八上 pets1 第十三讲

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1、株洲恒馨艺术培训学校 2012 秋季班 初二过级英语2011、326. The suggestion-all right. A has sounded Bis sounded C sounds27. Hed like_with you. He wants some help. A to talk B tell Clto say28.I cant stay_long.A to Bat C for29._you are wrong, you should say sorry. A For B Since C Or.30. These shoes_in Guangzhou. Ais made B m

2、ade Care made31. The beef is delicious. Would you like some_ A more B many Cmuch32. My little brother is too young_-go to school. Ato B that Clnot to33. Bajin is one of _in China.A best writers Bthe best writers Cthe best writer34. They have lived here_2003. A for Blin C since35. We_a sports meeting

3、 the day before yesterday. A had B have C have had36. The policeman told the boys_in the street. A not to play Bdont play C not play 37. This is the right size. It_me very well. Allikes B belongs to CIfits38. She_TV when I came in. A watched . Bwas watching C watching39.He likes coffee very much._.

4、A Neither do I BlI like it,either C So do j40. The teacher said that the earth_around the sun.Altums B tumed C tum第二节完形填空 阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳型卡 1 上将该项涂黑。Mr. Reece is (Example:_0_)interesting old man. Mr. Reece worked_ 41a fami.He and his wife _42_alot of things and they had some co

5、ws. Every day they worked hard _ 43_ morning till night. One day, Mr. Reece4i4his wife, “Lets go to Portsmouth next Sunday;1We can have agood lunch there and theere we can go to thecinema.”His wife was very 45 when she heard this, because they always ate a lot, and she didnt like 46three times a day

6、. They went to Portsmouth_47_and walked aboiit for an hour. Then,_ 48_it was twelve oclock, they wanted to have lunch. They looked at four restaurants. In 株洲恒馨艺术培训学校 2012 秋季班 初二过级英语front of one restaurant, they saw a notice. It49,“Lunch: 12:30 t0 2:30, 1.5 pounds. “Well, thats great,“ Mr. Reece.said

7、, “We can eat for two hoursfor l.5 pounds here! This is the 50for us.”41.-Aat Bon Clin42.Aate Bgrew Clgrow 43.Aat Bin Cfrom44. A said to B told to Casked45.Ahungry Blhappy Clhappily “46.Acook Beating ccooking47. Ain plane Bby a plane Cin a plane48.Aand Bif Clwhen49.Alread Breads Creaded50.Athing Bpl

8、ace Cnews第三部分阅读理解第一节词语配伍从右栏所给选项中选出与左栏各项意义相符的选项,并在答题卡 1 上将该项涂黑。51. People use it to find their way. A bridge52. People write it and then send it in an envelope. Bsupermarket53. People go across it from one side to the other. C radio54. People listen to it to enjoy themselves. D map55. People serve th

9、emselves with food and goods there. E book F letterG bus第二节短文理解 l阅读下面短文,从 A(Right)、B( Wrong)、 C( Doesnt Say)三个判断中选择一个正确选项,并在答题卡 l 上将该项涂黑。Weight(体重)is one of the taboo subjects. In America, it is OK, or even good, to be thin but it is an embar-rassment(尴尬)to be overweight. In fact, the thinner you ar

10、e, the more beautiful you are thought to be. Youllfind that most models(模特)are nothing more than skin and bones.A woman who is thin is easy to become popu-lar. Of course, there are lots of people do their best to be thin. They may use all kinds of ways, such as doing exer-cise, or dieting(节食).But, s

11、ometimes, dieting may bring about some healthy problems.Americans are very careful about their weight and most of the time they do not tell others how much theyweigh.even if they are quite thin. Therefore, youd better not ask about it.But if you really want to talk aboutthis subject, its always safe

12、r to say, “Oh,it looks like you have lost weight“. However, 株洲恒馨艺术培训学校 2012 秋季班 初二过级英语if you would like to behonest and polite,I suggest that you should choose your words carefully, perhaps by saying:“Hey, you look great.Very healthy looking.”And always remember, you can not use the word“ fat“.56. T

13、hose thin women are more popular than those fat women. A Right. BWrong. C Doesnt Say.57. Many girls want to be thin because they want to be models. A Right. BWrong. C Doesnc Say.58. Americans never tell others about their weight. A Right. B Wrong. ClDoesnt Say.59. Dieting may become bad for peoples

14、health. A Right. BWrong. C Doesnt Say.60.lt is not polite for people to say that somebody is fat. A Right. B Wrong. C Doesnt Say. 第三节短文理解 2阅读下列短文,从A、B、C三个选项中选择一个正确答案,并在答题卡 L 上将该 项涂黑。请根据下面短文回答第 6l65 题:Singapore(新加坡)is the name of an island on the south of Malaya.It is also the name of the city on the southside of this island. Singapore City is one of the worlds greatest ports. It passes goods from all around the world.On most of the island the climate is hot and wet. Fruits, vegetables, and



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