新职业英语(2)unit 2

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1、1Unit Two Business MeetingMeetings Are a Matter of Precious Time会议关乎宝贵的时间1 The meeting spills over into its second hour. We are discussing a productivity initiative. At this moment, our most talkative member chimes in with the idea that we need some kind of system to reward employees. This is the sa

2、me solution he offers for every problem at every meeting. Then, another member cuts in with a long storyjust to make the point that we are not the proper entity to recommend the kinds of changes we are proposing. I, meanwhile, contribute nothing useful. Finally, the woman who set the meeting calls i

3、t quits and tells us well continue next week. We drift back to our offices, wondering how to make up for the wasted time. This meeting occurred many years ago, but similar ones happen at companies everywhere every day会议已经拖拖拉拉开了一个多小时,我们正在讨论如何提高生产效率的提案。这时,最能 言善道的同事插话说需要某种制度来激励员工。每次会上,不管讨论什么问题,他都会提 出同一

4、个方案。紧接着,另一位同事长篇累牍地说明我们都不是提出这些建议的合适人选。 我也没说啥有用的。最后,召集会议的女同事宣布散会,并告知下周继续开会。我们游荡 回各自的办公室,盘算着怎样才能把浪费的时间补回来。这是多年前的一次会议,但类似 的情景仍然随时随地在不同公司上演chime in: to join in or interrupt a conversation; to agree with somethinge.g. Her expectation chimes in with the belief of many others.Tran:他总是插话表达自己的看法。He kept chimi

5、ng in with his own opinions.Propose: v. to suggest a plan or idea, etc. for people to think about or decide one.g. The government proposed changes to the voting system.Tran: 她建议封杀那个作者的著作。She proposed that the books written by the author should be banned.Proposal: n. = suggestion Contribute v. to spe

6、ak during a meeting or a conversation, or write things for a newspaper, magazine, etc.e.g. We hope everyone will contribute to the discussion.Tran:他给这家杂志写了很多文章。He contributed a number of articles to the magazine. 22 Part of the problem at such meetings is that the leader has not set clear objectives

7、 or an agenda, and didnt assign pre-meeting preparation tasks. Instead, the leader seems to hope that magic will occur, producing solutions to the problems. Of course, that doesnt happen. 2 这种会议的问题部分在于会议召集人没有明确的目标或议程,也没有布置好会前的准 备工作,而是寄希望于奇迹发生,带来解决问题的方法。当然,奇迹从未发生。assign v. to give someone a particula

8、r job or responsibility; to give money; equipment, etc. to someone to usee.g. The teacher assigned a different task to each of the students.e.g. I was assigned a pleasant room to work in.Tran:我们可以指派他完成一项重要任务。We can assign him an important mission.3 The main reason we dont make meetings more producti

9、ve is that we dont value our time properly. The people who call meetings and those who attend them are not thinking about time as their most valuable resource. But time is the most perishable good in the world. You cant earn an extra hour to use on a busy day. Nonetheless, we usually have a vague fe

10、eling that there is plenty of timesomewhere in the futureso we waste it now and carelessly steal time from our families, friends or ourselves. 3 会议之所以效率不高,主要是因为没有很好地珍惜时间。召开和参加会议的人都没有 将时间当做最宝贵的资源。但时间是世上最易逝的东西。忙碌的一天中你无法得到额外的 一个小时来做事。尽管如此,我们还总是依稀觉得未来有大把时间,故而不珍惜当下,漫 不经心地把家庭、朋友和自己的时间浪费掉。vague a. of an un

11、certain, indefinite or unclear character or meaning e.g. They were vague about their backgrounds. Tran: 协议的条款故意含糊不清。The terms of the agreement were left deliberately vague.4 I used to be the disengaged participantone who had good ideas about how to solve a problem, but didnt contribute. I now take a

12、 more active role, aiming to make meetings more effective. Here are three simple principles I use. First, whoever calls a meeting should be explicit about its objectives. This means specifying tangible goals and assigning responsibilities. Second, everyone should think carefully about the costs of a

13、 meeting: How many participants are really needed? How long should the meeting last? Finally, after meetings, assign credit or blame to the person in charge. If people have records of leading ineffective meetings, they are not allowed to lead future sessions. 4 过去,我开会时参与度不高,对要解决的问题有好想法却不说。现在,我采取更积极

14、的态度,希望会议能更有效。我遵循以下三个简单的原则。第一,无论谁召集会议,都必 须明确目的。这意味着说明会议的切实目标并将任务布置下去。第二,每个人都要仔细考 虑会议成本:到底需要几人参加?要开多久?最后,会议结束后,要给会议负责人评评分。 如果谁有开会效率低的记录,那么下次他就不能再担任召集人。Disengaged a. not involved with or interested in something or someone, and feeling separate from theme.g. One disengaged worker can affect the morale o

15、f the entire team.Tran: 他的眼神流露出超然的态度。He had a disengaged look in his eyes.3effective a. successful in producing a desired or intended resulte.g. We must take effective measures to deal with theseproblems.Tran: 尽管现代技术应有尽有,最有效的沟通方式还是面对面的交流。Despite all modern technologies, the most effective form of co

16、mmunication is still face-to-face.Explicit a. stated clearly and in detail, leaving no room for confusion or doubte.g. He has an explicit understanding of the problem.e.g. He was quite explicit about what he expected us to do for him.Tran: 他清楚明白地告诉我怎样到达那里。He gave me explicit directions on how to get there.Specify v. to state something in an exact and detailed waye.g. Remember to specify your size when you orde



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