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1、教师最应具备的个人魅力 教师最应具备的个人魅力 The st Desirable Persnal Qualities in a Teaher(教师最应具备的个人 魅力)汉浯提示:教师是人类灵魂的上程师。请写一篇 10 字左右的文章, 说明你认为教师最应具有的个人魅力有哪些。写作导航第一段可作为开场白,指出教师应具有的个人魅力, 引出我对这一问题的看法;第二段罗列我的看法,诸如性格活泼、 善解人意、在学术上实事求是、有表演才能、思维敏捷、不断进取 等品质。范文Prbabl n t peple uld dra up exatl siilar lists abut the st desirable

2、qualities in a teaher, but I thin the flling uld be generall aeptedFirst, the teahers persnalit shuld be pleasantl livel and attrative This desnt rule ut peple h are phsiall plain, r even ugl, beause an suh peple have great persnal har But it des rule ut thse h are ver exitable, depressed, unfriendl

3、, sarasti, r bss Send, it s nt nl desirable but essential fr a teaher t have a apait fr spaththat is, a apaitt understand the feelings f students and a apait t tlerate istaes Third, teahers shuld be intelletuall hnestthat is, the shuld n their n intelletual strengths and liitatins Furth, ever teaher

4、 shuld be a bit f an atr The shuld be able t enliven the lessns ith iaginative perfranes that eep students invlved And n atter h an ties the have taught the sae aterial r rreted the sae istae, the shuld never sh that the are bred Fifth, teahers ust reain entall alert The ust be qui t adapt t an situatin and be able t iprve Finall, a teaher shuld alas ant t g n learning A teaher h lses his thirst fr nledge ill never inspire his students t learn


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