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1、Education(culture)Education Related words : USS: Vocabulary words and Expressions terminologies 专门用语(terminology 的名词复数) Degrees 学位 literature 文学艺术 polite letters;纯文学 folk literature;民间文学 biographical literature 传记文学 mayor 主修 junior/senior 毕业班学生 prenatal education 胎教 kindergarten 幼儿园 preschool educat

2、ion 学前教育 Primery/Secondary/High school elementary education 初等教育 Demonstration Pilot project/school 实验试点学校 Pilot study 示范研究 Extra curricular activities 课外活动 Nine-year compulsory education 九年义务教育 Examination -oriented education 应试教育 quality education 素质教育 money-oriented 拜金主义 cramming method of teachi

3、ng 填塞教育 alleviate-oriented education 减压教育 affiliation 从属关系 affiliated 隶属于 middle affiliated to Fudan University 复旦附中 ideological and political education 思想政治教育 vocational school 职业学校 higher school 高等教育 university of science and engineering 理工大学 The Hong Kong Polytechnic University 香港理工大学 College 学院

4、Residential college 提供住宿的大学 College town 大学城 institution(大学、银行等规模大的)机构 admissions office 招生办公室 auditorium 大礼堂 enrollment 登记 orientation 培训 trimester 三学制 triple 三linguistics 语言学 faculty 系 required /compulsory course 必修课 optional/selective course 选修课 curriculum 课程 basic course 基础课 specialized course 专

5、业课 lecture 讲座 teaching program /Syllabus 教学大纲 term/ semester 学期 credit system 学分制 handout 补充材料 assignment 任务(大学) assessment 评估 plagiarize 剽窃 associate professor 副教授 visiting /guest professor 客座教授 professor 教授 assistant professor 助理教授 lecturer 讲师 Assistant professor /tutor 助教 assistant for political

6、and ideological education 辅导员 headmaster/ principal /president/chancellor dean 主任 Coordination 协调能力 Coordinator 班主任 student union/ association 学生会 auditor/guest student 旁听生 pedagogy 教学方法 television and radio broadcasting university 电视广播大学 Normal University 师范大学 College of Agriculture 农业学院 academy of

7、 fine arts 美术学院 CEE:College of Extended Education 继续教育学院 the college expansion plan 高校扩招 equivalency 相等 night school for adults 成人夜校 update ones knowledge /adult education 成人教育 polytechnic 理工专科学校 College Tuition 大学学费 Scholarship/exhibition/fellowship,/grant 奖学金 academic performance /academic record

8、学业/学习成绩 division 分校 diploma 文凭associate degree 大专文凭 bachelors degree 本科 master degree 硕士 doctor of philosophy 哲学博士Ph.D candidate 博士生 Supervisor 监督者 Post-graduate 研究生 post-doctor 博士后 thesis 研究生论文 dissertation 博士生论文 essay/paper 本科论文 composition 中小学作文 ABD:all but dissertation 准博士 A continous study invd

9、ves undergraduate and post-graduate 本硕连读 graduation ceremony 毕业典礼 certificate 证书 a double/dual major 双科目 State Education Commission 国家教委 graduate assignments 毕业分配 internship / field work 毕业实习 self-discipline 自我约束 Life-long Learning 终生学习 brain drain 人才流失 talent exchange 人才交流 eliminate illiteracy 扫盲 g

10、eneration gap 代沟 intercultural communication 国际文化交流 to become educated through independent study 自学成才 heuristic education 启发式教育 Stimulating education 刺激式教育 activity to assist the impoverished students 助学行动 be absorbed in 全神贯注 be absent-minded/ absent-mindedness 心不在焉 learn by heart 用心学习 campus digita

11、lization 校园数字化 passion/crazy about/enthusiasm in learning Chinese 汉语热 a good judge of talents 伯乐 optimize the teaching staff 优化教师队伍 walk in the air 得意洋洋 juvenile delinquency 轻少年犯罪 violence 暴力 pornography 色情 Give scope to students initiative and creativeness 发挥学生主动性和创造性 To gear the education needs of

12、 facing modernization, the world, the future. 中国教育要面向现代化,面向世界,面向未来Develp/cultivate/foster the students ability to study independent on their own .培养学生自学能力Cultivating/Develping/ Fostering students ability to analyze and solve problems.培养学生分析问题与解决问题的能力 To become working people with the ideals/lofty ,e

13、ducation, a sense of discipline 成为有理想有文化守纪律的劳动者 to combine with ability of moral integrity and talent. 德才兼备 To carry on quality education centering on moral education emphasizing creativeness and practice. 全面实施以德育为核心,以创新精神和实践能力为重点的素质教育motto 座右铭 hinder; impede;retard;barrier;obstruct; rub; bar 阻碍 fir

14、m 坚决的 inflation 通货膨胀 network addiction 网瘾 browse 浏览 information booth 信息膨胀 spoil (a child) 溺爱 peer pressure 同辈压力(攀比) psychological 心理的 mental pressure 心理压力 take action 采取行动 ban weapons 禁止武器 call on sb. to do 号召去做 bid for 申办 launch 投放/投放市场(经济学) manned spaceship 载人航天 rhetorical device 修辞手法 astrology 占

15、星学 annually 每年 in conclusion ;in a word; in summary; all in all increase; raise; add: upsurge 增加 indicate; demonstrate;suggest;show;give 表明 A crop of technicians aides, speechwriters, symbol manufacturers, investigators, and financial researcher 一大批技师助手、演讲撰稿人、会长制造商、调查人员和财政研究员 I hope that people of a

16、ll nations/countries enjoy the freedom of/(immune to) oppression, discrimination and humiliation 我希望各国人民都能享受不被压迫,歧视和欺负 Oppression=tyranny=despotism=subjection=persecution=cruelty=severity=harshness= injustice=suffering=insery =hardship 压迫 Shame= disgrace = degradation = lowering = mortification = chagrin = embarrassment = abashment = indignity= humiliation 欺凌 Bullying 欺负 Valid information 无误的信息 The upkeep of exotic garden and old mansions 奇异古宅的维护 Read/aloud 朗读 Contrib



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