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1、南安市南安市 成功初级中学成功初级中学 戴远同戴远同这几天心里颇不宁静。今晚在院子里坐着乘凉,忽然想起日日走过的荷塘,在 这满月的光里,总该另有一番样子吧。月亮渐渐地升高了,墙外马路上孩子们 的欢笑,已经听不见了;妻在屋里拍着闰儿,迷迷糊糊地哼着眠歌。我悄悄地 披了大衫,带上门出去。 沿着荷塘,是一条曲折的小煤屑路。这是一条幽僻的路;白天也少人走,夜晚 更加寂寞。荷塘四面,长着许多树,蓊蓊郁郁的。路的一旁,是些杨柳,和一 些不知道名字的树。没有月光的晚上,这路上阴森森的,有些怕人。今晚却很 好,虽然月光也还是淡淡的。 路上只我一个人,背着手踱着。这一片天地好像是我的;我也像超出了平常的 自己,

2、到了另一世界里。我爱热闹,也爱冷静;爱群居,也爱独处。像今晚上, 一个人在这苍茫的月下,什么都可以想,什么都可以不想,便觉是个自由的人。 白天里一定要做的事,一定要说的话,现在都可不理。这是独处的妙处,我且 受用这无边的荷香月色好了。 I have been restless these days. Tonight, as I sit down in the yard to enjoy the cool, I remeber the pond that I pass by every day, which now, bathed in the full moonlight, must be t

3、aking on a different look.the moon rises higher and higher graudually,and smiles from kids who are playing on the roads beyond the roads cant be heard any more. My wife is now huming a song while beating run er with her hand to put him to sleep. Quitely putting on my overcoat, I went out and closed

4、the door behind me. along the pond is a winding coal dotted road. It is very quiet. Few people walk on it, and it is even quiter at night.there are a lot of trees on all sides of the pond, which grow thickly. On one side of the road are some willows and some unknown trees.this road,on moonless night

5、s, is very dark and can be terrifying. Tonight ,however ,it is great, though the moonlight is still dim. I walked on the road alone, hands behind my back.this place seem to belong to me.and beyond my ordinary self, I have come to another world. I love noisiness and quiet. I love group life and solit

6、ude as well. like tonight, under the moonlight, one can think of everything , and ignore everything if you will, one is then a free man. Things we must do, words we must say , can now be left untouched. This is the advantage of being alone,let me just enjoy the moon and the pond . Ode to the sun aiq

7、ing早晨,我从睡眠中醒来, in the morning, as I wake up from my dreams看见你的光辉就高兴; the first thing come to my eyes is your light, the mere sight of which really makes me excited虽然昨夜我还是困倦, sleepless as I was last night而且被无数的恶梦纠缠。And worse still haunted by nightmares你新鲜、温柔、明洁的光辉,your fresh, gentle and bright light照

8、在我久未打开的窗上,cast itself on my window, left closed for quite some time now把窗纸敷上浅黄如花粉的颜色, painting the paper on the window yellow嵌在浅蓝而整齐的格影里,and mixing itself with the shutter我心里充满感激,从床上起来,for that, I feel grateful, and getting out of my bed打开已关了一个冬季的窗门,I open the window that has been closed during the

9、winter season让你把全金丝织的明丽的台巾,to let your silver light铺展在我临窗的桌子上。cover my table, close to the window, like a scarf于是,我惊喜看见你:I am just excited to see you这样的真实,不容许怀疑,so real, and undoubtable你站立在对面的山巅,standing on the top of the mountain just opposite to me 而且笑得那么明朗。Yet you smile brightly我用力睁开眼睛看你,I try wi

10、th great effort to open my eyes to take a look at you渴望能捕捉你的形象,in the hope of capturing your image多么强烈,多么恍惚,多么庄严!so strong, dreamy and so solemn你的光芒刺痛我的瞳孔。You lights just pain my eyes太阳啊,你这不朽的哲人,alas, the mighty sun, the immortal sage你把快乐带给人间,it is you who bring happiness to the human world即使最不幸的看见你

11、,even the most unfortunate can feel comfortable 也在心里感受你的安慰。The moment they see you你是时间的锻冶工,you are working on time美好的生活镀金匠;you are a great life maker你把日子铸成无数金轮,you add numerours golden things to our days飞旋在古老的荒原上just flying across the old wasteland假如没有你,太阳,without you, the sun一切生命将匍匐在阴暗里,everything

12、alive would just live in the shadow of the dark即使有翅膀,也只能像蝙蝠 even with wings, they can only live like a bat在永恒的黑夜里飞翔。Flying forever in the dark nights我爱你像人们爱他们的母亲,I love you the way people love their mothers你用光热哺育我的观念和思想you give lights and warmth to breed my thoughts and ideas使我热情地生活,为理想而痛苦,making me

13、 live enthusiatically, and bear any bitterness with enthusiathem直到我的生命被死亡带走。Till the day when my life is taken from me by death经历了寂寞漫长的冬季,after the solitude and long winter, 今天,我想到山巅上去,today, I am goint to the moutain top解散我的衣服,赤裸着,with my clothes taken off, naked在你的光辉里沐浴我的灵魂to bath in your light 我如

14、果爱你if I fell in love with you绝不像攀援的凌霄花 unlike the trumpet creeper which wound its way up借你的高枝炫耀自己; I would not use your twigs to show off myself 我如果爱你if I fell in love with you绝不学痴情的鸟儿 I would not act like a spoony bird为绿荫重复单调的歌曲;who always sing the same song for the green shade over and over again也

15、不止像泉源 i would be like a spring, 常年送来清凉的慰籍;which gives coolness all year round, but I am more than that也不止像险峰 I am more than just a steef mountain增加你的高度,衬托你的威仪。which highten your height and increase your charm甚至日光,not even sunlight甚至春雨。not even rains in the spring不,这些都还不够!I am just more than these th

16、ings我必须是你近旁的一株木棉,I must be a ceiba right beside you做为树的形象和你站在一起。standing with you like a real tree根,紧握在地下,my roots holding under the earth叶,相触在云里。and my leaves holding tight in the clouds每一阵风过,we greet with each other我们都互相致意,when a wind pass by between us但没有人 it doesnt matter 听懂我们的言语。if nobody understand we are talking about你有你的铜枝铁干,your bronze and iron twigs像刀,像剑,resemble swords,knives也像戟,and halberds as well我有我的红硕花朵,my flowers, red像沉重的叹息,resemble deep


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