驼峰航线(the hump)

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《驼峰航线(the hump)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《驼峰航线(the hump)(3页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、驼峰航线驼峰航线(the Hump)the nstrutin f the bura rad ver frbidding, nsn-sept terrain as an astnishing feat n less ipressive, thugh, as the ther a fr india int hina during rld ar ii, bth befre and after the land rute as pened gds traveled via an airlift that beae nn as the hup, and the aplishents f thse h e

2、pt the hu 将 p rute up and runsupplies ere transprted ning are trul rearable在险恶严峻,饱受季风摧残的地形修筑滇缅公路,是一项撼人的壮举。然而,在二战期间的陆路建设同时,从印度补给送入中国的另一条路线也不遑多让。补给物资由飞行器飞越所谓的驼峰航线,能够这条驼峰航线保持空运,也是非常了不起的成就。fr the spring f 1942 until the ar ended in august 194, pilts sills ere tested as the rssed tering untains in absal

3、irustanesvilent turbulene, apanese airfire, dreadful eather, alfuntining airplanesand ith little sleep planes t ff arund the l fr an f 13 bases in nrtheastern india, landing abut 00 iles (800 ileters) later at ne f 6 airfields in hina st f the planes and pilts belnged t the air transprt and, and se

4、en fle as an as three rund-trips a da从 1942 年春直到 194 年 8 月战争结束,崇山峻岭及险象环生的环境中强劲气流、日军炮火、恶劣天气、飞机故障飞行员们忍受着睡眠不足,一次次的接受考验。飞机全天候待命,从印度东北的13 个基地飞到 800 公里外的 6 个中国机场降落。大部分的飞机和飞行员都隶属于空运司令部,其中的一些人要一天来回飞三次。in his b fling the hup: eries f an air ar, frer hup pilt and urnalist tha spener qutes ne pilts tpiall harr

5、ing experiene in the air e enuntered a slid ld frnt at 16,000 feet (,000 eters) suddenl the entire plane began t vibrateie had built up n ur prps and e ere unable t brea it lse i rdered the re t prepare fr bail ut and i uld reain and tr t get rid f the iethe re eleted t reain ith the planee had drpp

6、ed int a river vallesuddenl it sunded as if the engines ere ing apart e had entered the ar air and the lubbing prps ere letting lse large huns f iee ere still fling, ust siing the treetps at 9,800 feet (2,900 eters)at uning the airraft as grunded, as the entire fuselage in line ith bth prps as liter

7、all delishedur arg had been explsivesanther nral da前驼峰飞行员,后来做了记者的 tha spener 在他的著作飞越驼峰:空战回忆录中,引述飞行员在空中典型的惨痛经验。我们在 000 米的时候遇上强劲冷锋。突然间整架飞机开始震动螺旋桨结了冰,甩也甩不掉我下令组员准备跳伞,我则留下来设法除冰组员决定与飞机共存亡我们坠向山谷突然间引擎听起来好像要四分五裂了我们进入温暖的空气中,冻结的螺旋桨掉下大块的冰我们还在飞,高度 2900 米并擦过树梢飞机在昆明降落,整个机身和两个螺旋桨几乎全毁我们载的货物是炸药又过了有惊无险的一天。 in all, se 60,000 tns (600,000 etri tnnes) f supplies ere ferried t hina ver the hup, but at a st: re than 600 planes and 1,000 lives ere lst in the airlift总共有大约 6 万吨的补给品越过驼峰进入中国大陆,但这是有代价的:空运过程中损失了超过 600 架飞机和 1000 条人命。文章地址:/zuen/inguzuen/gzz/20090991307444927028431ht



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