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1、1 广州版小升初句型转换 句型转换是小升初常考题,从 2006 到 2011 几乎每年都考,只有,2008 和 2010 年没有考,所以我们 要引起重视我们看看小升初的句型转换具体要考哪些,接下来我们一起来研究小升初 肯定句 转 否定句 历年真题:Please read Lesson One( 改为否定句)(2006)_ _ Lesson One ,please 我来分析: 还有其它的哪些祈使句型,你来说说: 我们来总结否定句型的变化 I can swim. I am a student. I like swimming. She loves pets. I did my homework l

2、ate yesterday. I will go and join them. I like some bread. 特别注意:如果肯定句中有 some,and 这种只能用于肯定句的词汇时,在改 否定句时,要把它们 变为可以用在否定句中的 any 和 or。 我要注意: 2012 模拟题: His mother likes wearing blue skirts. (改为否定句)_ 肯定句 转 一般疑问句 历年真题: 1.Jackie has lunch at schoo1 ( 改为一般疑问句)(2006)8_ Jackie _ lunch at school ?2.We ate lots o

3、f delicious food last Spring Festival. (改为一般疑问句)(2009)_ you _ lots of delicious food last Spring Festival?3.We ate lots of delicious food last Spring Festival (改为一般疑问句)(2011)_ you _ lots of delicious food last Spring Festival? 我来分析: 我来讲解: 2012 模拟题: We ate lots of delicious food last Spring Festival.

4、( 改为一般疑问句)_ 划线提问 历年真题: 1.My favourite subject is science(划线部分提问)(2006) _ _ favourite subject ?2.They have maths on Tuesday and Friday . (划线部分提问)(2006)_ _ they have maths ?3.My watch is broken (就划线部分提问)(2007)_ _ _ _watch?(2007)4. Baby Bear looked in the bedroom .( 就划线部分提问)(2007)_ _Baby Bear _?5. He h

5、as a piece of bread for breakfast every day (就划线部分提问)(2007)_ _ _ _ for breakfast every day?6.Lily likes spring best. (对划线部分提问)(2009)_ season _ lily like best?7. I picked oranges on the farm last week.(对划线部分提问)(2009)_ you _ oranges last week?8. You need to take this medicine 3 times a day (就划线部分提问)(2

6、011) _ _ do I need to take this medicine? 我来分析(历年小升初有用到哪些疑问代词,怎么考): 我来总结疑问代词:1 询问主格(人) _; 询问物或干什么_; 询问所有格谁的_; 哪一个人或物 _;询问地点_;询问时间_; 询问较为具体的时间_;询问原因_;询 问用方法,如何_; 还可以后接相应的形容词或副词询问 其程度_;询问年龄 _;询问可数名词的量_; 询问价格和不可数名词的量_;询问频率_;询问 还要多久才_;询问时间多久或某物体多长_;询问距离_;询问对于某个行为动作 的意见_;询问对于某件事情或者物体的意见_。 2012 模拟题: 1.He

7、usually plays basketball in the park on Sunday. (对划线部分提问)_ and _ _he play basketball?2. The pictures on the desk are mine. (对划线部分提问)_ _the pictures on the desk? 改同义句 历年真题: 1. I like the actor Paul Smith best (改为同义句)(2007)_ _ actor is Paul Smith2. Can I look at your new sofa? (改为同义句)(2007)Can I _ _ _

8、 _ your new sofa?3. I jump higher than my brother.(同义句转换)(2009)My brother _ _ than me.4.I like the actor Paul Smith best (改为同义句)(2011)_ _ actor is Paul Smith5.I jump higher than my brother(改为同义句)(2011)My brother _ _ than me 改同义句需注意要用改写的部分替换掉原句中舍去的部分,还要注意人称及动词形式的变化。 预测 2012: 1.My favourite sport is s

9、wimming. (改为同义句)_ swimming _.2. He often takes a walk after supper . (同义句) He often _ _ _ a walk after supper .13. Exercise1 is easier than Exercise 2. (同义句)Exercise2 is _ _ Exercise 1.4.The boys and girls have many toys. (同义句)The _have _a lot of toys. 改复数句 历年真题: 1.That bus is very old ( 改为复数句)(2007

10、)_ _ _ very old2.That is her knife.(改成复数)(2009)_ are _ _ _. 注意:要求将句子里所有的单数词改为复数词,包括主语、谓 语和宾语所含的词我们来回顾一下,主语有哪些改复数的:谓语呢?宾语呢? 预测 2012: 1.The child likes eating bananas. (改为复数)_2. There is a picture on the wall. ( 改成复数形式) There _ some _ on the wall.3.This is an apple tree. (变为复数句) These _ some _ _. 两个句子

11、连成一个句子 历年真题:Ann is ten years oldLucy is eight years old (把两个句子连成一句)(2006)Lucy is two years _ _ Ann 预测 2012:The plant is next to the sofa. The plant is next to the table. (合并为一句) The plant is _ the sofa _ the table. 时态转换 历年真题:A cat is looking for something to eat (改为过去式)(2011)A cat for something to e

12、at1 我来讲解四大时态: 时态转换 一般现在时:We often have an English class on Sundays. 现在进行时: 一般将来时: 一般过去式: 我要注意: 预测 2012:My sister often has lunch at school.(改为现在进行时)My sister_ _ lunch at school now. 小升初还有没考到的几种句型转换,我们也来看看: These are cars.( 用 buses 改写成选择疑问句) Are these cars_ _ ? He has a new bike. ( 改为反义疑问句) The TV play is really wonderful. (改为感叹句) _ _ the TV play is!第一练 1. John usually brushes his teeth before he goes to bed.(用 what 对划线部分提问) What _ John usually _ before he goes to bed. 2. John and Victor often play sports at 3:30 in the afternoon


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