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1、120102010 年年 6 6 月大学英语四级考试答案及解析月大学英语四级考试答案及解析作文参考作文参考(A)Nowadays, students attach less importance to the spelling of words in the process of English study. This phenomenon greatly influences students writing and brings on worries among teachers.There are possibly three reasons contributing to this p

2、henomenon. First, exam-oriented education makes the students pay less attention to spelling. Second, some teachers should also be responsible for it because they dont emphasize the importance of spelling during teaching. Last but not least, some students are too lazy to recite words.Since spelling i

3、s one of the most important factors in English study, due attention should be given to it. As for me, I think, first, exams should be modified to add some factors into it, which would help students pay more attention to spelling. Then, schools should also set effective mechanisms to help teachers as

4、 well as the students to realize the importance. Finally, for students themselves, they can, through other ways, make them be interested in word spelling. Only by these can we surly realize the importance of spelling and make improvement.(B)What is hot for 2010 in our colleges? It is the spelling mi

5、stakes. Countless students lack due attention to spelling. Taking a look around, we can find examples too numerous to list, the one may be “challenge”. Freshman and sophomore almost write this word as “challenge”. How careless they are!Why such a phenomenon sweeps every university? Some experts attr

6、ibute it to students inattention, because students always pay no attention to spelling. However, other experts argue, 2the teachers should be blamed for this situation. In my opinion, it is far beyond any reasonable doubt that both of them should exert themselves to change the spelling mistakes.As f

7、ar as Im concerned, I firmly argue that we need to attach great importance to word-spelling. To the students, they should write English as much as they can. Meanwhile, to the teachers, the dictations should be reinforced in the class.快速阅读快速阅读1. A) her daughers repeated complains根据第一段最后一句”but it took

8、 near-constant complaints from her four daughters before she realized she had a problem.” 直到她的四个女儿不停的抱怨,她才意识到自己出了问题。2. D) People havent yet reached agreement on its definition据第四段最后一句,对此,人们还未达成共识。3. C) can realize what is important in life据第七段最后一句,”can be solved by encouraging people to prioritize o

9、ther life goals 鯊茝寛 http:/ and plans” 解决这个问题的办法就是将生命中其他的目标和计划摆到重要位置。4. A) it seriously affected family relationships根据第十一段最后一句,”if its a lossand family relationships are breaking downits too much.”5. C) depressed根据第十五段第一句话,”People who struggle with excessive Internet use may be depressed”6. B) His f

10、amily had intervened根据倒数第五段,”he cut back only after a full-scale family intervention”37. B) curb his desire for online gaming根据倒数第四段最后一句,”to remind myself to keep my love for online games in check.” 其中,keep in check 意为,“制止; 控制”。8. had an Internet addiction根据倒数第三段最后一句。9. professional help根据倒数第二段最后一句,

11、”I have no money or insurance to get professional help”:10. online dating根据最后一段,”I have a boyfriend now, and Im not interested in online dating.”听力听力11. C) He cannot get access to the assigned book.由对话可知,该男士认为令他烦恼的是无论是在图书馆还是在书店他都找不到那本书,由此得出答案。get access to 指“获得,走近,接近,能够利用某物”。12. A) She will drive th

12、e man to the supermarket.由文中女士说她不喜欢别人开她的车以及” why dont we go together?”可得知女士将开车与男士一同去超市。13. C) Tidy up the place.由文中” I guess its pretty obvious what youll be doing most of today”可知,很显然她想让他打扫房间。14. A) The talks can be held any day except this Friday.本题考查 one day is as good as the next 的意思,该短语指的是任何一天都

13、行。因此男士的意思是除了本周五,其它任何一天都可以。415. A) He understands the womans feelings.文中男士认为,” Id feel that way too if I were you.”,“如果我是你的话我也会那样(感到很生气)。”因此她赞同女士的想法,表示理解女士的感受。16. D) She has to invite David to the party.从文中女士的话可得知,女士的母亲执意要 David 去参加圣诞 party,因此她不得不请David。17. C) Many students find Prof. Johnsons lectur

14、es boring.由男士的话可得知,很多同学如果课前没喝咖啡的话,几乎很难保持清醒状态,忍不住犯困,也就是说学生们都觉得 Prof. Johnson 的课很无聊。18. D) Assemble a computer.本文中主要是考 assemble 的意思,如果同学知道 assemble 意为“组装,装配”,便不难得出答案。”put a computer together”指“组装电脑”。19. B) It requires him to work long hours.男士开头便说”I have to work very long hours”,因此选 B。20. D) It demand

15、s physical endurance and patience.女士问及工作哪个部分会比较难时,男士回答道他需要一直站着,同时在他们忙的时候,别人会变得易怒,也就是说这份工作需要体力和耐心。21. D) In a hotel.由文中” I wrote to about six hotels 耪http:/ and one of them gave me my first job”可得出答案。22. B) Paying attention to every detail.由男士的回答” Attention to detail”可得知,B 选项恰好与”attention to detail”同

16、义。23. A) The pocket money British children get.原题为 What is the table of figures about? 意思是:这个表格是关于什么的?根据第一句话5Now youve seen this table of figures about the pocket money children in Britain get? 我们可以知道这个表格是关于英国孩子的零花钱情况的。24. C) It often rises higher than inflation.原题为 What do we learn from the conversation about British childrens pocket money? 意思是:从对话中我们可以了解到有关英国孩子零花钱的哪些信息?原文中女性说话人说“Wh



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