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1、1 英译汉(百句实练)- 关艳 1. He shows a great interest in learning English. 他对学英语显示出浓厚的兴趣。 关键词及词组:be interested in对感兴趣 2. Wang Lis father has taught English here since he graduated from Peking University. 王丽的父亲从北京大学毕业后就一直在这里教英语。 关键词及词组:since 自从(用于完成时) 3. Young persons under twenty-five make up nearly half of

2、the American population. 25 岁以下的年轻人几乎占了美国人口的一半。 关键词及词组:make up 组成、占据;population 人口 4. In the modem Western world, many people are too busy to think about eating properly. 如今在西方,人们过于忙碌,无暇考虑如何合理饮食。 关键词及词组:tooto 太以至于不能;think about 考虑 5. Are you fond of music? 你喜欢音乐吗? 关键词及词组:be fond of 喜欢 6. Do you have

3、 anything to say? 你有什么要说的吗? 关键词及词组:have sth to do 有.要做 7. Please get off the bus at the next stop. 请在下一站下车。 关键词及词组:get off 下车 8. Ted and William have lived under the same roof for five years. 泰德和威廉已经在同一个屋檐下生活五年了。 关键词及词组: for+时间段 (用于完成时) 9. You neednt go there any more. He already knows about it. 你不必

4、去了,他已经知道那件事了。 关键词及词组:neednt 不必; know about 了解 10. As is known to all, China is a developing country. 众所周知,中国是一个发展中国家。 关键词及词组:As is known to all 众所周知;a developing country 发展中国家 11. I have no idea what to say. 我不知道说什么好。 关键词及词组:have no idea 不知道、不明白;what to say 要说的话 12. The plan has been over fulfilled

5、by now. 目前,已经超额完成计划。 关键词及词组:over fulfill 超额完成 13. The most common samples of inorganic materials are the gases of the atmosphere, water, rocks, etc. 大气中的气体、水、岩石都是无机物中最普通的实例。 关键词及词组:inorganic materials 无机物; atmosphere 大气 14. The men answered very differently from the women! 男人们的答案与女人们的答案大相径庭! 关键词及词组:

6、different from 与不同 15. Would you mind waiting outside? 请你在外面等,好吗? 关键词及词组:Would you mind 你介意. 吗? 16. This place has plentiful material resources. 这个地方的物质资源是丰富的。2 关键词及词组:plentiful 丰富的 17. Though it was late, they kept on working. 尽管已经很晚了,他们还在继续工作。 关键词及词组:though 尽管 18. Various substances differ widely

7、in their magnetic characteristics. 各种材料的磁性有很大的不同。 关键词及词组:various 各种各样的 differ in. 在.不同, 相异 19. I am very much interested in sports. 我对运动很感兴趣。 关键词及词组:be interested in 对.感兴趣 20. He didnt understand what the teacher said. 他不懂老师所说的话。 关键词及词组:whatsaid 某人的话 21. John and his brother differ in personality ev

8、en if their differences in age are not significant. 尽管约翰和他哥哥在年纪上相差不大,但他们的个性却不相同。 关键词及词组:differ in. 在.不同, 相异; even if 尽管 22. I saved her baby and became a hero. 我因救了她的婴儿而成了英雄。 关键词及词组:save 营救、拯救;hero 英雄 23. The question is too difficult to answer. 这个问题太难回答。 关键词及词组:too.to 太不. 24. The more passions we h

9、ave, the more happiness we are likely to experience. 我们的激情越多,我们有可能体验到的快乐就越多。 关键词及词组:the 比较级., the 比较级., 越.越. 25. We are going to play golf this Sunday. 我们这个星期天要去打高尔夫球。 关键词及词组:be going to do 将要做某事 26. Each time history repeats itself, the price goes up. 历史每重演一次,代价就增加(一分)。 关键词及词组:go up 上升 27. The stud

10、ents are encouraged by their teacher to do more listening, reading and writing. 老师鼓励学生多听,多读,多写。 关键词及词组:be encouraged by. 被.鼓励 28. Bill hit his car into the wall last night. 昨晚比尔开车时车撞到了墙上。 关键词及词组:hit 撞 29. I havent enough money for the coat. 我的钱不够买这件上衣。 关键词及词组:enough money 足够多的钱 30. Hes growing more

11、like his father now. 他现在愈长愈像他的父亲。 关键词及词组:like 像 31. If you decided to learn a new language, you would have to dedicate yourself wholeheartedly to the cause. 如果你决定学一门新的语言,你必须全身心地投入。 关键词及词组:decide to 决定;dedicate oneself to 把.奉献给, 投身于. 32. Both Ann and Mary are suitable for the job. 安妮和玛丽都适合干这份工作。 关键词及

12、词组:be suitable for 适合. 33. She was the only daughter and the child youngest of five. 她是家里唯一的女儿,是五个孩子中年龄最小的。3 关键词及词组:only 唯一的;youngest 最小的(最高级) 34. Karsh was praised as a master portraitist, often working in black and white,influenced by great patient painters of the past. 卡什被人们誉为人像大师,由于受到历史上一些著名画家的影

13、响,他在拍摄中经常运用黑白 摄影。 关键词及词组:be praised as 被誉为;influence 影响 35. What a beautiful T-shirt you have! 你的 T 恤衫真漂亮! 关键词及词组:What + 名词词组! 多么呀! 36. Tom was such a hardworking student that he soon came our first in the class. 汤姆是一个学习十分用功的学生,以至于不久他就成了班里学习最好的学生。 关键词及词组:suchthat. 如此.以至于. 37. We must arrive there on

14、 time. 我们必须准时到那儿。 关键词及词组:on time. 准时 38. Can you finish your work in time? 你能及时完成工作吗? 关键词及词组:in time 及时 39. All that glitters is not gold. 闪光的东西,未必都是金子。 关键词及词组:glitter 闪闪发光,闪烁 40. I hurried to my office. 我匆忙赶到了办公室。 关键词及词组:hurry 匆忙 41. I had lunch with a friend of mine. 我和我的一个朋友一块吃了午饭。 关键词及词组:have lu

15、nch 吃午饭 42. I slept soundly all night. 我整夜睡得很熟。 关键词及词组:soundly 酣然地 43. Have you seen Tom recently? 最近你看见汤姆了吗? 关键词及词组:recently 最近 44. He was satisfied with his new car, and drove to work in it the very next day. 他对自己的新车感到很满意,第二天就开着去上班了。 关键词及词组:drive 驾驶;be satisfied with 对满意 45. Many schools will not

16、open for lessons until the beginning of September. 很多学校到九月初才开学。 关键词及词组:beginning 开始、最初;September 九月;not.until.直到才 46. Before long the Egyptians developed a number of ball games ,each with its own set of rules. 不久之后,埃及人就发明了很多球类游戏,每一种都有自己的规则。 关键词及词组:before long 不久之后;develop 发明;a number of 很多,大量 47. David will get a birthday gift from his sister. 戴维将从他的姐姐那里得到一份生日礼物。 关键词及词组:get 得到 48. We learn our



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