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1、 ITjob 就业培训 1/4 1. Jimmy sent a mail to Janice, as follow: Dear Janice, It is my pleasure to meet you on “software cooperation meeting”, I am planning to visit your office with my technical head, Peter Li on this Friday. Is the time convenient for you? Otherwise, we can also arrange other day. Just

2、 let me know. Best regards, Jimmy Now please response this mail as you were Janice.You can confirm the date or not. 2. This is a letter from Norway,they want to give some projects to your company in Shenzhen.To evaluate you to this job,they have the following questions, please answer: 1) What is you

3、r experience with real time applications? 2) What resources do you have for JAVA? 3) Do you have engineers with mathematics background? 4) Do you have resources for doing data processing and data entering (scanning, OCR etc.)? 5) How do we secure that you understand the task and that you are deliver

4、ing the expected product? 6) How do you train your engineers for this job? 7) How can we control that the used man hours are real? 8) How many trips / visits do you think you / we need to secure the quality of the task and finished product? 9) How much of your turnover is for foreign customer (man d

5、ays and %)? 10) . Can you please send us a reference list and contact person(s) in reference companies? 3.finish the following dialog,translate the following Chinese into English: 1) Greeting: A: Hi, Jane. How are you doing this morning? B: Im all right, thanks. Just a little tired. A: Late night? B

6、: 是啊,我大约两点才到家( ) 2) Long time no see! A: Hi, Jim. How are you? I havent seen you for a while. B: Im fine. 我出了趟远门。刚回来.( ) A: Where were you? B: 我去纽约参加了个婚礼。( ) 3) Asking about a schedule ITjob 就业培训 2/4A: Excuse me, Mr. Emory? Mr. Macmillan 想知道您那里是否有下周的全部时间表?( ) B: Yes, I do, Susan. Just a moment. Her

7、e it is. A: Thank you, 打扰了( ) B: Not at all, Susan. 告诉他用完后交给我的秘书就是了( ) 4)Calling a group meeting A: All right. 我想请大家集中到这个项目来。我们什么时候可以着手这项工作呢?( ) B: Well, 我们也许可以明天早上 8 点先开一个战略方针会议。( ) A: 我得告诉你,8 点对我不合适。但你们何不先把会开起来?我大约 8:45 左右过来。( ) B: 我没问题。这项工作我们打算要干多久?( ) 5)Uncertain about an answer A: Ms. McPherson

8、? 这个问题恐怕我没把握。能给我个电话号码和您联系吗?( )B: Yes, 532-4121. 得多长时间你能打电话给我?( ) A: 我应该今天下午就能查到这一信息。我一得到消息就给您打电话。( ) B: All right. 如果我没在请给我的秘书留个口信。 4.Say something about your career, you can select one as family/studying/making girl or boy friend/be stolen/taking a meeting so on. 5.Translate the following into Chin

9、ese CEO of Apple compayHeres a guy with enough savvy and brainpower to effectively hold down two CEO jobs at once-and do a pretty amazing job at both. Weve listed him for his post at Apple, but of course Steve Jobs also runs Pixar, the animation company. Jobs arrested Apples slow death spiral and ev

10、en put some oomph back into the pioneering computer firm he helped found. Coming in after a $1 billion loss in fiscal 1997, Jobs turned a $106 million profit-38 percent above Wall Streets consensus target. A lot of credit goes to a very simple idea: ITjob 就业培训 3/4 Make computers in different colors

11、. Jobs was the only one who thought to make it happen. The colorful mid-priced iMac has also succeeded by playing down the compatibility conundrum. Apple positioned it as the machine for the Internet, where compatibility questions are no big deal. Behind the scenes, Jobs also streamlined the product

12、 line, reduced the head count, consolidated distribution, and slimmed inventory. Meanwhile, over at Pixar, A Bugs Life nabbed a total $159 million in domestic box office, the highest domestic animated take since Toy Story and third highest ever, after Toy Story and the leader, The Lion King. Busines

13、s philosophy: “The technology isnt the hard part. The hard part is, Whos going to buy it? How are they going to buy it? How do you tell them about it?“Headaches: Multifold. Apple is still a pip-squeak to the Wintel Goliath. With less than 10 percent of the computer market, Apple needs to lure more s

14、oftware makers into producing programs for the Mac. The company has cut about as much as it can. Now it has a tougher job: Make sales grow. And whats the follow-up? Jobs probably also hasnt been spending as much as he should on research and development. Finally, where is his successor? Pixar, a coll

15、egial place, can run without him-but what about Apple? Not a good place for a boss who refuses to remove the “interim“ prefix from his CEO title. Management Style: At Apple, Jobs is a mercurial micromanager-some say nanomanager. Virtually every decision goes by him. “At any time, 10,000 employees are wondering, What would Steve say?, not What is the right thing to do?“ said a former Apple exec. At Pixar, realizing that he isnt a film visionary, he leaves the experts to their knitting. Habits: Kno



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