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1、计算机个人英文简历 i have the hnr t present a brief intrdutin f self t u in pliane ith the requireents f ur graduate adissini as brn in nveber 7th, 1966, at the tn f hanging, beiing parents are ding business and faring i have ne elder sister, ne unger sister, and t unger brthers the fail is in a ell-t-d untr

2、 ith harnized atsphere after eleentar and unir high shl eduatin at hetn, i ent n senir high shl eduatin at a publi vatinal tehnial high shl at the neighbring unt fangshan urses i have taen there inlude: ehanial struture, applied ehanial dnais, aterial strength, heat treatent analsis, and eletrial en

3、gineering i als had pratie urses n lathe r, benh r, asting, engineering draing, and eletrni televisin repair sill after graduatin fr this tehnial shl, i fund a b at the evergreen traffi rp hen i had red ne ear in ehanial design and heat treatent analsis, i as aditted t the puter siene departent f be

4、iing institute f tehnlgiesputer siene eduatin as an extensin f pursuit in eletrni nledge, it had led e int the rld f applied eletrnis urses i had taen are: alulus, puter prgraing (frtran, bl, assebl, and basi), puter arhiteture, algrith, aintenane, sste analsis, and se related urses in aunting, stat

5、istis, perating researh, digital value analsisbeginning at the send ear f llege, i partiipated in a r stud prgra and as assigned t the puter enter f far east textile rp as night-shift puter peratr, the puters i dealt ith ere d 3300 ss and ib 370-11 ds/vs sste the ar r i had dne as the sste transfere

6、ne f d 3300: ss t ib 370-11 ds/vsin 1989, i as epled b hina autbile rp as a puter prgraer, and as infred t r n the first f unefr the first six nths f servie, i as in harge f the ib 4331; ds/ vse sste peratin, and later n dealt ith persnnel / parll and finaning sste prgraing rs in the send ear, i as

7、prted t be a sste analst fr persnnel/ parll sste in an attept t upgrade the effiien f puter data press and t siplif users perating predures, i redesigned the hle ring sste and i suessfull transferred a bath peratin fr riented sste t n-line sste in the third ear, i spent five nths in the develping f subsste f finaning-aunting n sner had i finished that sste than i as reassigned as a subsste prgraer in harge f ds / vse, is, and vta at that psitin i have full respnsi



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