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1、皇家加勒比邮轮集团面试常见问题1. 问:How do you do? How are you?你好。答:How do you do? /Im fine .And you?你好。2. 问:Could you introduce yourself? Can you say something about yourself in English?能自我介绍一下么?请用英语做一下自我介绍。答:Yes, I could. My name is .Im years old. I graduated from school. My major is .我叫 ,今年 岁,毕业于 学校,学的是 专业. 3. 问

2、:Could you tell me your name? Do you have English Name? Who gave you the English.能告诉我你的名字么?你有英文名么?谁为你起的英文名?你知道自己英文名的含义么?你的名字怎么拼写?答:My name is . English name is . The meaning of my English name is .My high school English teacher gave me my English name. *-*-*-*, *. 我的名字是 。英文名是 。英文名是我的高中英语老师为我起的。我的英文名

3、字的含义是 。我的名字是这样拼的,X-X-X-X,XXXX。4. 问:How old are you? When/where were you born? What is your age? Could you tell me your date of birth? 你的年龄是多大?出生日期和地点分别是什么?你的年龄是多大?能否告诉我你的生日?答:Im years old. I was born in on . My age is .My date of birth is .我的年龄是 XX 岁,出生日期是 19XX 年 XX 月 XX 日,出生地点是 XX 市。我的年龄是XX 岁,我的生日是

4、 XX 月 XX 日。5. 问:How tall are you? What is your weight/height?你的身高是多少?你的体重/身高是多少?答:Im centimeters. My weight is kilogram/height is centimeters. 我的身高是 XXCM,体重是 XXKG。6. 问:Are you married or single? Have you got married?已婚还是单身?你结婚了么?答: Im single. / I m married. Yes, I have. / No, I havent.我是单身,我结婚了。 是的,

5、我结婚了。/不,我还没结婚。7. 问:Whats your nationality?你的国籍是哪里?答:My nationality is China.我的国籍是中国。8. 问:Where do you live? Where are you from? Whats your address? Where is your hometown?你住在哪?从哪里来?你的地址是哪里?你的家乡是哪里?答:I live in . Im from .My address is .My hometown is .我住在 市。我从 来。我的地址是 我的家乡是 。9. 问:How long it takes yo

6、u from your hometown to here by bus/train? How far away from here to your hometown? 从你家乡到这里做公车/火车需要多长时间?这离你家乡有多远?答:It takes about hours by bus/train. It is about kilometers.从我家乡到这里坐公车/火车需要 个小时。这里离我的家乡有 千米。10.问:Is there any interesting place in ? Could you introduce some interesting place in ? Can yo

7、u tell me the most famous local food/snacks in ?xxx 有什么好玩儿的地方么?能给我介绍一些南京/西安好玩儿的地方么?能说说你的家乡最有名的食品/小吃么?答:Yes , there is. There are . The most famous local food/snacks in is 有 好玩的地方。 有名的地方是 。我家乡最有名的小吃是 和 。11.问:What is the climate in ? Which season do you like you best ?的气候如何?你最喜欢哪个季节?答:The climate in i

8、s very .I like the best. 的气候很宜人。我最喜欢 季。12.问:How many person/people in your family? . 你家有几口人?答:There are 我家有 XX 口人。13.问:Do you have any brothers or sisters ? What is your brother or sister doing?. 你有兄弟姐妹么?你的兄弟姐妹都是做什么的?答:Yes, I have. /No,I havent . He/she is a 我有/没有兄弟姐妹。我的兄弟姐妹是干 的。14.问:What is your fa

9、ther/mother doing? Whats the occupation of your parents?你父母都是做什么的?你父母的职业是什么?答:They are .我的父母都是做 的。我父母的职业是 。15.问:Who will take care of your parents when you are abroad?你在国外的时候谁来照顾你的父母?答:I think my brother and my sister will take care of them.我在国外的时候我的兄弟姐妹会照顾好我的父母。16.问:Which school did you graduate fr

10、om? When/where did you graduate from?.你是哪所学校毕业的?你是什么时候从哪里毕业的?答:I graduated from school. I graduated from ,on 你是 学校毕业的。我是 年从 学校毕业的。17.问:Do you have bachelor degree or diploma?你是有学士学位还是文凭?答:I have bachelor degree / diploma .我有学士学位/文凭。18.问:Whats your major? What did you learn/study in the school?你的专业是什

11、么?在学校都学了什么?答:My major is .I had learn /study in the school.我的专业是 。在学校学的是 。 19.问 Whats your favorite classes/subjects at school?你在学校最喜欢上的课是什么?答:My favorite classes/subjects at school is .我在学校最喜欢上的课是 。20.问:Do you like English? Why? How many years have you learned English? Why do you think English is i

12、mportant? How to improve your English?你喜欢英语么?为什么?你学了几年英语?你为什么认为英语很重要?如何提高英语水平?答:Yes, I like it, because it is very useful. I have learned it .Because its the first language in the world. Improving English has five points, more watching, more listening, more reading, more speaking, more writing .我喜欢英语。因为英语是一门很有用的语言。我学了 年英语。我觉得英语重要是因为英语是现在世界各国的通用语言。提高英语主要有五点,多看多听多读多说多写。21.问:Can you speak other foreign languages except English? Can you speak Cantonese?除英语外,你还可以说其他外语么?你会说广东话么?答:Except English, I can also speak .Yes, I can. /No ,I



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