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1、345. latching relay 自锁继电器346. lathe 车床347. limit switch 限位开关348. moisture 潮气,湿度349. mount 安装350. octal-base 八脚的351. orifice 孔,注孔352. pedal 踏板,踏蹬353. phase sequence 相序354. piston 活塞355. pivot 轴,支点,旋转中心356. plunger 可动铁心,插棒式铁心357. pneumatic 气动的358. relay 继电器359. single-phase 单相的360. solenoids 螺线管361. s

2、olid-state relay 固态继电器362. spring 弹簧363. tap 抽头364. three-phase 三相365. timing relay 延时继电器366. toggle 搬扭,刀闸367. vibration 振动368. absolute encoder 绝对编码器369. accelerometer 加速度测量仪370. actuator 执行机构371. analog-to-digital conversion, ADC 模数转 换器372. angular 角的373. auxiliary 辅助的374. as a rule of thumb 根据经验3

3、75. bellows 膜盒376. binary-coded decimal,BCD377. calibration 校准,标定,刻度378. cantilever 悬臂379. closed-loop 闭环380. induction machine 感应式电机381. horseshoe magnet 马蹄形磁铁382. magnetic field 磁场383. eddy current 涡流384. right-hand rule 右手定则385. left-hand rule 左手定则386. slip 转差率387. induction motor 感应电动机388. rotat

4、ing magnetic field 旋转磁场389. winding 绕组390. stator 定子391. rotor 转子392. induced current 感生电流393. time-phase 时间相位394. exciting voltage 励磁电压395. solt 槽396. lamination 叠片397. laminated core 叠片铁芯398. short-circuiting ring 短路环399. squirrel cage 鼠笼400. rotor core 转子铁芯401. cast-aluminum rotor 铸铝转子402. bronze

5、 青铜403. horsepower 马力404. random-wound 散绕405. insulation 绝缘406. ac motor 交流环电动机407. end ring 端环408. alloy 合金409. coil winding 线圈绕组410. form-wound 模绕411. performance characteristic 工作特性412. frequency 频率413. revolutions per minute 转/ 分414. motoring 电动机驱动415. generating 发电416. per-unit value 标么值417. br

6、eakdown torque 极限转矩418. breakaway force 起步阻力419. overhauling 检修420. wind-driven generator 风动发电机421. revolutions per second 转/秒422. number of poles 极数423. speed-torque curve 转速力矩特性曲线424. plugging 反向制动425. synchronous speed 同步转速426. percentage 百分数427. locked-rotor torque 锁定转子转矩428. full-load torque 满载

7、转矩429. prime mover 原动机430. inrush current 涌流431. magnetizing reacance 磁化电抗432. line-to-neutral 线与中性点间的433. staor winding 定子绕组 434. leakage reactance 漏磁电抗435. no-load 空载436. full load 满载437. Polyphase 多相(的)438. iron-loss 铁损439. complex impedance 复数阻抗440. rotor resistance 转子电阻441. leakage flux 漏磁通442.

8、 locked-rotor 锁定转子443. chopper circuit 斩波电路444. separately excited 他励的445. compounded 复励446. dc motor 直流电动机447. de machine 直流电机448. speed regulation 速度调节449. shunt 并励450. series 串励451. armature circuit 电枢电路452. optical fiber 光纤453. interoffice 局间的454. waveguide 波导 波导管455. bandwidth 带宽456. light emit

9、ting diode 发光二极管457. silica 硅石 二氧化硅458. regeneration 再生, 后反馈放大459. coaxial 共轴的,同轴的460. high-performance 高性能的461. carrier 载波462. mature 成熟的463. Single Side Band(SSB) 单边带464. coupling capacitor 结合电容465. propagate 传导 传播466. modulator 调制器467. demodulator 解调器468. line trap 限波器469. shunt 分路器470. Amplitude

10、 Modulation(AM 调幅471. Frequency Shift Keying(FSK)移频键控472. tuner 调谐器473. attenuate 衰减474. incident 入射的475. two-way configuration 二线制476. generator voltage 发电机电压477. dc generator 直流发电机478. polyphase rectifier 多相整流器479. boost 增压480. time constant 时间常数481. forward transfer function 正向传递函数482. error sign

11、al 误差信号483. regulator 调节器484. stabilizing transformer 稳定变压器485. time delay 延时486. direct axis transient time constant 直轴瞬变时间常数487. time invariant 时不变的488. transient response 瞬态响应489. solid state 固体490. buck 补偿491. operational calculus 算符演算492. gain 增益493. pole 极点494. feedback signal 反馈信号495. dynamic

12、 response 动态响应496. voltage control system 电压控制系统497. mismatch 失配 498. error detector 误差检测器499. excitation system 励磁系统500. field current 励磁电流501. transistor 晶体管502. high-gain 高增益503. boost-buck 升压去磁504. feedback system 反馈系统505. reactive power 无功功率506. feedback loop 反馈回路507. automatic Voltage regulato

13、r(AVR)自动电压调整器508. third harmonic voltage 三次谐波电压509. reference Voltage 基准电压510. magnetic amplifier 磁放大器511. amplidyne 微场扩流发电机512. self-exciting 自励的513. limiter 限幅器514. manual control 手动控制515. block diagram 方框图516. linear zone 线性区517. potential transformer 电压互感器518. stabilization network 稳定网络519. stab

14、ilizer 稳定器520. air-gap flux 气隙磁通521. saturation effect 饱和效应 522. saturation curve 饱和曲线523. flux linkage 磁链524. per unit value 标么值525. shunt field 并励磁场526. magnetic circuit 磁路527. load-saturation curve 负载饱和曲线528. air-gap line 气隙磁化线529. polyphase rectifier 多相整流器530. circuit components 电路元件531. circuit

15、 parameters 电路参数532. electrical device 电气设备533. electric energy 电能534. primary cell 原生电池535. energy converter 电能转换器536. conductor 导体537. heating appliance 电热器538. direct-current 直流539. self-inductor 自感540. mutual-inductor 互感541. the dielectric 电介质542. storage battery 蓄电池543. e.m.f = electromotive fo

16、re 电动势544. unidirectional current 单方向性电流545. circuit diagram 电路图546. load characteristic 负载特性547. terminal voltage 端电压548. external characteristic 外特性549. conductance 电导550. volt-ampere characteristics 伏安特性551. carbon-filament lamp 碳丝灯泡552. ideal source 理想电源553. internal resistance 内阻554. active (passive) circuit elements有(无)源电路元件555. deviation 偏差556. leakage current 漏电流557. circuit branch 支路558. P.D. = potential drop 电压降559. potential distribution 电位分布560. r.m.s values = root mean square val



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