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1、 ii Abstract Its inevitably to effect on environment because of highway construction, especially the continuity and integrity of natural environment were changed and the balance of natural protect environment was destroyed. So, its necessary to propose some efficient low carbon measures and immensel

2、y reduce the effect on surroundings in order to harmonize the highway construction with environment protecting, adhere to the road of sustainable development, guide for the subsequent highway construction. By paying attention to the chemical-physical characteristic of flyash, gangue, polystyrene, fo

3、am,slag,aeolianite, discussing the feasibility of roadbed materials and application in engineering, in addition, in response to the material of protective railings, PP、 PE、 glass fiber reinforced plastics 、 PVC guardrail recycle and green, reduce the emission rate of CO 2 apparently and can be used

4、widely. There is a dominant position on the highway construction and environmental index and ecology; thus, the ecological swales which had the advantage of enormous soil erosion, Steady performance and pollution reduction can be used widely relative to masonry. In the end, evaluating the impact of

5、economic environment, water environment, aerosol environment in order to reduce the emission of carbon in the period of construction by discussing the management of highway construction, it will reduce the impact efficiently. Highway construction as the hotpot of economic, energy and more and more p

6、eople pay attention to it, and it use new idea, The new material, new methods, new techniques and so on to reduce the emission of carbon. Low carbon design concept is from planning design, construction of the construction of the overall consideration, connecting with the practice, pay attention to s

7、tudy design index rationality and low carbon energy saving effect of the mutual relations, and finally the scientific and reasonable measures, to determine the design scheme. Key words: low carbon, highway, material, technology, environment iii 目录 第一章 绪论 . 1 1.1 生态环境现状 . 1 1.1.1 生态系统失衡 . 1 1.1.2 应对措

8、施 . 2 1.2 大气环境现状 . 3 1.2.1 全球气候变暖 . 3 1.2.2 应对全球气候变暖的国内外现状 . 4 1.3 研究低碳高速公路建设的意义 . 5 1.4 研究目的及内容 . 6 第二章 高速公路建设期对环境的影响及保护措施 . 7 2.1 公路建设和运营过程中土壤生态环境的影响 . 7 2.1.1 对土壤的影响 . 7 2.1.2 对植被及土地资源的影响 . 8 2.1.3 对地质灾害的影响 . 8 2.1.4 对生物多样性的影响 . 8 2.2 对生态水循环环境的影响 . 9 2.3 高速公路建设期产生的大气污染与危害 . 9 2.4 高速公路建设期产生的噪声污染与危害 . 9 2.5 高速公路建设期产生的水体污染与危害 . 10 2.6 高速公路建设期产生的固体废物污染与危害 . 10 2.7 高速公路施工阶段环保措施 . 11 2.7.1 高速公路施工阶段环保措施 . 11 2.7.2 噪声防治 . 13 2.7.3 大气污染防护 . 13 2.7.4 水污染防治 . 13 2.7.5 固废污染防治 .


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