厦门韦博商务英语对话自学实战 第十三回合劳资关系词汇

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《厦门韦博商务英语对话自学实战 第十三回合劳资关系词汇》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《厦门韦博商务英语对话自学实战 第十三回合劳资关系词汇(7页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、到韦博学习英语,更方便,更快捷 English prefect your life! 厦门韦博分享 1-7 厦门商务英语对话自学实战 第十三回合劳资关系词汇在西方,常会看到工会所组织的工人的罢工活动。但是在中国,罢工却很少发生,工人 们一般都习惯在企业内部自行解决矛盾。而且,在中国罢工等集会形式都需要得到政府的批准, 否则就是不合法的。在中国,工会是自愿结合的工人阶级群众组织,是中国共产党联系职工群众的桥梁和纽带。中国的工会形式是这样的:同一企业、事业、机关单位中的会员,组织在一个工会基层组 织中;同一行业或性质相近的几个行业,根据需要建立全国或地方产业工会组织。省、自治区、 直辖市、自治州

2、、市、县(旗)建立地方总工会。全国成立统一的中华全国总工会。一般企业 中的工会主席由企业的副职领导兼任,并设副主席和几名干事。在企业、事业单位中,工会的作用是支持行政依法行使管理权力,组织职工参加民主管理 和民主监督,与行政方面建立协商制度,保障职工的合法权益,教育职工不断提高思想道德素 质和科学文化素质,调动职工的积极性,促进企业、事业的发展。工会常做的事情是发送福利、 组织活动、节日慰问等,平时还给工人提供法律服务、社会保障咨询等等。同西方一样,工会的基本职责也是维护职工合法权益,协调劳资关系,调节社会矛盾。英:Labor unionOrganization which protects

3、and serves the rights, privileges, and needsof workers. Originally served to curb abuses to low- value, low-skilled,到韦博学习英语,更方便,更快捷 English prefect your life! 厦门韦博分享 2-7poor workers who usually worked long hours for low pay in service andmanufacturing industries. Today, labor unions span across all

4、 industriesin the West, from automobile plant workers to zoo keepers.SyndicateA syndicate is a group of unions in the same industry (i.e. automobilemanufacturing, assembly line workers), or across multiple industries servingthe same main industrial sector (i.e. electricians, truckers, technicians, e

5、tc.).Union repA union representative is a union member who is the liaison betweenmanagement and unionized employees.GrievanceA complaint from a union employee or employees who believe that到韦博学习英语,更方便,更快捷 English prefect your life! 厦门韦博分享 3-7something in the labor contract is not being adhered to.Du

6、esA regular deduction (usually at source) that is paid to the union formembership privileges.WalkoutUnapproved stoppage of work by unionized employees to protestsomething. Generally short in nature.Contract negotiationNegotiation between a company and a labor union to settle items in anew contract o

7、r to renegotiate items in an existing contract. Itincludes such items as: salary, benefits, job security, workloads,到韦博学习英语,更方便,更快捷 English prefect your life! 厦门韦博分享 4-7working conditions, and safety conditions.Legal strikeA stoppage of work by unionized employees, usually due to stallednegotiation

8、s for a new contract or to protest violations of the terms in anexisting contract. Before striking, the union must obtain approval by amajority of unionized members, serve advance notice to the company ofa pending strike, and notify them of the effective date. There is acooling-off period, usually s

9、et by government, between contract expiryand the earliest date that the union is legally allowed to strike.Wildcat strikeAn illegal stoppage of work by unionized employees. Usuallyhappens when the union feels there has been gross violation and到韦博学习英语,更方便,更快捷 English prefect your life! 厦门韦博分享 5-7abu

10、se of their rights and privileges as workers and citizens.ScabsNon-unionized employees brought in by management to substitute forunionized workers who are on strike, whether legal or illegal.ArbitrationMethod of settling disputes between employer and employees byseeking and accepting a decision by a

11、 third party. Such arbitration maybe compelled by the government or it may be by voluntary agreement.中:工会到韦博学习英语,更方便,更快捷 English prefect your life! 厦门韦博分享 6-7为工人的权利、利益和需要提供保护和服务的组织。它们最早是为防止那些在制造业和服 务业工作的低价值、低工资、低报酬并长时间劳动的穷工人遭到虐待而成立的。如今工会组织 在西方几乎涵盖了所有的行业,从汽车厂工人到动物园饲养员。辛迪加辛迪加是在同一产业中的一些联合会(如,汽车制造业的流水线

12、工人),或在同一主要产 业部门的跨行业联合会(如,电工,卡车司机,维修工等)。工会代表工会中成员,代表工会联络管理者和工会成员。申诉工会中一名成员或多名成员,抱怨劳动合同上的部分条款没有被履行。会费按时从工资中扣除的、工会成员交给工会的费用。罢工工会成员在没有得到容许的情况下停止工作,以抗议待遇不公。通常时间较短。到韦博学习英语,更方便,更快捷 English prefect your life! 厦门韦博分享 7-7合同谈判公司和工会就新的合同中的条款进行谈判或重新谈判旧合同中的条款。包括工资、福利、 失业保险、工作强度、工作环境和安全条件。合法罢工工会成员停止工作,通常是由于新劳动合同谈判受阻,或者原有劳动合同条款被违反。罢 工前工会必须征得大多数工会成员的同意,提前通知公司即将进行的罢工,并通知他们开始的 日期。在合同期满日及工会被允许合法罢工的最早日期之间有一段冷静期。这段时期通常是由 政府规定的。盲目罢工工会成员非法的停止工作。通常是在工会认为他们作为工人和公民的权利被严重侵犯和践 踏时发生。顶替罢工工人去上工的工人非工会成员的工人,通常被管理层用来替代参加合法和非法罢工的工会成员。仲裁寻找和接受第三方解决劳资之间矛盾的方法。这类仲裁可能由政府强制或双方自愿达成协 议。



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