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1、-Lawyer: Mr Dufresne, describe the confrontation you had with your wife the night she was murdered. confrontation: 对审murder: 谋杀Mr Dufresne ,描述一下你太太被谋杀当晚,你曾和她谈过些什么?-Andy: It was very bitter. She said she was glad I knew, that she hated all the sneaking around. bitter: 苦的 ,痛苦的sneaking: 秘密的,不公开的一些很糟糕的话

2、,她说她很高兴我已知道,她不想再偷偷摸摸了。And she said that she wanted a divorce in Reno. divorce: 离婚Reno: 里诺 (美国有名的“离婚城市”, 在内华达州西部, 凡欲离婚者 , 只须在该市住满三个月, 即可离婚 ) 她说她想离婚。-Lawyer: What was your response? response: 反应你当时有什么反应?-Andy: I told her I would not grant one. grant:同意我对她说我不会同意的,-Lawyer: Ill see you in hell before I s

3、ee you in Reno. Those were your words, according to your neighbors. neighbor: 邻居hell: 地狱“在我看见你在雷诺市前,下地狱吧!”你的邻居曾听你说过这些话吧?-Andy: If they say so. I really dont remember. I was upset. upset:不高兴随他们怎么说,我当时很不开心,什么都不记得了。-Lawyer: What happened after you argued with your wife? argue with: 与 , 吵架你和太太争吵后发生了什么事?

4、-Andy: She packed a bag. She packed a bag to go and stay with Mr. Quentin. pack:塞满了 .的她收拾好行李,到Quentin 先生家里去了。-Lawyer: Glenn Quentin, golf pro at the Snowden Hills Country Club whom you had discovered was your wifes lover. golf pro: 【职业高尔夫教练】Professional golfer from Wikipedia a golf pro 高尔夫球职业选手Glenn

5、 Quentin ,职业高尔夫教练,你知道他是你妻子的情人。Did you follow her? follow: 追踪你跟踪她了吗?-Andy: I went to a few bars first. Later, I drove to his house to confront them. They werent home. bar: 酒吧 confront: 面对我先去了几间酒吧找,接着,我开车去了Quentin 家,但他们不在家里。I parked in the turnout and waited. park: 停车turnout: 岔路口我把车停在街角,等在那里。-Lawyer:

6、With what intention? intention: 企图有何企图吗?-Andy: Im not sure. I was confused. drunk. I think mostly I wanted to scare them. confused: 困惑的scare: 惊吓我不太确定,我非常困惑,还有点醉,我觉得,我只是想吓一吓他们。-Lawyer: When they arrived, you went up to the house and murdered them. go up to: 前往murder: 谋杀他们到家后,你就进屋杀了他们。-Andy: I was sob

7、ering up. I got back in the car and I drove home to sleep it off. Along the way, I threw my gun into the Royal River. sober up: 清醒sleep it off: 【睡过去】 where a person stays off school/college for a certain amount of time via sleeping in before going into the educational vacilityfrom Urban dictionary g

8、un: 枪 Royal River: 皇家河畔 没有,我控制了自己,我开车回家睡觉来忘记一切。在回家的路上,我把枪扔进了河里。Ive been very clear on this point. 我很肯定这一点。-Lawyer: I get hazy where the cleaning woman shows up the following morning and finds your wife in bed with her lover. hazy: 不明确的show up: 出现但我感到奇怪的是,第二天早上清洁女工发现,你太太和她的情人死在床上,riddled with.38-cali

9、ber bullets. Does that strike you as a fantastic coincidence, or is it just me? riddle with bullets: 打得满身是弹孔riddle: 穿孔caliber: 口径bullet: 子弹fantastic: 极好的 coincidence: 巧合致死的子弹是出自点38 口径的手枪,德福瑞恩先生,你和我一样都觉得那是巧合吗?-Andy: Yes, it does. 确实是巧合。-Lawyer: Yet you still maintain you threw your gun into the river

10、, before the murders took place. Thats very convenient. maintain: 坚持murder: 谋杀take place: 发生convenient: 合适的你仍坚持说你在凶案发生前,已经把枪扔进河里了吗?这对你很有利。-Andy: Its the truth. 这是事实。-Lawyer: The police dragged that river for three days, and nary a gun was found, so no comparison could be made between your gun and th

11、e bullets, drag: 搜寻nary: 没有comparison:对照bullet: 子弹警察在河里找了三天,但他们没有找到你的枪,所以无法鉴定,taken from the bloodstained corpses of the victims. and that also. is very convenient. Isnt it, Mr. Dufresne? bloodstained: 染着血的corp: 尸体victim: 受害者死者身上的子弹是否出自你的枪,这对你来说也非常有利,不是吗,Dufresne 先生?-Andy: Since I am innocent of thi

12、s crime, I find it decidedly inconvenient that the gun was never found. innocent:无辜的crime: 犯罪decidedly: 毫无疑问的因为我是无辜的,所以我发现找不到枪对我非常不利。-Lawyer: Ladies and gentlemen, youve heard all the evidence. We have the accused at the scene of the crime. We have footprints. evidence: 证据accused:被告the scene of the

13、crime: 犯罪现场scene: 地点footprint: 脚印 各位先生女士,你们听到了所有的证据,我们有他犯罪的动机,我们找到他的脚印,bullets on the ground bearing his fingerprints. A broken bourbon bottle, likewise with fingerprints. bear: 带有fingerprint: 指纹bourbon: 波旁威士忌酒likewise: 同样地留有他的指纹的子弹头,打碎的酒瓶上也留有他的指纹,And most of all, we have a beautiful young woman and

14、 her lover, lying dead in each others arms most of all: 最重要的是lie: 躺着最重要的是,我们知道他的妻子和她的情人双双倒卧在血泊中。They had sinned. But was their crime so great. as to merit a death sentence? sin: 过错,过失crime: 犯罪as to: 至于merit: 应受罚sentence: 宣判他们是犯了错,但他们所犯的错严重到, 需要用死来赎罪吗?While you think about that, think about this: A r

15、evolver holds six bullets, not eight. revolver: 左轮手枪当你们考虑时请想想这个,一个弹匣只能装六颗子弹,而不是八颗。I submit that this was not a hot-blooded crime of passion. That at least could be understood, if not condoned. submit: 主张hot-blooded: 易怒的passion: 愤怒condone: 宽恕我肯定这不只是一时冲动而犯下的罪行,那至少是可以理解的,即使不能宽恕。-Andy: No. 不!-Lawyer: Th

16、is was revenge. of a much more brutal, cold-blooded nature. Consider this: revenge: 复仇brutal:冷酷无情的这是复仇,一个冷血者的复仇,看看这些:Four bullets per victim. Not six shots fired, but eight. That means that he fired the gun empty. and then stopped to reload,victim: 受害者shot: 射击fire: 射击reload: 再装入每个死者都身中四枪,总共是八枪而不是六枪,那表明子弹打完后, 他还停下来装子弹,. so that he could shoot each of them again. An extra bullet per lover. right in the head. shoot: 射击bullet: 子弹以便再次向他们开枪,每人多加一枪, 就在头部。-Judge: You st


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