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1、 I 苏轼山水诗 词中的生 态美学思 想研究 摘要: 苏轼 山 水诗 词在 我国 古 代诗 学的研 究 中占 有十 分 重要 的地 位 。从 生 态批评角度对苏轼山水诗词进行解读, 我们看到诗人在杭州、 黄州、 惠州、 儋州 等地理生态环境中所创作的作品蕴含有较为丰富的生态美学思想。 论文分为五个 部分进行综合论述。 引言部分介绍了利用生态美学思想研究苏轼三个时期山水诗词作品的学术 价值以及目前学术界对于苏轼山水诗词和生态美学研究的成果。 第一章论述了苏轼杭州时期山水诗中的生态美学思想。本章内容分为三节: 第一节论述了杭州优越的自然生态环境与厚重 的人文生态底蕴对诗人的乡土之 恋与回归意识的启

2、迪。 第二节论述了诗人 “游 寺” 诗中所体现的归隐心态, 山寺 幽深清远的境界使诗人在与大自然的精神交流中产生了忘 情山水的高逸情怀。 苏 轼以及部分宋代诗人描写西湖生态环境的诗句 ,体现出人与自然和谐的生态意 识。 第三节从生态语言学角度研究苏轼杭州山 水诗中所使用的隐喻、 比拟、 叠字、 夸张、 摹状、 排比等修辞手法。 这些修辞手法 的成功运用, 实现了诗人与自然亲 切而平等的对话、交流,体现了诗人与自然友好的诗性思维。 第二章论述了苏轼黄州时期山水诗词中的生态美学思想。本章内容分为三 节: 第一节指出, 苏轼谪居黄州期间, 山水诗 的情感、 意境、 风格发生了根本性 质的变化, 而这

3、一切皆源于作者审美生态观的改变。 并且从审美客体的变化与审 美心态的变化两个角度进行论述。第二节认为 只有审美主体具有自由闲适的心 境, 才能充分感受审美客体的美。 苏轼以一种 “常乐常适” 的生态情怀, 在寓意 于物而不受制于物的精神状态下, 领略了黄州山水风景的自然生态之美与精神启 迪之乐。 第三节着重分析苏轼吟咏赤壁的 “二 赋一词” 所体现的 “天人合一” 的 生态价值观, 文中对黄州赤壁这一地理景观进行了历史考证并指出, 诗人将主体 的审美表现力与具有文化深蕴的赤壁自然生态美融合为一, 词赋中表现出 “天人 一体”的道家生态哲思。 第三章论述了苏轼惠州、 儋州时期山水诗中的生态美学思

4、想。 本章指出, 苏 轼岭海时期的物质生存状况虽 然十分艰难, 但思想与文学造诣都进入了炉火纯青 的境界。 本章分为三节进行论述: 第一节认为 , 苏轼 “寄寓” 南荒特殊的地理生 态环境中, 其精神依托、 思想倾向与情感认同都已融合了佛、 道两家的生态审美 II 智慧, 具有了 “荒野转向” 的新特点 。 第二节 论述了苏轼构筑精神生态家园的努 力, 精神力量可以超越生存环境的恶劣, 达到自由自适之境。 苏轼饱尝人生况味 之后, 思想境界有了极大的升华与超越, 内在情感已经与大自然形成了共鸣与统 一。 第三节论述苏轼寄意林泉的 “无待” 心境 。 由于苏轼深受道家生态哲思的影 响, 岭海时期

5、的他以旷达为怀, 藜藿自甘, 真 正做到 了超然物外、 任运自适, 从 而在逆境中保持了精神生态的平衡, 就生命价值本身来讲, 诗人找到了一种自足 圆满的生存价值。 第四章是对论文内容的总结与延伸, 分为两节进行论述, 主要探讨苏轼山水 诗词生态美学思想对于生态文化的建设性意义。 生态文化, 尊重人的价值, 尊重 生命和自然界的价值。 现代社会快节奏的物质生活不仅给人类带来了沉重的生存 压力, 而且无情地挤占了人类 “绿色” 诗意的 精神生态空间, 破坏了人与自然和 谐统一的审美关系。 人类时时处于精神生态危机的笼罩之中。 在这种时代背景下, 重读苏轼山水诗词中的生命精神与生态哲思, 对于 当

6、今我们营建 “绿色” 诗意的 精神生态家园具有重要的启发意义。 关 键 词: 苏轼;山水诗词;生态美学思想 III Analysis on the Ecological Aesthetic Thoughts in Su Shi s Classical Landscape Poetry Abstract :Su Shi s landscape poetry occupies a very important position in the study of ancient Chinese poetics. From the perspective of ecocriticism to his l

7、andscape poems,we can see the geographical and ecological environment in Hangzhou, Huangzhou, Huizhou and Danzhou exerts great influence on the poet s philosophical thoughts. In this way, we think there is abundant ecological aesthetic thoughts in Su Shi s landscape poems created in these three peri

8、ods. The dissertation includes five parts for a comprehensive exposition. The introduction part mainly introduces the recent academic accomplishments achieved by studying on Su Shi s ancient landscape poetry and ecological aesthetic theories, and it is scientific and feasible to study Su Shi s lands

9、cape poetry from the eco-aesthetic perspective. The first chapter which includes three sections expounds the ecological aesthetic thoughts in Su Shi s Hangzhou landscape poems. In the first section, we could know that Hangzhou s superior natural environment and profound humanistic heritage enlighten

10、ed the poet s native complex. The second section mainly analyzes Su Shi s poems written after visiting Hangzhou temples. We could learn the poet s hermit mentality and noble feelings influenced by spiritually communicating with the temples serene atmosphere. Su Shi and many other poets of the Song D

11、ynasty created large quantities of poems which described the ecological environment of the West Lake. Most of the poems reflected the poet s ecological awareness to keep a harmonious state with the nature. In the third section, we study Su Shi s Hangzhou landscape poems from the ecological linguisti

12、c perspective. Su Shi s successful application of various rhetorical devices, such as metaphor, analogy, reduplication, hyperbole, description and parallelism embodies his poetic thinking and spiritual exchange with the nature. The second chapter which contains three sections expounds the ecological

13、 aesthetic thoughts in Su Shi s Huangzhou landscape poetry. The first section points IV out, great changes had taken place in the emotion, mood and style of Su Shi s landscape poetry during his exile to Huangzhou. We probe the changes from the angles of eco-aesthetic object and eco-aesthetic mentali

14、ty. The second section thinks that only the aesthetic subject has a leisurely mood could he fully experience the beauty of the natural environment. Because Su Shi s psychological state in Huangzhou was optimistic and hopeful, he was adapted to appreciate the infinite beauty of Huangzhou s scenery. T

15、he third section focuses on the eco-aesthetic thoughts in Su Shi s Chibi works. Firstly, we make a detailed study on Chibi geographical landscape in history. Then, the thesis points out the poet achieved mastery through a comprehensive study on Chibi geographical environment, we could learn from his

16、 anthropo-cosmic concept of harmony between man and nature according to the poet s Taoist eco-aesthetic thoughts. The third chapter which includes three sections expounds the ecological aesthetic thoughts in Su Shi s Huizhou and Danzhou landscape poems. This chapter points out that despite all the difficulties in his material living conditions, Dong Po s thoughts and literary attainments have entered the realm of perfe


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