如何使用图书馆-how to use the library

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如何使用图书馆-how to use the library_第1页
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《如何使用图书馆-how to use the library》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《如何使用图书馆-how to use the library(1页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、如何使用图书馆-How to Use the Library H t Use the LibrarA librar is a building fr a lletin f bs, agazines, peridials and nespapers The bs are ept n the shelves in the sta r hereas rihe agazines,urnals,et in the reading rs dern libraries als have xerx rs, and puter rsIf u ant t brr bs, u an g t the lan des,

2、 l ver the rret all nubers in the ard atalg and as the librarian t tae the ut fr u r u re alled t enter the sta r t find bs fr urself, u an l up the bund vlue f index fr the artiles relative t the subet, n hih u are ging t rite a thesis If the librar desnt subsribe t the agazine hih arries the artil

3、e u ant, u an brr the agazine fr ther libraries b eans f interlibrar lan servie Dnt frget t sh ur librar ard r ID ard t the librarian befre u g int the reading r, here u an read agazines r nespapers If u find a gd artile and ant t eep it, u an have it dupliated in the xerx r Besides, if u ant t ath fils r slides, u an as the pretinist t pla the videtape fr u in theaudi-visual r, here u anals listen t language tapes and usi tapes 文 章地址:/zuen/inguzuen/sz/20070910103213732ht



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