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1、Unit2 重点 1. look like( 外貌) 长得像 be like 像( 个性/ 外貌) 2. used to do 过去常常做 use to be n./adj. 3. be used to n. 习惯于某事 be used to doing 习惯做某事 4. be used to do sth. /be used for doing sth. 被用来做某事 5. What did you use to look like? I used to have long hair. 6. What did he use to be like? He used to be tall and

2、 outgoing. 7. have a medium build 中等身材 / be of medium height 中等个头 8. What did he use to like? He used to like spiders and other insects. 9. What did you use to be afraid of? I used to be afraid of snakes. 10. You didnt use to be interested in sports, did you? No, I didnt. 是,我过去没兴趣 11. sb. do sth. fo

3、r the first time =Its the first time for sb. to do sth. 第一次做某事 12. over here 就在这里 13. be afraid of sth./doing sth. 害怕某物做某事 be afraid to do害怕做某事 14. be afraid that+从句 恐怕/ 担心 15. be terrified of n./doing sth. 对做某事心存恐惧 16. be afraid of high places 恐高 17. speak in front of a group 在一群人面前发言 18. go to sle

4、ep with the bedroom light on 开着卧室的灯睡觉 19. the dark 黑暗 20. fly in an airplane 坐飞机 21. be alone 独自一人 22. wait a minute 等一会儿 23. have a good memory 有好的记忆力 24. wear glasses 戴眼镜 wear contact lenses 戴隐形眼镜 25. look worried 看上去很担心 a worried face/expression 担心的面孔/表情 26. a couple of days 两天 a couple of 一对,两 2

5、7. look different 看上去不同 28. Dont you remember me? 你难道不记得我了吗? 29. be/become/feel more interested in sth. 对.更感兴趣=have/take interest(n) in sth. 30. People sure change.人们当然会改变 He sure changes. 31. have gym class 上体育课 32. walk to school on foot=go to school on foot 步行去学校 33. hate doing sth. /hate to do s

6、th. /hate n. 厌恶做某事 hate to be left alone /hate being left alone 讨厌被独自留下 34. on the soccer team 成为足球队一员 35. worry about sth. /be worried about sth.担心某件事 36. all the time 一直 37. all day 一整天=the whole day 38. go right home 径直走回家 39. eat candy 吃糖 40. chew(-ed) gum a lot 总是嚼口香糖 41. my six-year-old brothe

7、r 我六岁的弟弟 six-year-olds 六岁的孩子们 42. notanymore 不再=no more 43. chat with sb. about sth. =have a chat with sb. /have a conversation with sb. 和某人就某话聊 44. take sb. to concerts/dinner 带某人去音乐会/ 吃晚餐 take sb. to sp. 把某人带去某地 45. have so much time for concerts 有这样多的时间去音乐会 46. miss the old days 怀念过去的日子 miss n./d

8、oing sth. 47. start high school 开始上中学 48. hardly ever 几乎从不 49. in the last few years =in the past few years 在过去的几年里(和现在完成时连用) 50. mind n./doing sth. 介意某事/ 做 Would you mind me/my doing sth? 51. read comics 看漫画 52. make sb. stressed out 使某人压力很大 make sb. adj. make sb. exhausted 使.筋疲力尽 53. move to anoth

9、er town 搬到另一个城镇 move to sp. 54. my daily life 我的日常生活 55. grow ones hair long 留长头发 grow a beard 留胡子 56. It seems that +从句 看起来像 seem adj/n. seem like n. Reading: 57. afford to 担负得起做 58. pay for the education 付学费 pay money for sth. 为.付钱 59. cause trouble/ problems for sb. 给造成麻烦 60. got into trouble wit

10、h sb. 和某人之间有了麻烦 61. a boys boarding school 一所男子寄宿学校 62. Its necessary for sb. to do sth. 做某事对某人来说是必需的 63. It was exactly what I needed. 这正是我所需要的。 64. even though =even if 尽管,即使 65. try to do 尽力做某事 try doing 尝试做某事 66. pay attention to n.对专心 67. make learning history a real experience 使学历史成为一种真实的体验 ma

11、ke sth sth. 68. give up doing sth. 放弃做某事 69. help him to feel good about himself 帮助他对自己有信心 70. be patient with sb. 对某人有耐心 have patience(n.) 有耐心 71. take pride in =be proud of 对而自豪 take pride in everything good I do 为我做的所有好事骄傲 72. to oned surprise 另某人惊奇的是 73. head teacher 校长 74. change ones mind 改变某人

12、的主意 make up ones mind to do sth. 下决心做某事 75. historical places 古迹 76. make a decision on sth./to do sth. 做决定 77. waste time/ money on sth. 把时间和金钱浪费在某事上 a waste of time 78. work out the physics problems 解物理题 79. make a survey of=do a survey about 做的调查 词汇 Hair 头发 straight 直发 curly 卷发 blonde 金发碧眼 ponytail 马尾辫 bald 秃顶 Personality 性格 easygoing 好相处的 optimistic 乐观的 modest 谦虚的 generous 慷慨的 serious 严肃的 moody 情绪化的



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