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1、Lesson 10,Urging the Buyer to Accept an Offer,Vocabulary,1. urge: vt. 催促2. command: v. 指挥;控制3. outstanding: 突出的,优秀的4. superior: 较高的,上等的(to)5. selling season: 销售季节6. draw: v. 临近7. limited: 有限的,Vocabulary,8. attractive design: 吸引人的造型9. reasonable price: 合理的价格10: appeal: vi. 引起兴趣/注意(to)11. recommend: v

2、t. 建议;推荐,Expression,1. refer to sth.: 谈到某事;查阅某物We refer to your letter of August 30.Which contract are you referring to?Do you refer to the question of supply?We referred to our records and found that the said commission had already been paid.,兹谈及你方3月20日关于100公吨核桃的发盘。,We refer to your offer of March

3、20 for 100 metric tons walnuts.,Expression,2. command an outstanding sale: 畅销Our new products command ready sales in your market. The goods have commended a good market. The goods are most popular with our customers.,中国丝绸产品在欧洲市场很畅销。,Chinese Silk Products have enjoyed fast sales in the European marke

4、t.,Expression,3. be superior to sth.: 比某物优良 This quality is superior to that.These goods are superior to any similar goods on the market.Our products are superior in quality and competitive in price.,我们的产品相比其他国家的产品质量要好一些。,Our products are of superior quality to those from other countries.,Expression

5、,4. in demand: 需求 This product is much/great in demand. Glass-wares are in great/small/regular demand. 玻璃器皿销路很大/不大,经常有销路There is a large demand for these goods.,我们现在想购买(需求)你们的印刷机。,We are now in demand for your printing machines.,Expression,5. be prepared to do sth.: 准备做某事We are not prepared to chang

6、e the terms.We are prepared to give you a 10% quantity discount. If you require additional, we shall be prepared to arrange.,如果你愿意降价2%,我们有可能达成交易。,If you are prepared to cut your price by 2%, we might come to terms.,Expression,6. open: a. 有效的 The offer is open until April 5. We shall keep this offer

7、open up to the end of this month.,此发盘以你方于北京时间2011年4月30日下午5点前复到为有效。,This offer is open subject to your reply reaching us before 5:00 p.m. April 30, 2011 Beijing time.,Expression,7. appeal to sb. : 引起某人兴趣We trust this new product of ours will appeal to your market.The high standard craftsmanship will

8、appeal to captious buyers.,我们认为,精湛的工艺和新颖的设计会引起你方客户的兴趣。,We think the superb workmanship and the novel designs will appeal to your customers.,Expression,8. recommend sb. to do sth.: 建议某人做某事We recommend you to buy a small quantity for trial.We recommend you to accept the price as soon as possible.,我们建议

9、你们与我们的上海分公司接洽此事。,We would like to recommend you to approach our Shanghai branch for this matter.,Knowledge,Main Idea:催促买方尽快接受10月16日关于家用电暖气的发盘。Structure:1. 由往来信函谈及信函主题2. 推销商品,分析市场行情,说明发盘有效期3. 再次推销商品4. 建议对方尽快接受,Good Sentences!,Our products have been commending an outstanding sale and are superior to any similar goods on the market.We believe the attractive design and reasonable price must have strong appeal to your customers.,The End,



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