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1、赴美面签,问题一般如下: 问:赴美目的是什么?答:参加联合国青年大会。 Q: Whats your purpose going to America?A: To attend the 10th Youth Assembly at the United Nations. 问:你为什么参加这次大会? 答:首先,这次大会是在美国召开,美国是一个强大的国家,是世界经济和商业的中 心,我非常愿意去那里。另外,联合国青年大会是一次非常好的经历,可以与不同国 家的青年人交换自己的想法,并有助于我回国继续学习和工作。 Q: Why are you going to join the assembly? A:

2、First of all, the conference is held in the United States, the U.S is a powerful country, is the center of worlds economics and commerce, I am willing to go there. In addition, it is a very good experience to exchange our ideas with young people from different countries, and will do good to my study

3、 and work. 问:这个大会与你的专业有什么关系? 答:尽管我的专业是.,但所学的专业与最终的工作并不能画等号。而且,无 论将来从事何种工作,增加对世界的了解、对先进知识和信息的交流和掌握,都是非 常有益的。另外,我个人也很喜欢参与不同的公益活动。 Q: What relationship between your major and the assembly?A: Although I majored in., the major does not equate with the final job. Moreover, no matter what kind of work I wi

4、ll be engaged in, it must be very useful to increase understanding of the world and exchanging and knowingness of the information. In addition, I would like to participate in all kinds of activities for publish welfare business. 问:你这次去美国旅游费用谁来负担?答:自己或父母。 Q: Who will take responsibility for your paym

5、ent of this trip? A: My parents/ Myself 问:你这次旅游是自己去吗?为什么你的家人不和你一起去美国旅游? 答:随中国代表团一起去。正因为如此,我不和家人同去。 Q: Do you go to America alone? Why dont your families go with you? A: I will go there with Chinese Delegation of the Youth Assembly at the United Nations. And that is why I dont travel with my family.

6、问:这次是谁组织你们赴美国参加联合国青年大会? 答:FAF友善大使基金会,FAF(Friendship Ambassador Foundations ) Q: Who organize you to go to America to attend this assembly? A: FAF(Friendship Ambassador Foundations ) 问:这个活动大概有多少人? 答:本届联青会将有来自全球60多个国家1000余名青年领袖与会,中国包括港澳两 地大概180人。 Q: How many people are there in the activity? A: Totall

7、y there are more than one thousand Young leaders from more than 60 countries will attend this YA. For China, there are about 160, including China-mainland, Hong Kong and Macao. 问:请把你的行程介绍一下 答: 主要是参加纽约联合国总部及华盛顿的培训交流活动。之后,我们将有一个短暂 旅行:包括纽约城、华盛顿哥伦比亚特区、波士顿。 Q: Please introduce your trip? A: Mainly to att

8、end the training and exchanging activities in UN Headquarters and Washington. After that we will take a short trip, including New York City, Washington DC, Boston 问;这次参会的费用大概要花费多少钱啊? 答:RMB 34800元 Q: How much is the attendance costs?A: RMB 34,800. 问:这些团员为什么要到美国去参加这次活动。 答:进一步了解联合国的活动,开阔自己的眼界,体验一下美国的文化

9、、生活。 Q: Why do these delegation members to go to the United States to attend the event? A: It would be a better understanding of the activities of the United Nations, and it would broaden our vision, to experience the U.S. culture and way of life. 问:团里面的学生都目前都在读,他们为什么还要利用假期去美国呢 答:开阔视野和学习知识一样重要,而且也许他

10、们有些人在毕业后可能考虑去美国读 研究生。 Q: there are college students in reading, why should they go to the United States in holiday? A: Broadening our vision is as important as learning knowledge, and perhaps some of them will study in American school for post graduation study. 问:你们去大学参观会做什么 答:是一个当地组织帮我们事先安排好的,我们会到一

11、些著名的大学游览,参观校园。 Q: What are you going to do by visiting the University? A: A local organization prepared this for us. We will visit some famous university. 问:你们去这次大会做什么? 答:深入的了解联合国在世界合作中所做的工作,和其他国家的朋友交流经验,讨论 大家感兴趣的话题等。 Q: What are you going to do in the Youth Assembly? A: I want to have a deeper unde

12、rstanding of the United Nations in the world cooperation work, make friends with other countries leaders, exchange experiences, and discuss topics that people have common interests in. 问:你在公司是做什么工作的? 答:what work do you engage in company?问:大会为什么选你去 答:除了我自己的申请以外,大会也组织了2次考核和沟通,才选择邀请我。 Q: Why do they se

13、lect you to participate in the Youth Assembly? A: I had made my application to take part in the Youth Assembly, besides that the Organizing Committee had organized examinations two times, and finally I was selected to take part in the Youth Assembly at the UN. 问:你去过哪些国家 答:Which countries had you eve

14、r been to? (这时会开始看护照,如果曾经更换过就马上说,并把旧护照递进去。 ) 问:你在这些国家都做了什么 答:What did you do in those countries? 问:你们这个团队里面有中学生,也有大学生,他们会一起出去活动吗? 答:开始的3天会议会在一起,后面的活动会分组,行程安排略有不同。 Q: There are middle school students and university students, will they be together all the time? A: We attend the Youth Assembly together

15、, later we will divide into groups; there is slightly difference in their trips. 问题基本都一样,就3-4道题,很容易回答,大家照着说就行了。 大家去签证的时候要注意: 1.信心很重要,精神状态一定要好。 2.玻璃窗上有麦克风,回答时对着它可以让签证官听的比较清楚。也有的窗口是电话 式的。 3.回答问题一定如实应答,千万别慌。 4.最基本的简单的英语要会说。 5.千万别答非所问。 6.对于常提问的问题,大家一定要在签证前把答案背好。比如家长支付费用的,父母 的工作一定要清楚。 综上所述,签证官不会故意拒签,他做的事很简单,首先他认为你是有移民倾向的, 所以在核对信息后,请你对他的疑问给出一个正确的合理的解释,让他相信你不会移 民就可以了。


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