事理说明-有志者事竟成-where there is a will, there is a way

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《事理说明-有志者事竟成-where there is a will, there is a way》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《事理说明-有志者事竟成-where there is a will, there is a way(3页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、事理说明:有志者事竟成-Where There Is a Will, There Is a Way有志者事竟成【内容提示】用英语写一篇文章,说明“有志者事竟成” 的道理。你可以顺着以 下思路来写:如果你想成功,你就必须有志气。多数人失败的原因就是因为他们没有坚强的意志和决心,害怕 困难,强调客观。做任何事情困难总是有的,但是如果你意志坚强,就能战胜困 难,取得成功。有些人之所以能取得辉煌成绩就是因为他们不怕困难,勇敢接 受挑战等。【作文示范】here There Is a ill, There Is a aThis stateent eans that if u are reall deter

2、ined t d sething, hever diffiult it ight be, u ill find a a f ding it at last The pint is that u ust have the ill if u are t sueedNinet perent f the failures that ur are due t the fat there is n strng ill an peple sipl sa that the ant sething, but the d nt ae an attept t ahieve it Thus, instead f ge

3、tting it, the use the eaest exuses t explain the situatin aan an asins, t, peple prbabl sa uh re than the truth abut diffiulties, aing the betive ipssible t reah In fat, if ne has the ill t sueed, then the size f the bstales ill see saller, and ne an ahieve nes galsIf ne ants t sueed, he shuld nt al

4、l bstales r failures t prevent hi fr ating He shuld learn t ae his ill strnger and t deterine hiself t ahieve his abitinsnes ill shuld be strng enugh t ash r seep aa the diffiulties in nes path t suess If ne reall has a strng ill, then, seh r ther , ne ill find a a t get hat ne ants, r reahes here n

5、e ais at arrivingan a faus an sueeded in arriving in their high sial psitin beause the had the ill t vere bstales hih ere seeingl t diffiult t be passed The have anaged t sueed beause the ntrlled the ill hih helped the t ahieve faeFr hat I sa abve, e an see that the ain thing hih ne needs is ill ea-

6、illed peple never ae it t the tp A strng illed persn, n the ther hand, ill stand up against all dds and ill ae it a pint t sueed at last【词语解释】bstalebst+l n障碍(物)sehs)hau r ther 以某种方式【写法指要】本文以定义至理名言“有志者,事竟成” 开篇,把篇题定位在“u ust have the ill if u are t sueed”上。正文分为个自然段。第二、三段从反 面阐述没有坚强的意志和决心,只强调客观、夸大困难就会失败的 道理。第五、六段从正面说明只要有志气,有决心,就没有克服不 了的困难,就会最终取得成功的道理。第四段是过渡段,即由反面说理向正面阐述过渡。最后一段是结尾段,综合上文说明能否成功 的关键在于有没有意志,意志薄弱就不会成功,意志坚强就能成功。 这样就与引言段的篇题“u ust have the ill if u are t sueed”相呼应了。用 钱钟书先生的话说,这叫“幡蛇章法” (la psitin-serpent):“端末钩 接,类蛇之自衔其尾。 ”(管锥篇228230 页)


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