致2100年(a letter to year 2100)

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《致2100年(a letter to year 2100)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《致2100年(a letter to year 2100)(2页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、致致 2100 年年(A Letter to Year 2100)dear u,are u earing paaas? i d nt ean t begin this letter b getting persnali as ust ndering if u peple leave the huse anre sthing that sees t be inreasingl unneessar these das, a hundard ears agare u six-feet-six? are u fl-fishing n ars? are u taling n the ell phne?

2、e are, usuallas lvers leaving lvers sa b the tie u read this,ill be gne r psibbl i ntgiven the a life is being prlnged these das i, ith pigs liver , titaniu hips and nees,artifial heart,thranplanted idne and renstrated dna,uld rite this letter in entr and pi it up in ursi rite u in a dead inter fr a

3、 suer village b the atlati ean the last f huseflies beats its bd against the ind,thrugh hih i ath the trers f a berr trees and the shrn sti treesafternn lers n evening,the s is the lr f unpublished silver a le prter sng, in the still f the night, ges thrught head i d nt n he are generall ntent, gene

4、rall at peae, generall ptiisti, and ith gd reasne are generall rih,re peple have hes theirs ne are generall health, thans largel t rearbale advanes in ediinepeple h died f ertain dieases even 30 ears age are runtinel saved tdain shrt,e are generall in spire f ntable l spts and areas f signifiant ner

5、n ur vies are stl sill ur bs? stl sallthe qualit f ur ulture ritiis is generall s l that ne an nt tell h gd r bad an thers isbut in lierature, at least, it is highl unlil that an riter tured as a heaveigh in ur era r ae it t the ring in ursvies that ne ere udged b nral artisti riteria are n valued b

6、 the aunt f ne the ae ver a eeend fr ur hrrified auseent, see if u dig up sething alledsrea r the blair ith prete enlarge and expand e have reentl fund ut that the entired universe is expanding re than e had initiall believede build, invent and disver at a peae that is dizzing fr us,perhaps turtle f

7、ted fr u i nder h far u have prgressedi nder if u figured ut h t ae the best use f the past i see u ling ba at usu see us ling ut f at ubeause e an iagine ne anther, e nstitute eah thers dreasutside,the air is ld and deep the hangs in a fingernail f light the luds nspire and retreat t reveal ur strats and urs e al ith e in the hill still f the nighturs,rger rsenblatt



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