国际商业和跨文化交流(international business and cross cultural)

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国际商业和跨文化交流(international business and cross cultural)_第1页
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国际商业和跨文化交流(international business and cross cultural)_第3页
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《国际商业和跨文化交流(international business and cross cultural)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《国际商业和跨文化交流(international business and cross cultural)(3页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、国际商业和跨文化交流(International business and cross cultural)the inrease in internatinal business and in freign investent hasreated a need fr exeutives ith nledge f freign languages andsills in rss-ultural uniatin aerians, hever, have nt beenell trained in either area and, nsequentl, have nt ened the saelev

2、el f suess in negtiatin in an internatinal arena as have theirfreign unterpartsnegtiating is the press f uniating ba and frth fr the purpsef reahing an agreeent it invlves persuasin and prise, but inrder t partiipate in either ne, the negtiatrs ust understand theas in hih peple are persuaded and h p

3、rise is reahed ithinthe ulture f the negtiatinin an internatinal business negtiatins abrad, aerians are pereivedas ealth and ipersnal it ften appears t the freignnegtiatr that the aerian represents a large ulti-illin-dllarrpratin that an affrd t pa the prie ithut bargaining furtherthe aerian negtiat

4、rs rle bees that f an ipersnal purver finfratin and ashin studies f aerian negtiatrs abrad, several traits have beenidentified that a serve t nfir this steretpial pereptin, hileunderining the negtiatrs psitin t traits in partiular that ause rss-ultural isunderstanding are diretness and ipatiene n th

5、e partf the aerian negtiatr furtherre, aerian negtiatrsften insist n realizing shrt-ter gals freign negtiatrs, n thether hand, a value the relatinship established beteen negtiatrs anda be illing t invest tie in it fr lng-ter benefits in rder tslidif the relatinship, the a pt fr indiret interatinsith

6、ut regard fr the tieinvlved in getting t n the ther negtiatrlearl, pereptins and differenes in values affet the utes fnegtiatins and the suess f negtiatrs fr aerians t pla are effetive rle in internatinal business negtiatins, the ust putfrth re effrt t iprve rss-ultural understanding际商业和跨文化交流英语作文译文:

7、国际贸易和海外投资的增加产生了对具有外语知识和跨文化 交 流技巧的经理的需求。然而,美国人在这两方面未得到良好的训练,因此没有在国 际谈判 中象他们的外国对手一样成功。 谈判是为了达成协议而反 复交流的过程。 它包括说服和妥 协。但是为了去进行说服和妥协,谈判者必须懂得在谈判的文化 中怎样说服人和怎样达成 妥协。 在国外的国际商务谈判中,美国 人被视为富有和不带个人情感。在外国谈判者看来, 似乎美国人代表着一个庞大的拥有数百万资财的大企业,不用进一步地讨价还价就能出得起 价钱。美国谈判者的角色变成了一个没有个人感情的信息及现金的 供应者。 对在国外的美国谈判者的研究中,我们找出了损害谈判者能力的几个特点, 或许证实这个已成定式的看法。 尤其引起跨文化误解的两个特点是 美国谈判者的直截了当和缺乏耐心。此外,美国谈判者 经常坚持实现短期目标,而外国的谈判者 会珍视建立谈判者之间的联系并愿意为长期利益投 入时间。为了巩固这种联系,他们会选择非直接的交流而不计较投入 用于了解对方的时间。 明显地,价值观的不同和理解上的差异影响 了谈判的结果和谈判者的成功与否。美国人要 在国际商务谈判中扮演更为有效的角色,他们就必 须投入更多的努力提高跨文化的理解力。


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