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1、教师讲课要有趣、好玩 Shuld Teahers ae Their Letures Interesting and FunAs t ne riterin (标准) f gd teahing, se peple argue that teahers are respnsible fr aing their instrutin interesting and enable Teahing eans assisting and guiding rather than filling nledge int a suppsedl ept head And nledge is the isd, exper

2、iene auulated fr peple, b peple and fr pepleg Sine nledge is s huan and interestingh an t it be presented in an intiate and interesting a Hever, se peple expressed their rries that aing instrutin interesting and fun a spil the atsphere neessar fr serius learning The are afraid that this tpe f err te

3、ahing a be ile ide but inh deep In a relativel lse de (模式) f anageent, bth teahers and students favur light tpis hih an hardl g deeper If theries and figures and ther shlb aterials are tedius and bring (枯燥乏味), shuld the be abandned I definitel hld the idea that effetive letures shuld be first and fr

4、est interesting nes Sine nledge is aquired st in a natural and effetive a, an enthusias fr a subet an prvide students ith internal (内部的) and peranent tivatin An ative researher failitatr teaher ( 集研究、辅导、教学为一身的 教师) ill alas find a a ut faed ith hallenging tass Thus effiient teahing is a nstant hallenge fr instrutin that is stiulating, interative and livel范文分析本文作者恰如其分地把握了词汇、句法的文体意义和情 感意义,显示了角色(赞成者、反对者、作者) 的鲜明立场。第一、二段遣词绵里藏针,造句精雕细刻,观点针锋相对。一、二段段尾 句均使用反诘句,无疑增加了辩论的火药味。准确措词、合理炼句 使读者能身临其境地感受到双方唇枪舌剑的激烈程度。第二段以门 始币终地穿插运用词组、短语见长。如动词短语、副词词组、介词 短语、名词性词组、形容词词组等。伞文措词细腻具体,炼句生动 活泼,大大增强了文章的说服力和感染力。



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