
上传人:艾力 文档编号:35285063 上传时间:2018-03-13 格式:DOC 页数:2 大小:23.50KB
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1、高中生如何选择大学高中生如何选择大学Stud in a Big Universit r a Sall ne an senir shl students (高中生) are faed ith the headahe hie beteen big universities and sall nes Apart fr different requireents, eah has advantages and disadvantages If u as e hat preferene is, anser is that I uld lie t g t a big universit A big uni

2、versit attrats e fr sund reasns re qualified teahing staff, higher ais and better nditins are helpful t students studing there hat is re, varius letures rganized b re lleges (大学里的学院) and departents ae students in different ars fr all rund pinins n things And diverse ativities enrih students life aft

3、er shl Additinall, a big garden apus prvides a satisfing envirnent fr studing and living fr fur r re earsThugh re students ight ean re petitins, thugh I ight be a sall fish in a big pnd, I ill be tivated t r harder In a big universit, I believe, visins ill be bradened, and llege life ill be a re fruitful and lurful ne In rd, I a inlined (倾向于) t stud in a big universit范文分析作者思路张而不散。引言段首先交待问题的由来,在对两类大学公正评述后,作者不失时机地表明“我对此的看法”。第二段在列举优势时全面、客观,主次分明。结论段先用一分为二的观点进行推断,借助第二段的铺垫在“一言以蔽之”后嘎然而止。思路非无限扩充,提笔果断、收笔利索。(提示:对于比较性文章,一般有三种写作方法:同时比较双方优缺点;罗列单方面优点;罗列单方面缺点。)


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