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1、(8A)Test for Chapter 4I .Choose the best answer (20%)( )1. I dont think he can do the work all by _. We must help him.A. him B. himself C. he D. his( ) 2. About _ of the books in our school library are written in Chinese.A. four-fifth B. four-fifths C. fourth-fifths D. fourths-fifth ( ) 3. Well have

2、 a _ holiday. What about going to the West Lake?A. two days B. two-day C. two-days D. two-days ( ) 4. Now, children, turn to page _ and look at the _ pictures in Lesson Two.A. twentieth, one B. twenty, one C. twentieth, first D. twenty, first ( ) 5. 1 inch is equal to 2.54 cm. here 2.54 reads_.A. tw

3、o point fifty-four B. two points fifty-four C. two point five four D. two points five four ( ) 6. More than 71 per cent of the earth _ water.A. is B. are C. was D. were( ) 7. How to read 204=5?A. twenty divided by four is five B. twenty divided 4 is five C. four divided by twenty is five D. four div

4、ide twenty is five ( ) 8. We use the _ for measuring angles.A. protractor B. calculator C. fraction D. compasses ( ) 9. Internet makes it easier _ friends and _ information.A. to make; finding B. make; find C. to make; to find D. make; to find ( ) 10. All the numbers are counted_ tens.A. at B. on C.

5、 with D. in ( ) 11. Which of the following is different from the other three?A. twenty percent B. one-fifth C. zero point two D. two point zero ( ) 12. Why are you walking _?A. hurried B. hurriedly C. hurry D. hurrily ( ) 13. Tom, together with her parents _ to the zoo this time yesterday.A. is goin

6、g B. was going C. are going D. were going ( ) 14.Is a human brain_ than a computer?A. power B. powerfuler C. more powerful D.most powerful ( ) 15. 125 is _ number.A. a decimal B. a odd C. an even D. an odd ( ) 16. If you dont have _ , it will be difficult to draw a circle.A. a calculator B. a pair o

7、f compasses C. an abacus D. a brain ( ) 17. Shakuntalas brain works very fast. She can do a calculation _.A. like lightening B. like light C. like lightning. D. in a minute ( ) 18. One of the first calculating machines was _ abacus.A. a B. the C. an D. /( ) 19. _ these ten numbers we can write any n

8、umbers.A. In B. Without C. From D. With ( ) 20. The yellow parts on the map _ mountains.A. stand B. paint C. tell D. representII. Fill in the blanks using the proper forms of the given words (5%)1. Making paper is the _ of the ancient Chinese people. (invent) 2. The news is very _ .(amaze) 3. Its th

9、e old mans _ birthday today. (ninety) 4. Can you describe _ what he looks like? (accurate) 5. The famous _ writer was killed in his flat last night. (Greece)III. Fill in the blanks with the proper forms of the verbs (5%)1. Someone _ my purse. I cant buy anything now. (steal) 2. Three young men start

10、ed _ to us. (talk) 3. Hurry! Your mum _ for you. (wait) 4. Stop _ and listen to the teacher please. (talk) 5. This is the picture Jane _ just now. (draw)IV. Choose the one closest in meaning (5%)A. find an answer to B. very quickly C. a group of things that work together D. made for the first time E

11、. orders F. without mistakes () 1. Can you use your own computer to solve the problem? ( ) 2. You should read the instruction carefully before you use a new electrical appliance. () 3. The underground train has an automatic system. () 4. Computers are accurate machines. () 5. Edison invented the ele

12、ctric light.V. Rewrite the sentences as required (10%)1. He had few lessons yesterday, _ _? (完成反意疑问句)2. All of the teachers like her singing.(改为完全否定句)_ _ the teachers like her singing. 3. The man is so weak that he cant move that box. (保持原句意思) The man is _ _ to move that box. 4. I bought the bike th

13、ree years ago. (保持原句意思) I _ _ the bike for three years . 5. He had three pieces of bread this morning. (对划线部分提问)_ _ you have this morning?VI. Read and choose T or F (5%)Toms family moved to a new town recently. Some days later when Tom and his classmates were having a lesson, the teacher called Tom

14、to come up to her desk and began to ask him a lot of questions, but Tom couldnt answer any of them. The teacher then decided to ask him some very easy questions so that he could get a few right.“Where is the Great Wall ?” She said.Tom thought for some time and then answered, “In Egypt.”“No, it is in China,” the teacher said. She was ge


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