建议信-a letter of suggestion

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《建议信-a letter of suggestion》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《建议信-a letter of suggestion(2页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、建议信-A Letter of Suggestion A Letter f Suggestin 建议信给北京市市长王岐山写信,希望自己能成为 2008 年奥运会的志愿 者,同时提出自己的看法。 u have athed the 2004 Athens lpi Gaes and are interested in being a vlunteer fr 2008 Beiing lpi Gaes rite a latter t ang Qishan, ar f the apital it, t 1)ae suggestins fr the 2008 preparatin r, 2)express

2、ur ish t be a vlunteer Dear ang Qishan, I a a senir in Peing Universit The 2008 Beiing lpi Gaes is ing in t ears After athing the 2004 Athens lpi Gaes, I an nt help riting t u First f all, here is suggestin fr the preparatin r f the 2008 Beiing lpi Gaes The nstrutin r f the sprts building ust be ple

3、ted in tie arding t the ntrat In Athens, the siing stadiu as nt aplished in tie s that the event had t be held in the pen air, hih has brught negative effet n the perfrane f athletes In ne rd, t prtet the internatinal iage f hina and ensure the lpi petitin, e ust finish ur preparatin r ell and in ti

4、e Last but nt least iprtant, I ant t express ish t be a vlunteer In the first plae, it is the dut f ever hinese t d his bit fr the 2008 lpi Gaes In the send plae, I have a gd and f freign languages I an spea English, Russian, and apanese Therefre I an be a qualified vlunteer I a ling frard t ur repl Sinerel urs Li ing



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