意外的表扬 - a surprise praise

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《意外的表扬 - a surprise praise》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《意外的表扬 - a surprise praise(2页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、意外的表扬 - A Surprise Praise A Surprise PraiseThe hstess as t have a part and entertain guests at he She busied herself s earl in the rning, dusting the furniture, pping the flr, leaning the dess and hairs and the inds She as s tired that she felt pain in her aist and n the ba Drps f sseat fell fr her

2、frehead She did nt finish leaning the huse till dusLing at the lean and tid draing r, she released a sigh and there as a sile n her faeThe guests are ing! Putting a bunh f fresh flers asuall in the vase, the hstess hurried t the dr t ele the guestsAs sn as the entered the draing r, the ere attrated

3、b the fresh flers Surprisingl pleased, the heered in praise, h, hat bautiful flers!H lrful and fragrant!ust a l at it, and life is full f pleasure!Then the ent n t express their thans t the hstess fr her deliatel arranged flersith an ebarrassed sile, the hstess said, I a glad u lie it Than u fr ur p

4、raise I as a bit surprised abut it I did ae detailed arrangeent fr ur hnr I as bus the hle da leaning and ppiag As t the flers in the vase, it is a piee f ae I did it b ust lifting hand N u are unaare f hard r and praise e highl fr easiest effrt It is bend expetatin 意外的表扬女主人准备在家请客聚会。她一大早就忙着撞灰、拖地,擦洗桌

5、 椅和窗户。她太累了,觉碍腰酸背痛的。额头上的汗珠直往下淌, 她从早忙到晚才算打扫完毕。看着清洁、整齐的客厅,她舒了口气,脸上露出笑容。客人来了, 她随手在花瓶里放了一束鲜花,便忙着去开门。客人刚进入客厅,便就被那束鲜花吸引住了,惊喜地夸赞:“啊, 多美的花!”“多么鲜艳芬芳!”“只要看一眼,生活就充满欢乐。 ”接着他们对女主人精心的插花表示感谢。女主人尴尬地笑道:“我很高兴你们喜欢这花。谢谢你们的表扬, 只是我有点感到意外。我确实为你们的到来做了精心安排。我洗刷 了一整天。插花只不过是举手之劳。你们不是夸奖我的整天辛劳, 反而却对我随意的插花之举赞颂有加,这是我深感意外的。 ”文章地址:/zuen/inguzuen/dxz/200709101124023078490377ht


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