母爱无价(cost of love)

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《母爱无价(cost of love)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《母爱无价(cost of love)(2页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、母爱无价(Cost of Love)一天晚上,妻子在厨房准备晚餐的时候,我们的小儿子拿着一 张纸走向他母亲。上面写道:洗车-美元本周整理我的房间-1 美元为你去商店-0 美元照管小妹妹-02 美元外出倒垃圾-1 美元成绩报告单获得良好- 美元打扫通道-2 美元总计应得-147 美元他母亲看着他儿子满怀希望地站在那儿等着拿钱。我能看到 她脑子里翻腾着记忆的浪花。她拿起钢笔把儿子写过的纸翻过来。 在上面写道:你呆在我的腹中,我为你怀胎 9 月是无价的;我陪伴着你为你求医、为你祈祷的那些晚上是无价的;为你准备玩具、食物、衣服甚至为你擦鼻涕,那是无价的, 儿子,你把以上所有的累加起来,我为你付出的全部

2、的爱是无价的。儿子读完母亲写的话,双眼含着豆大的泪花,他看着他的妈妈说:妈ar$00fr aing n bed this ee$100ging t the prvisin shp$00plaing ith little sister $02taing ut the rubbish$100getting a gd reprt ard$00and fr seeping the n rridr$200ttal $147his ther led at hi standing there expeting paent i uld see a thusand eries flashed thrugh he

3、r ind s she pied up the pen and turning the paper ver, this is hat she rte:fr 9 nths i arried u, gring inside en hargefr the nights i sat up ith u, dtred and praed fr un hargefr the ts, fd and lthes and iping ur nsen hargehen u add it all up, the full st f lven hargeell, hen he finished reading, he had great big tears in his ees he led at his ther and said, u, i lve u then he t the pen and in great big letters rte n the bill all paid妈,我爱你。他拿出钢笔在他的帐单上用大写字母写道:全 部还清。



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