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1、标致比赛前十名的选手出的PS 汽车教程 PHOTOSHOP RENDERING Emre Husmen is a 20 years old Turkish design student who lives in Toronto, Canada. He is planning to apply to ACCD next year. He is also one of the main Hot Wheels illustrators in Mattel Inc. Emre has taken part in the 2004 Peugeot Design Contest and was one o

2、f the first ten finalists out of 3800. He also got a mention in the 2000 Motor Trend Design Contest. In this tutorial, he is showing us his rendering techniques with Adobe Photoshop CS2. First of all, open your sketch on Adobe Photoshop and make it 2000 pixels wide. I usually work in high resolution

3、s, because it allows me to create high quality renderings. Open a new layer on your sketch and fill it with white colour. Make its opacity about 85%. Lets start with selecting the body shape. I always use Pen Tool for that. Select the shape, open a new layer, fill it with grey tone. And try to keep

4、your paths for future usage.Select window shapes, open a new layer and fill it with black. Do the same thing for front grills 。 Make wheel ellipses above the body layer and put shadow under all of them.Select the headlights and chrome parts (separate layers). Fill them with white. Select the basic b

5、ody parts and fill them with darker or lighter grey depending on where are they facing. Create more body details with the same grey tones. Now, start using the Dodge and Burn Tools! Use 200-300 px “airbrush“ with 20-40% exposure. Darken the lower parts and lighten the upper parts. Also select a part

6、 on the windows for shining; open a new layer above the window layer and use a white airbrush to fill it a little bit (do not fill it all). Darken the headlight.Find some nice rims from reference pictures (or you can create your own). Cut and paste it above the body layer and play with its colour an

7、d contrast. Select an ellipse on headlight layer and fill it with white. Give it some outer glow effect. Colourize the windows from Hue/Saturation menu (press CTRL + U). Make a simple background with black and white gradients. Decide where the light will come from. Duplicate your rims two times, eac

8、h, use the ellipse layers under the rims and create your tires with using Dodge and Burn Tools.Colourize the body with a matt tones (use the Hue/Saturation menu. Put more details on your design. And now its time to give some shining to your car. Open a new layer on the body layers; select & airbrush

9、 it with white. Complete everything except your final body colour. Merge layers from the lowest body layer to the top. Keep the shadow and background layers separate. Duplicate the “merged layers“ two times. Colourize them with blue and yellow tones (separately). Now, you have to use airbrush eraser to remove the mixed parts of those colours. Use the “overlay“ effect (under the layer effects menu) for both of them. Put some white dots on the edges to make the shining more realistic (on another layer). Lastly give some reflections to the car and the background with layer effects menu.


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