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1、Lesson1 Who runs fastest in your class?1.words(描述外貌的单词) tall 高的 short 矮的 fat 肥的 thin 瘦的 old 老的 young 年幼的 big 大的 strong 强壮的 small 小的 little 小的 pretty 漂亮的 ugly 丑陋的2.Phrases (固定短语) look at 看着 in the middle 在中间 talk with 和某人说话 in the world 在世界上 in front of 前面 go out 出去 look for 寻找 climb up 爬上 get down 下

2、来3.Sentences (最高级的句子) Who jumps highest, Tom,Jim or Jack?(Tom,Jim Jack,谁跳得最高?)Jack jumps highest of the three.(Jack 是他们三个人当中跳得最高的。 ) Who runs fastest, Mary,Lucy or Lily?(Mary,Lucy,Lily,谁跑得最快?)Lily runs fastest of the three.(Lily 是她们三个人当中跑得最快的。 ) Who is the fattest,Ted,Tim or Dick?(Ted,Tim,Dick,谁最肥?)

3、 Ted is the fattest of the three.(Ted 是他们三个人当中最肥的。 ) Who is the oldest,Kate,Jane or Eve?(Kate,Jane,Eve,谁的年龄最大?)Eve is the oldest of the three.(Eve 是她们三个人当中年龄最大的。)4.Writing (用最高级描述班里的同学) Look! Its our class. Lin Hai is the tallest boy in our class. Liu Wei runs fastest in our class. John is the stron

4、gest boy in our class. Lin Lin is the prettiest girl in our class. I am the youngest boy in our class. 看!这是我们班。林海是我们班里最高的男孩。刘伟是我们班里跑得最快的。约 翰是我们班里最强壮的男孩。琳琳是我们班里最漂亮的女孩。我是我们班里年龄最小 的。5.Grammar 比较级、最高级(我们学过的单词的比较级和最高级分类) 比较级直接在词尾加 er,最高级直接在词尾加 est 的单词: high-higher-highest fast-faster-fastest slow-slower-

5、slowest tall-taller-tallest short-shorter- shortest long-longer-longest old-older-oldest yuong-younger-youngest small-smaller-smallest near-nearer-nearest 比较级双写词尾字母再加 er,最高级双写词尾字母再加 est 的单词: big-bigger-biggest thin-thinner-thinnest fat-fatter-fattest 比较级把 y 变 i 再在词尾加 er,最高级把 y 变 i 再在词尾加 est 的单词: pre

6、tty-prettier-prettiest heavy-heavier-heaviest 比较级直接在词尾加 r,最高级直接在词尾加 st 的单词: large-larger-largest late-later-latest 特殊单词的比较级和最高级 far-farther-farthest little-less-least good/well-better-best bad-worse-worst 注:一般情况下在最高级的单词前加 the,如果和动词连用,可以不加。Lesson2 Its on the fifth floor1.Words(和学校有关的单词以及序数词) reading

7、room(阅览室) classroom(教室) on(在上) floor(地板,楼层) where(在哪儿) class(班) grade(年级) school(学校) lab(实验室) teachers office(教师的办公室) first 第一 second 第二 third 第三 fourth 第四 fifth 第五 sixth 第六 seventh 第 七 eighth 第八 ninth 第九 tenth 第十 eleventh 第十一 twelfth 第十二2.Phrases(固定短语) walk along 沿着 go back 回去 look for 寻找 get on 骑上

8、 go on 继续 come up 出现,走过来 laugh at 嘲笑3.Sentences(和序数词相关的句子) Where is the teachers office?(教师的办公室在哪里?) Its on the third floor.(在三楼) Where is Class One, Grade Two?(二年级一班在哪里?) Its on the first floor.(在一楼) Where is the lab?(实验室在哪里?) Its on the fourth floor.(在四楼)4.Writing(有序数词来描述学校) Look! Its our scool. T

9、here are five floors in our school. The classroom is on the first floor. The reading room is on the second floor. The lab is on the third floor. The dancing room is on the fouth floor. The teachers office is on the fifth floor. 看!这是我们的学校。学校总共有五层楼。一楼是我们的教室。二楼是我们的阅 览室。三楼是我们的实验室。四楼是我们的舞蹈室。五楼是老师的办公室。5.G

10、rammar 序数词前面必须加 the,1-12 序数词的简写: 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12thLesson3 It will be cold tomorrow1.Words(与四季、天气以及自然灾害有关的单词)spring 春天 summer 夏天 autumn 秋天 winter 冬天 warm 暖和的 hot 热的 cool 凉爽的 cold 冷的 fine 晴朗的 windy 刮风的 rainy 雨天 sunny 阳光明媚的 cloudy 多云的 fire 火 drought 旱灾 flood 洪水 El Nino

11、厄尔尼诺现象 storm 沙尘暴2.Phrasesbring about 导致,引起 full of 充满 come back 回来3.SentencesWhats the weather like tomorrow?(明天天气怎么样?) It will be sunny.(将是一个晴天) Its fine, isnt it?(天气很好,难道不是吗?) Yes, it is.(是的,天气很好。 )4.Writing(与四季有关的句子。)There are four seasons in a year. They are spring, summer, autumn,and winter. I

12、like spring, Its warm. I like summer. I can swim. I like autumn. Its cool. I like winter. Its fun to walk in snow. 一年有四个季节。它们是春天,夏天,秋天和冬天。我喜欢春天。很暖和。我喜欢 夏天。可以游泳。我喜欢秋天。很凉爽。我喜欢冬天。在雪地里走路很有趣。5.Grammarwill 用在句子里表示将来的事情。Lesson4 What will you do when you grow up?1.Words(与职业有关的单词)doctor 医生 nurse 护士 teacher 教

13、师 worker 工人 soldier 战士 farmar 农民 driver 驾驶员 singer 歌唱家 player 运动员 runner 赛跑选手2.Phrasesgrow up 成长,长大 way to 到的路 come to 来到3.SentencesWhat will you do when you grow up?(将来你长大的时候想做什么?) I will be a worker.(将来我想做一名工人。 )4.Writing(与将来想从事的职业有关的句子。 )I am a pupil now. I am in Class Five, Grade Six. When I gro

14、w up , I will be a singer. I will sing songs for the peaple. But now I only can sing songs for myself. 我现在是一名小学生。我在六年级五班。将来长大后我想当一名歌唱家。我将会为人 民歌唱。但是现在我只能唱给自己听。5.Grammar 在将来时的时态里,表示将来要发生的事情,标志词是 will。Lesson5 What will you do tomorrow?1.Words(与植树节有关的单词)plant 种,植 tree 树 rose 玫瑰 willow 柳树 pine 松树 date 日期

15、 hill 小山 March 三月 do 做 go 去2.Phrases(与植树节相关的活动)plant trees 植树 grow roses 种植玫瑰 grow Chinese roses 种植月季 plant willows 植柳树 plant pines 植松树 do ones best 尽最大努力3.SentencesWhats the date tomorrow?(明天是什么日子?) Its March 12th, Tree Planting Day.(是 3 月 12 日,植树节。 ) What will you do?(你将要做什么?) Ill plant trees.(我将要去植树)4.Writing(与植树节相关的句子)Tomorrow is March 12th. Its Tree Planting Day. We will plant trees tomorrow. We will plant pines on the hill. We will meet at eight tomorrow. 明天是 3 月 12 日。是植树节。明天我们要去植树。我们将要在小山上种松树。明 天我们八点见。5.Grammarwill 用于将来时,表示未来要发生的事情。Lesson6 Rev



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