向无名英雄致敬(saluting to those unsung heroes)

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向无名英雄致敬(saluting to those unsung heroes)_第1页
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向无名英雄致敬(saluting to those unsung heroes)_第2页
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《向无名英雄致敬(saluting to those unsung heroes)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《向无名英雄致敬(saluting to those unsung heroes)(2页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、向无名英雄致敬(Saluting to Those Unsung Heroes)let e first share ith u the experienes f fire-fighters as steel arrirs brn f flaes, fire-fighters are brave, stiff and read t sarifie in the vide, i itnessed h fire-fighters preeded ith diffiult t put ut the fire n se arehuses thse arehuses ere full f barrels

2、ntaining benzene as e all n, benzene belngs t txi heials t ae things rse, there uld be explsin at an tie due t the pressure aused b the heat and high teperature thus, a life-and-death fight beteen the fire and fire-fighters urred the ere divided int several brigades and intl endeavred t fight agains

3、t the fire fr the sae f peple as ell as their prpert during the urse f the bat, a nuber f fire-fighters gt infeted beause f the txi heials the felt dizz and vited hever, the bstales didnt ae thse heres retreat r give up finall, their nstant effrts and strng ill per helped the put ut the fire thrughl

4、 their spirit is quite ving and deserves ur respetnext it es t dtrs a dtr is ne f the prfessins that everne is s failiar ith, right? thrugh the series, ive learned that there is a an hse experiene differs fr thers in her hspital, she ften sees infants reeted b their parents at the dr thse pr infants

5、 as she said have gt erebral pals despite the strng ppsitin f her fail and friends, she deterined t adpt an infant h is reeted b parents in fat, the dtr herself isnt rih enugh a lt f neighbrs thin f her t be ad but there is a fir belief supprting this an dtr alng the a, and that is all things in the

6、ir being are gd fr sething she shs speial preferene fr thse infants and teahes the t tal ith her lve and are, thse lu infants are gring up healthil da b da she hpes that the an ntribute fr the siet in the future hat a nderful drea hpefull her drea uld e true se dalast but nt the least, fr thse serie

7、s i als learned the grass-rts siet inside self, a heart is gring, a heart nt nl beats fr self but ares fr thers as ell i ne vlunteered t be an english teaher in a priar shl fr hildren f igrant rers the vlunteer r gave e a preius little hane f saing thans t peple lie the hildrens parents h nstrut hig

8、has and undergrund, build up dern ssrapers and ae ur ities re and re beautiful t help the hildren ith their english is hat i an d at present t sh gratitude t thse unsung heres the rld a nt be fair t the, s privileged and blessed peple lie e are bliged t d hatever e an t help ae their life better hat

9、ever i d fr the, i n it ant be pared ith hat the have dne t iprve the qualit f life in ur itiesall in all, i an nt enuerate all great exaples f thse unsung heres all at ne here, i uld lie t sa that all f us shuld salute t the the salutatin represents ur appreiatin, gratitude and respet fr the deep f ur hearts indeed


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