古典文学正在失去读者(classical literature loses appeal on campus)

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古典文学正在失去读者(classical literature loses appeal on campus)_第1页
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《古典文学正在失去读者(classical literature loses appeal on campus)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《古典文学正在失去读者(classical literature loses appeal on campus)(1页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、古典文学正在失去读者(Classical Literature Loses Appeal on Campus)in a ertain sense, lassial literature n lnger ens a brad readership in shl light reading is n students bshelf fr se studentsthe past experiene f reading lassial literature is iess real than the present hie f pralial reading therefre, the tralili

2、nal nvels are n lnger a ath rd fr studenlsllege students give different reasns fr the pbenenn se students thin that literature lassis annt satisf varius needs and tastes se aintain that pratial referene bs n gre, anageent r puters are reall treasures beause the ntain sething as preius as gld still s

3、e hld that reading literar lassial rs is tie nsuing but nt entertaining at alli believe that llege students an benefit a lt fr reading lassial literature in the first plae, reading lassial literature is a pleasure f ind rever, it is an ative thught prving press, anne an have the e t the rihes f nledge and isd ntained in lassial bs lassial bs, in the final analsis, are indispensable t varius aspets f dern ivilizatin



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