. Some people take it forgranted/believe 大学里应独自生活. However, others maintain/argue 大学里应与别人同住。Those people who hold the first opinion/make the formerchoice/have the fi


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