7b unit3 finding your way教案

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《7b unit3 finding your way教案》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《7b unit3 finding your way教案(15页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、7B Unit3 Finding your way 教案教案总 题 Unit 3 Finding ur a 总时 第 1 时题 ele t the unit 教学目标 Intrdue the tpi f plaes and transprt T ativate existing vabular and identif tpiT guess eaning fr the pitures 教学重点 T tal abut visits and eans f transprt using del sentenes 教学难点教学过程预习要求:Let students read lie a rbt Enur

2、age The t reeber 1 Read the i strips and ne rds in this setin 2 dra a ap f Baing Step 1 Free tal 1 as ne student t give a dut reprt let the ther students listen arefull2as students t as se questins abut theLet students listenReprt let the students h gives the reprt And as Anser the questins Step 2 i

3、 strips 1 let the students t listen t the tape and Read and repeat Anser ne siple questin Des Hbe n the a?Let students anser tgether 2 Read the i tgether and then let the Read in pairs and 3 get se f the pairs t at in frnt f the lGet students tStep 3 presentatin Reite the text 1 use perpint t presen

4、t the ap n the As pssible Sreen teah the ne rds in this setinEast est nrth suth est suth nrth est 2 teah h t give diretins 教学过程教 学 内 容备札记1 the z is nrth f Beiing As students t pratise lie thatthe teaher an use the sreen t add a hurh,librar,af, ens and ladiess rs and vide shpRevise “heres the?Step 4

5、presentatin Teah h t give diretins Tae the first turning n the left Read after al alng this rad G dn this radThe teaher 3as and give diretins (using the pitures ) As and anser the teahers questins Step 3 l and sa1In pairs, have students l at the piture and as and anser questins as in the presentatin

6、2As and anser in pairs t presentStep 4 presentatin 1 if I ant t g t its far aa fr he, h an I g there an I g n ft? Then lead in the different transprt2 teah ne rds helipter,biletrileUndergund, ret, spaeship, eep, tu 3 read and repeat4 as students t ae sentenes abut plaes The have visited r ant t visi

7、t using the Saple sentenes n page 39 Step He r 1 Reite the rds 2 d exerise总 题 Unit 3 finding ur a 总时第 2 时题 Reading 教学目标 T infer eaning fr erds, ntext and existing nledgeT understand a series f events and siultaneus atins T identif speifi detail b flling a rute and aring pints 教学重点 T understand a ser

8、ies f events and siultaneus atins教学难点 T identif speifi detail b flling a rute and aring pints 教学过程教 学 内 容备札记预习要求:由简单到复杂,由容易到难,循序渐进。鼓励学生讲讲当他们迷路的时候他们是怎么做的。1熟读,找出本的重要短语和句型。2完成后练习3总结问路和指路的方法4听磁带。教学过程:Step 1 Revisin 1Dra a sall ap n the Bb r use a flashard t revise h t as and give diretin As :heres the G

9、et student t anser, Its next t/n the ther Disuss the Side f the streetInteresting pint2In pairs, let students as and anser b Ling at the ap r flashardsStep 2 Pre-read1 In sall grups have the students disussThe questinsenurage the students t tellAbut their n experienes hen the ere Atuall lst, and ant

10、 the did As severalStudents t share their stries2as se students t tell the lass their Stries教学过程教 学 内 容备札记Step 3 Presentatin 适当的扩展一下个别词的用法是必要的。1 use perpint t present the str in flashards and tell the str and get the students t fll the str tgether2 as students t find the ne rds in the str Then as th

11、e h ften these rds appear in the str,ae this int a ptitinThe first t find the rret nuber fr ever As and rd is the innerAnser in pair3 use the perpint t present the str Explain the str and as questins abut the Str here did Susan live ?H did the g there?h did the eet hen the gt ut the ar? hat happened

12、 t the?hat did Paul pen the dr ith?H did the get t the plie statin?h did the see at the plie statin ?h did the plie stp the van?D u thin its their help t let the plieArrest the rbbers?3l at the pitures f the lessn get studentsDesribe the str in their n rdsParaphrase 4 divide the lass int grups f fur

13、 Allate The text in The haraters f ustin, Paul The pliean Their n And the narratr t eah student Reind the rds T express feelings f anxiet, fear, et, in their vies hen the are reading the diret speeh总 题 Unit 3 Finding ur a 总时第 3 时题 Reading 教学目标 nslidate the rds and expressins rds ans expressins in th

14、is setins Train the abilit t paraphrase the text in anther a教学重点教学难点 Train the abilit t paraphrase the text in anther a教学过程教 学 内 容备札记预习要求:Train the listening abilit f the students and fr a gd habit f asing questins in English D the exerises n the bRevise the as t give diretins 教学过程:Free tal 1 as ne

15、student t give a dut reprt let theThe ther students listen arefull2 let the students as se questins abut The dut reprt Listen and tae3 as students t reite the str in their nSe ntes rds and let the as questins abut the StrStep 2 presentatin 1as students t d Part B 1 n their n frnslidatin, as thet hav

16、e red n the The rds, earlier As students t rite the rds and definitns in a vaubular b T enurage independent learning 2 it is a gd idea t enurage students teep rerd f ne vabular in a an refer t the b as a referene Fr later r教学过程教 学 内 容备札记Step 3 This is a gae an nslidate the er f the strFr Part B2 , as students t read the text n Left n their n The then hse the rretrds fr the bxif there are an Disagreeents, as students t he theeaning f the rds b reading the text nPage 40 aga



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