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1、M O N D A Y , M A R C H 1 5 , 2 0 1 0 T A I P E I T I M E S 14 雙語新聞 B I L I N G U A L T I M E SAustralia goes from best job to best taxi ride 繼最棒工作 澳洲再推最棒計程車之旅 A ustralian tourism authorities are seeking five foreign couples to take part in what is touted as the worlds longest, and most extraordinar

2、y, taxi ride. Building on last years highly successful “Best Job in the World” campaign, officials are hoping to promote remote and rugged Western Australia by launching the “Extraordi- nary Taxi Ride.” In a nine-week journey over some 11,000km of road, five couples one from New Zealand, Malaysia, S

3、ingapore, Germany and Britain will travel the state in the back of a taxi. The couples, along with six Australian pairs, will travel one section each of the 11-leg journey, which starts in Perth on April 9 and traverses outback and the beach-lined west coast before winding north to ex-pearling cente

4、r Broome. “Its based on the story of a 1930s spinster and two col- leagues who travelled from Melbourne to Darwin and back again by taxi, but with a modern twist,” said Tourism WA director Stephanie Buckland. That record-breaking trip, an epic 9,000km along Austral- ias east coast, cost the wealthy

5、and adventurous Ada Beal 300 and took three months in a soft-top taxi in 1930. The fare roughly translates to about A$20,000 (US$18,000, NT$583,000) today. Buckland said the 2010 ride would be poles apart from driver Charlie Heards original journey, featuring four-wheel drive “stunt taxi” vehicles f

6、or the bumpier, more remote sec- tions and involving support and film crews. Participants will document their all-expenses-paid adven- ture online with video blogs and Twitter updates, and the official Web site will feature a live streaming “taxicam” and a guess-the-fare contest, she added. More tha

7、n 400 cabbies applied to drive the epic route, with Doug Slater of Bunbury being awarded the honor, for which he will be paid A$25,000. (afp with staff writer) 澳 洲旅遊當局正徵求五對外國夫妻或情侶,參與一場號稱全 球最長、最特別的計程車之旅。 去年的世界最棒工作活動相當成功,官員們希望再藉著 驚奇計程車之旅來推廣偏遠、崎嶇的澳洲西部觀光。 在這趟為期九週、路程約一萬一千公里的旅程中,來自紐西 蘭、馬來西亞、新加坡、德國和英國的五對夫妻

8、情侶檔將搭乘計 程車暢遊西澳。 整個活動分為十一站,五對外國參賽隊伍及六對澳洲當地組合 將以一組一站的方式完成接力。活動訂四月九日在伯斯起跑,橫 越內陸及西部沿岸後,再蜿蜒抵達北部前珍珠生產中心布隆市。 西澳觀光局局長史蒂芬妮巴克蘭表示:我們的靈感來自一 九三年代一名單身女性與兩名同事從墨爾本一路搭計程車玩到 達爾文再返回的故事,不過這次活動多了現代色彩。 一九三年那場破紀錄的環遊澳洲東岸旅程中,愛冒險的富家 女艾達畢爾搭乘軟頂篷計程車顛簸了三個月、花費三百英鎊才 完成九千公里的長征。 當初旅費折算現今幣值大約是兩萬澳幣(一萬八千美元、新台 幣五十八萬三千元)。 巴克蘭表示,今年的活動和當初由

9、查理赫駕駛的計程車之旅 有著天壤之別,除了提供適合挑戰更顛簸、更偏遠路段的四輪傳 動特技計程車外,還安排專門支援和攝影的工作人員。 她還說,參賽者會透過影音部落格和推特更新的方式,把參加 公費冒險的過程公佈在網路上,而西澳觀光局官網也會即時 轉播計程車攝影機拍攝到的畫面,並舉辦旅費預測比賽。 有四百多輛伯斯當地的計程車報名參加這次壯遊,最後由來自 邦柏里的道格司拉特脫穎而出,擔任計程車駕駛的他將可獲得 兩萬五千澳幣的薪酬。 (法新社翻譯:林倩如) A man walks amidst immobilised taxis during a 48-hour taxi driver strike i

10、n Athens on March 2, 2010. photo: reuters 本 月 二 日 , 雅 典 計 程 車 司 機 集 體 罷 工 四 十 八 小 時 , 一 名 男 子 在 停 滯 的 車 陣 中 穿 梭 。 照片:路透 1. tout /tat / v. 標榜 (biao1 bang3),招徠 (zhao1 lai2) 例: Eric was being touted as a future Oscar winner. (艾瑞克被喻為問鼎奧斯卡的熱門人選。) 2. rugged /rgd / adj. 崎嶇不平的 (qi2 qu1 bu4 ping2 de5) 例: We

11、spent hours in the Jeep traveling across rugged terrain. (我們坐在吉普車上顛簸了好幾個小時。) 3. traverse /trvs / v. 橫越 (heng2 yue4) 例: The hikers traversed a narrow mountain pass. (登山客越過狹窄的隘口。) TODAYS WORDS 今 日 單 字 poles apart 南轅北轍 If you say that people or things are poles apart, you mean they are very different.

12、According to the article, the modern taxi ride will be poles apart from the orginal tax ride in the 1930s. Example: “Although they grew up together, Oli and Jack are poles apart when it comes to their political opinions.” poles apart用來形容人或物差異極大。上文中提到,現代這場計程車之旅和一九三 年代那場有著天壤之別。 例如:奧力和傑克雖然一起長大,但說到政治立場,兩人可是南轅北轍。 LANGUAGE POINT 重 要 片 語


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