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1、 1代 收 货 款 合 作 协 议 Collection of Trade Charges Cooperation Agreement 编号: 20090821 No.: 20090821 本协议由以下三方于 2009 年08 月20 日在中华人民共和国(以下简称“中国” ) 【 深圳 】市签订:This agreement is signed by and among the three parties in Shenzhen,Peoples Republic of China(“China”for short) in Aug. 20 th ,2009: 甲方(委托方): Party A(C

2、onsignor): 地 址: Adress: 法定代表人: Legal Representative: 乙方(受托方):深圳市 XX 国际货运代理有限公司 Party B(Consignee): SHENZHEN XX INTERNATIONAL LOGISTICS CO.,LTD 地 址: Adress: XXXXXXXXXXXXX Shenzhen,China 法定代表人:XXX Legal Representative: XXX 丙方(通知方):XX 国际货运代理有限公司 Party C(Notifying Party): XXXX INTERNATIONAL FREIGHT AGEN

3、T CO.,LTD 地 址:XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Adress: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 鉴于: WITNESSETH: 1甲方为一家根据中国法律、法规注册成立的企业法人,有着良好的生产制造能力(或组 织货源出口能力)并已与中国关境外( 以下简称“境外” )客户达成货物出口的意向; 1. Whereas Party A is a legitimate business entity in China, which has good production capacity (or 2 goods supply and export

4、 capacity), and is willing to export freight for the customer from outside of China(“Overseas customer”for short); 2乙方为一家根据中国法律、法规注册成立的企业法人,拥有除国家限定公司经营或者禁 止进出口的商品和技术外的各类商品和技术进出口自营和合作经营资格,在货物进出口 方面有丰富的经验和良好的信誉; 2. Whereas Party A is a legitimate business entity in China, which has the cooperative and

5、 self- qualification of various goods and technologies import and export except the State prohibiting or limiting the company to operate, and has a wealth of experience and good reputation in import and export of goods; 3丙方为一家根椐中国法律、法规注册成立的企业法人,拥有除国家限定公司经营或者禁 止进出口的商品和技术外的各类商品和技术进出口自营和合作经营资格。 3. Wher

6、eas Party A is a legitimate business entity in China, which has the cooperative and self- qualification of various goods and technologies import and export except the State prohibiting or limiting the company to operate. 4甲方汇款到乙方帐户中时,丙方需及时通知乙方,并监督乙方将货款转内指定甲方帐户。 4. whereas Party A remits money to tha

7、 account of Party B, Party C must notify Party B promptly, and supervises Party B transfer the money for goods to the appointed account of Party A. 5甲方愿意与乙方达成合作意向,委托乙方办理向境外出口有关货物的报关、信用证等手 续,乙方愿意接受甲方前述合作意向,并提供前述货物之物流解决方案服务(以下统称 为“物流服务” ) ,包括乙方为甲方计划及管理货物出口过程之货物流、信息流及资金流 等服务。其中, “货物流服务”是指乙方可向甲方提供的货物出口之

8、外贸报关、仓储、等 保险及其他有关安排等服务;“资金流服务” 是指乙方可提供的代收外汇货款、结汇、 支付人民币货款等服务; “信息流服务”是指乙方可提供的物流及资金流的动态信息服 务。 5. whereas Party A is willing to reach the agreement of cooperation, entrusts Party B to handle the formalities of freight export(apply to customs、L/c etc.); Party B is willing to accept the cooperation agre

9、ement of Party A, and offer the service of freight transportation scheme(“freight transportation” for short), which includes Party B planning and managing freight transportation, information flow and fund flow in the process freight export. The freight transportation means that Party B offers the se

10、rvice of customs clearance、warehouse fund flow means that Party B offer collection foreign trade charges service、surrender of exchange service、RMB payment service and so on ; information flow means that Party B offers the dynamic information of freight and fund flow. 3 为发挥各自优势,在合理分工的基础上实现双方利益的最大化,甲乙

11、双方经友好协商, 在平等互利的基础上,根据 中华人民共和国对外贸易法 、 中华人民共和国合同法及 其他相关法律法规,就甲方委托乙方的货物出口合作事宜,经友好协商,达成协议如下: Now therefore, to exploit their own strengths, at a reasonable division of labor based on the maximization of the interests of both parties, by friendly consultation, on the basis of equality and mutual benefit,

12、 according to “Peoples Republic of China Foreign Trade Law“, “Contract Law of Peoples Republic of China“ and other relevant laws and regulations, Party B and Party A have agreed on xports of goods cooperation as follows: 一、出口收汇、出口退税及货款的支付 First Collection Charges of Export、Export Tax Rebate and Paym

13、ent of Money 11 乙方负责办理出口合同项下的出口收汇,甲方对此负有配合义务; 1.1 Party B is responsible for collection charges of exportaccording to the export contract, and Party A has the obligation of cooperation; 12 乙方应在收到境外客户所付外汇款项 到账后的2 个工作日之内向甲方支付人民币货款; 根据收汇 当日银行的外汇现汇买入价计算:乙方预付的人民币货款 = 收到的外汇金额( USD) 当 日银行外汇现汇买入价; 1.2 Party

14、 B shall,pay Party A RMB loan in two working days after receive the foreign exchange outside; in accordance with the date of receipt of foreign exchange bank cash purchase price calculated as follows: Party B prepaid RMB payment = the receiving amount of foreign currency (USD) the bank s foreign exc

15、hange cash purchase price in that very day 13如境外客户违约或因其他原因导致无法按出口合同约定按时收汇,乙方应及时通知甲方 并配合甲方采取对外商的收汇措施。 If overseas customers breach contract or for any other reason unable to timely receiving the export charges, Party B shall promptly notify the Party A and in line with the Party A to take measuresto collection the charges. 根据以上条款,甲方同意,按合作出口货物的收款金额支付服务费与银行账户费, 结算公式如下:乙方收取的服务费+费=$ X 合作出口货物的收款金额数。 Based on the above provisions, Party A agreed to pay service charges according to the amount of export of goods receiva


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