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1、选校网 高考频道 专业大全 历年分数线 上万张大学图片 大学视频 院校库选校网 专业大全 历年分数线 上万张大学图片 大学视频 院校库高考英语短文改错考点分析高考英语短文改错考点分析通过对历届高考英语短文改错题的深入研究和反复比较,我们发现:高考英语短文改错的设错(即考点)很有规律,并且呈现出极强的稳定性。常规考点主要集中在动词、冠词、介词、连词、名词、形容词和副词、各类从句引导词、行文逻辑等方面。进一步的研究还表明:动词:动词:主要考查时态(每年必有)、非谓语动词(每年必有)、语态(有时有)等方面。冠词:冠词:主要考查基本用法(冠词设错几乎每年都有)。介词:介词:主要考查介词的习惯搭配(

2、比如与名词搭配、与动词搭配、尤其是与形容词的搭配等,介词设错几乎每年都有)。名词:名词:主要考查其可数性或单复数的使用情况等(几乎每年都有)。形容词:形容词:主要考查比较等级、搭配、修饰、用法区别等(形容词设错几乎每年都有)。副词:副词:主要考查副词修饰其他词的正确性,有时也考查搭配与行文逻辑方面的问题等。代词:代词:主要考查前后指代的一致性以及某些习惯用法等。并列连词:并列连词:并列连词考查主要涉及行文逻辑。各类从句:各类从句:包括状语从句、名词性从句、定语从句等。主要考查各类从句的引导词的正确使用问题(大部分年份有)。另外,从近 10 来年的短文改错考题来看,在错词行、多词行、漏词行、无错

3、行等设错形式方面也有很强的规律性:错词行:错词行:一般为 56 行(通常是与漏词行合为 7 行)多词行:多词行:一般为 12 行(以 2 行为多见)。漏词行:漏词行:一般为 12 行(通常是与错词行合为 7 行)无错行:无错行:一般为 1 行。高考英语短文改错的改错切入点高考英语短文改错的改错切入点一、多一词一、多一词(1) 多一介词或副词多一介词或副词 有些动词在汉语中是不及物动词,在英语中是及物动词,可能多一个介词。如:serve for the people, follow after him, play with her in a match, marry with her, enga

4、ge with her 有些动词可作及物动词,也可作不及物动词,但搭配不同,可能混淆而多一个介词。如:join in the game, 但 join in the club; pay for a TV set, 但 pay for three dollars; search for the map, 但 search for the thief for his watch 有些“动词 + 介词”形式的动词后面没有宾语时,后面的介词是多余的。如:He looked at but could see nothing. How are you getting on with?选校网 高考频道 专

5、业大全 历年分数线 上万张大学图片 大学视频 院校库选校网 专业大全 历年分数线 上万张大学图片 大学视频 院校库 有些动词、名词、形容词后接名词或代词时须加一个介词,但接 that 从句时,必须去掉介词。如:agree to it, 但 agree to that.; be sure of it, 但 be sure of that; be sorry for it, 但 be sorry for that 有些副词或介词词组后加一个介词,组成了复合介词,若后面没有接宾语时,最后的介词则是多余的。如:If you wont go, Ill go instead of.He walked o

6、ut of. 有些连词后加 of 成为复合介词,如果后接从句,of 是多余的。如:Because of he was ill 地点副词的意义中已经包含了介词 to,如果再用 to 则是多余的。如:on my way to there, get to home, go to upstairs, return to home last year, next month, this week, one day 等名词词组直接充当时间状语,前面用介词是多余的。 有些动词受汉语意思影响而多一副词,如:stop down(停下来), raise up (举起来), return back(归来,回来),

7、repeat again (复述) 有些动词在一种用法中要加副词,而在另一种用法中加副词则是多余的。如:build up our country, 但 build up railways(2) 多一连词多一连词 状语从句与主句之间多一并列连词,如:though but; because so; the more and the more 充当状语的分词与主句之间多一并列连词。如: Sitting down and he began to work.Regarded as the best in the class, so he was praised at the meeting. 从属连词后

