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1、制胜中国零售银行市场 Winning in Retail Finance Steve Laue Director Consumer Research Finance 消费者研究金融行业总监现在 PRESENT 1984 中国银联成立 China UnionPay Established 第一台ATM机 First ATM 1987 中国银行首先设立网上银行 Online banking launched by Bank of China 2001 手机银行 Mobile Bank 在线交易革新 Online trading revolution 指付通 Fingerprint payment

2、1984年形成四大国有银 行 4 nationalized banks established 1984 股份制商业银行出现 Joint-stock commercial bank 股票市场开放 Stock Market 加入WTO Join in WTO 当代中国银行业 里程碑 Banking in Modern China Key Milestones 1985 1998 1988 2002中国 零售银行的巨人! China A Retail Banking Giant 全球十大银行中,四大银行均榜上有名 The Big 4 Chinese banks are in top 10 of w

3、orld rankings 中国以20亿张储蓄卡、2亿张信用卡的规模,成为全球最大的信用卡市场之一 China is one of the biggest card markets with 2 billion debit cards and 200 million credit cards 按揭贷款数额达到1万亿美元 Mortgage portfolio worth USD 1 trillion 个人投资者带动股市资本化: 80%的股市资本来自个人投资者 Retail investors are driving stock market capitalization: 80% driven

4、by retail investors增长迅速!机遇广阔! Huge Growth! Huge Opportunity 储蓄账户 / Savings Account 储蓄卡 / Debit Cards 信用卡 / Credit Cards 保险 / Insurance (any) Type of Insurance 人身保险/ Life 25% 健康/ Health 24% 个人意外/ Personal Accident 22% 车保/ Car 10% 家庭财产Home content 4% 旅游Travel 2% Type of Insurance 人身保险/ Life 25% 健康/ He

5、alth 24% 个人意外/ Personal Accident 22% 车保/ Car 10% 家庭财产Home content 4% 旅游Travel 2% 基数:18城市所有受访者,n=11,638 Base: All respondents in 18 cities n=11,638更大的机遇来自二线城市 Opportunity bigger in smaller tier cities 储蓄账户 / Saving Account 储蓄卡 / Debit Cards 信用卡/ Credit Cards 保险 / Insurance (any) 基数:关键城市所有受访者 n=4,015;

6、 其他城市所有受访者 n=7,623 / Base: All respondents in key cities n=4,015; All respondents in other cities n=7,623 Key cities Other cities Type of Insurance Key cities Others 人身 / Life 29% 22% 健康 / Health 27% 22% 个人意外 / Personal Accident 26% 19% 车保Car 11% 10% 家庭财产Home content 4% 3% 旅游/ Travel 3% 2% Type of I

7、nsurance Key cities Others 人身 / Life 29% 22% 健康 / Health 27% 22% 个人意外 / Personal Accident 26% 19% 车保Car 11% 10% 家庭财产Home content 4% 3% 旅游/ Travel 3% 2% 备注:5个关键城市包括上海,北京,广州,深圳,成都。 13个其他城市包括 重庆,大连,福州,南京,请到,天津,武汉,厦门,东莞,昆明,沈阳,和西安 Note: 5 Tier 1 cities include Shanghai, Beijing, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, and

8、Chengdu; 13 2nd tier cities include Chongqing, Dalian, Fuzhou, Hangzhou, Nanjing, Qingdao, Tianjin, Wuhan, Xiamen, Dongguan, Kunming, Shenyang, and Xian.Title of Presentation 产品演变案例 信用卡 Credit cardsa product evolutionPage 6 中国信用卡发展演变 The Chinese Credit Card Evolution 中国信用卡数量已达历史峰值. 许多银行开始使用多种营销手段, 寻

9、找新的革新点, 开发出无限卡, 贵宾卡, 联名卡, Quantity of China credit card reached the zenith in history. Most banks engaged in various promotions and trying to find an innovation point. No-limit card, VIP card, Co-Branded-Card, etc 1985年,中国银行率先发 行了中国第一张信用卡. 在早期阶段, 中国银联发 行的信用卡仅限于发行地 当地使用. The first credit card in Chin

10、a was launched by Bank of China in 1985. In the early stage, credit card of China UnionPay was only used in issue city. 主要的几大银行纷纷加入维萨及 万事达信用卡网络.至2002年, 信用卡的使用地域范围超过100 多个城市. 然而, 信用卡的拥有 率仍处低位. Major banks joined Visa and MasterCard network. In 2002, credit cards can be used among 100+ cities, however

11、, only few consumers owned them. 为了满足国际业务和个人业务的 需求,中国信用卡开始拓展全球 交易.双币卡逐渐盛行. In order to satisfy the needs of international affairs and personal requests, credit card achieved the global transaction. Dual- currency cards became popular. 1985-1993 初始阶段 Forming stage 1993-2002 萌芽阶段 Budding Stage 2003-20

12、09 发展阶段 Development Stage 2010 - 革新阶段 Innovation Stage 接下来? Whats next?Page 7 81% 2007 90 million 信用卡数量增长放缓 Credit Card Growth Slows 折扣 Discount 积分 Credit Points 现金返还 Cash Return 2006 50 million 发行的信用卡数量 Number of Credit Cards Issued 市场扩张速度放缓, 而发行方在差异化方 面的努力随处可见 Market expansion slowing down, while

13、effort on differentiation is everywhere 2010 1 st half 200 million 11% 2009 180 million 30% 2008 140 million 58%Page 8 考虑 Consideration (24%) 认知 Awareness (46%) 服务 Service (12%) 品牌力 Brand Power (8%) 功能 & 赠品 Function & Gift (7%) 促销 & 费用 Promotion & Fee (2%) 进攻性 Aggressiveness (1%) 信用卡品牌价值模型 (2008) Cr

14、edit Card BEI Model (2008) 考虑 Consideration (29%) 认知 Awareness (36%) 功能 & 费用 Function & Fee (11%) 促销 & 赠品 Promotion & Gift (9%) 服务 Service (7%) 品牌力 Brand Power (4%) 进攻性 Aggressiveness (3%) 信用卡品牌价值模型 (2010) Credit Card BEI Model (2010) 价值超越服务. 变化赶超正常市场的发展速度 Service Surpasses Value Change Outpacing No

15、rmal Market Developments 信用卡发卡机构如今 更倚赖价值,而不仅 仅是服务,来实现差 异化。 Credit card issuers now relying on value rather than service to create differentiation 差异化价值定位提升了信用卡数量的增长,但接下来呢? Differentiation Boosts Success of AcquisitionWhat Next? 如何使申请差异化 / Differentiate to Acquire 奖励 / Incentives 优惠 / Benefits (loyal

16、ty, airline miles, cash back) 鼓励性营销 / Aspirational marketing 如何使计划差异化 / Differentiate to Activate 刺激使用 (拥有消费空间, e.g. 购物,饮食,旅行) / Stimulate Usage (Own a Spending Space e.g. Shopping, Dining, Travel) 激发循环信用 (B2B 个人用户使用信用卡进行个人贷款) / Incentivate revolving credit (B2B Retailers use cards for personal loan) 减少损耗 进一步的奖励以保留账户 / Reduce attrition - - further incentives to retain account 如何使服务差异化 / Diff



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