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1、二零一零至二零一一年度 禁毒基金撥款計劃 Beat Drugs Fund 2010/11 Funding Exercise 填表時務請參閱二零一零至一一年度禁毒基金撥款計劃指 引,申請表須於二零一零年三月三十一日下午六時或之前 送交禁毒基金會(香港金鐘道 66 號金鐘道政府合署高座 30 樓保安局禁毒處轉交) This form should be completed with reference to “Guide to Beat Drugs Fund 2010/11 Funding Exercise”. It should be returned to the Beat Drugs Fun

2、d Association, c/o Narcotics Division, Security Bureau, 30/F, High Block, Queensway Government Offices, 66 Queensway, Hong Kong on or before 6:00 p.m. on 31 March 2010.1 此欄無須填寫 For Official Use Only 檔案編號 Reference No: 禁毒基金申請表 Beat Drugs Fund Application Form (可用中文或英文填寫。To be completed in Chinese or

3、English) 甲部 計劃資料 Part A Project Information I. 計劃名稱Project name 中文 Chinese: _ 英文 English: _ II. 申請人/ 機構Applicant 中文 Chinese: _ 英文English: _ 地址: Address: _ _ _ 電話: 傳真: 電郵地址: Tel. no. _ Fax no. _ E-mail address _2 負責人: 職銜: Responsible person: _Post title: _ 可提供更詳盡資料的人士 (如與上述填報的負責人不同) Person to be cont

4、acted for further information (if different from the responsible person) 姓名 : 職銜 : Name _ Post title _ 地址 : Address _ _ 電郵地址 : _ E-mail address _ 電話: 傳真: Tel. no. _ Fax no. _ III. 申請人/ 機構背景Background information of applicant (a) (i) 如屬機構,請註明For applicant organisation, please state - 是否根據下列條例註冊 Wheth

5、er the applicant is registered under - 社團條例 公司條例 Societies Ordinance Companies Ordinance 其他 (請註明) Others (please specify) _ (註冊年份: Year of Registration: _) (ii) 是否稅務條例第 88 條所指的慈善機構:Whether the applicant is a charitable organisation for the purpose of section 88 of the Inland Revenue Ordinance - 否 是

6、(請提供稅務局發出的 IR 表格第 302 號) No Yes (please provide Form 302 issued by theInland Revenue Department) (b) 如屬個人,請提供附屬機構支持計劃的證明文件。 For individual applicants, please attach documentary evidence showing that support from their affiliated organisations have been obtained.3 (c) 請以不超過一頁文字提供申請人/機構的簡介 Please prov

7、ide a brief description of the applicant in no more than one page. 附屬機構名稱及地址: Name and address of affiliated organisation: _ _ IV. 計劃撮要(請以不多於 300 字簡介計劃的內容) Project summary (please provide a concise summary of the project in no more than 300 words) 撮要必須列明計劃目的、主要活動及評估方法。 The summary must set out objec

8、tives, key activities and evaluation measures.4 請在適當方格加上“ ” 號,選擇可多於一個。 Please where appropriate. You can tick more than one box. V. 計劃類別 Project type (i) 預防教育和宣傳 戒毒治療和康復 Preventive Education Detailed accounts, if any, can be listed in separate sheet) (a) 為計劃聘請員工詳情 Details of Recruitment of Project S

9、taff 增聘員工的薪金應以政府同類職位的起薪點為準。如以較高薪金聘用員 工,則須提出充分理由。(Appointees should normally be paid with the starting salary of similar posts in the Government. Strong justifications should be provided for the appointment of staff with higher salaries.) (1) 薪金及強積金 Salary & Mandatory Provident Fund (MPF) 職位 Position

10、 全職/兼職* Full-time/ Part-time* 員工數目 No. of staff (A) 月薪 Monthly salary (B) 聘用月數 Length of employment (in months) (C) 申請款額 Amount of grant applied for ($) (A)x(B)x(C) (D)小計Sub-total : 已根據撥款計劃指引第 11 段另紙提交增聘員工的詳細職務表。 Detailed duty list(s) of the staff has/have been attached separately in accordance with paragraph 11 of the Funding Exercise Guide



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