8、多一 that。如:because that since that, unless that 复合宾语前多一 that。如:I heard that him say it.I found that her lying on the ground.(3) 多一代词多一代词 主语与谓语之间多一关系代词。如:Some people dont like football, but many people who do like it. 作定语的分词前多一关系代词。如:I know the boy who standing there.(也可在 who 后加 is)The man who invited

9、 to the ball last night is my friend.(也可在 who 后加 was) 定语从句中的名词已由关系代词取代,再用代词则是多余的。如:She bought the book (that) she had first asked for it.I have seen the girl (whom) you are talking of her. 用不定式作定语时,如果其逻辑宾语或介词宾语就是被修饰的名词词组,后面再用代词是多余的。如: The tea is too hot to drink it.He is a good comrade to work with

10、him. 在“形容词 + 不定式”句型中,如果不定式的逻辑宾语或介词宾语就是句子的主语,再用代词作宾语或介词宾语则是多余的。如:This question is too difficult to answer it. The house is nice to live in it. 在“连词 + 分词 / 名词 / 形容词 / 副词 / 介词词组”结构中,加上代词作主语是多余的。如:He took notes while he reading.选校网 高考频道 专业大全 历年分数线 上万张大学图片 大学视频 院校库选校网 专业大全 历年分数线 上万张大学图片 大学视频 院校库If it h

11、eated, ice turns to water.(4) 多一助动词多一助动词 时间、条件从句中用一般现在时表示将来时,用 will, would 是多余的。如:If he will try hard, he will succeed.Ill tell them about it as soon as they will come. be sure 或 make sure + that 从句中用一般现在时表将来,用 will, would 是多余的。如:I make sure that you will come early. 在宾语从句中主语前的助动词是多余的。如:Would you te

12、ll me what do you want? 独立结构中的 be(助动词或连系动词)是多余的。如:The game was over, he went home.She smiled, tears were still running down her face.(5) 多一冠词多一冠词 与介词 at, in, to 连用的名词 school, class, town, hospital, church, prison, bed 等表示与其有关的活动时,用冠词是多余的。如:go to the school(上学), be in the prison(坐牢), be in the bed(在睡

13、觉) 与 by 连用的交通工具名称和 air, land, sea 等名词前用冠词是多余的。如:by the bike, by the sea, by the train 表示游戏活动而不是表示游戏工具的名词前不用冠词。如:play the / a volleyball, play the chess, play the table tennis 由“专有名词 + 普通名词”构成的专有名词前不用定冠词。如:the Beijing Airport, the Oxford Street, the Hyde Park 在一些固定搭配中。如:at the first, at the last, the

14、 most of us most 作“非常”解时,前面用 the 是多余的。如:Oh! Its the most beautiful! She is the most diligent. 含有 Day 的节日前加 the 是多余的。如:the May Day, the Womens Day, the National day, the New Years Day 在“名词 + as / though”结构中,名词前不用任何冠词。如:a child as he is / a fool as he is(6) 多一小品词多一小品词 to 在 had better, would rather, ra

15、ther than 后的不定式前用 to 是多余的。如:You had better not to go.I would rather to stay at home. 在 make, let, have, see, feel, watch, notice, observe 等使役、感官动词后充当宾语补足语的不定式前用 to 是多余的。如: He made me to do heavy work. Let me to hear you to play. 二、缺一词二、缺一词(1) 缺一介词缺一介词选校网 高考频道 专业大全 历年分数线 上万张大学图片 大学视频 院校库选校网 专业大全 历年分数线 上万张大学图片 大学视频 院校库 有些动词后有时有介词,有时没有介词,可能混淆而缺一介词。如:attend a meeting, 但 attend (to) the patient; prepare breakfast, 但 prepare (for) the exam; join us, 但 join(in) a game. 表语形容词通常具有动词意义,很可能误以为是动词而漏掉介词。如:be afraid (of) nothing, be present (at) the meeting, be sure (about) it。 except, instead of, from,



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