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1、$课文 1 逃遁的美洲狮1. Pumas are large, cat-like animals which are found in America.美洲狮是一种体形似猫的大动物,产于美洲。2. When reports came into London Zoo that a wild puma had been spotted forty-five miles south of London, they were not taken seriously.当伦敦动物园接到报告说,在伦敦以南 45 英里处发现一只美洲狮时,这些报告并没有受到重视。3. However, as the evide

2、nce began to accumulate, experts from the Zoo felt obliged to investigate,可是,随着证据越来越多,动物园的专家们感到有必要进行一番调查,4. for the descriptions given by people who claimed to have seen the puma were extraordinarily similar.因为凡是声称见到过美洲狮的人们所描述的情况竟是出奇地相似。5. The hunt for the puma began in a small village where a woman

3、 picking blackberries saw a large cat only five yards away from her.搜寻美洲狮的工作是从一座小村庄开始的。那里的一位妇女在采摘黑莓时的看见“一只大猫” ,离她仅 5 码远,6. It immediately ran away when she saw it, and experts confirmed that a puma will not attack a human being unless it is cornered.她刚看见它,它就立刻逃走了。专家证实,美洲狮非被逼得走投无路,是决不会伤人的。7. The sear

4、ch proved difficult,事实上搜寻工作很困难,8. for the puma was often observed at one place in the morning and at another place twenty miles away in the evening.因为常常是早晨在甲地发现那只美洲狮,晚上却在 20 英里外的乙地发现它的踪迹。9. Wherever it went, it left behind it a trail of dead deer and small animals like rabbits.无论它走哪儿,一路上总会留下一串死鹿及死兔子

5、之类的小动物,10. Paw prints were seen in a number of places and puma fur was found clinging to bushes.在许多地方看见爪印,灌木丛中发现了粘在上面的美洲狮毛。11. Several people complained of cat-like noises at night and a businessman on a fishing trip saw the puma up a tree.有人抱怨说夜里听见“像猫一样的叫声” ;一位商人去钓鱼,看见那只美洲狮在树上。12. The experts were

6、now fully convinced that the animal was a puma, but where had it come from?专家们如今已经完全肯定那只动物就是美洲狮,但它是从哪儿来的呢?13. As no pumas had been reported missing from any zoo in the country,由于全国动物园没有一家报告丢了美洲狮,14. this one must have been in the possession of a private collector and somehow managed to escape.因此那只美洲

7、狮一定是某位私人收藏豢养的,不知怎么设法逃出来了。15. The hunt went on for several weeks, but the puma was not caught.搜寻工作进行了好几个星期,但始终未能逮住那只美洲狮。16. It is disturbing to think that a dangerous wild animal is still at large in the quiet countryside.想到在宁静的乡村里有一头危险的野兽继续逍遥流窜,真令人担心。$课文 2 十三等于一17. Our vicar is always raising money

8、for one cause or another,我们教区的牧师总是为各种各样的事筹集资金。18. but he has never managed to get enough money to have the church clock repaired.但始终未能筹足资金把教堂的钟修好。19. The big clock which used to strike the hours day and night was damaged many years ago and has been silent ever since.教堂的钟很大,以前不分昼夜打点报时,但很多年前遭到毁坏,从此便无声

9、无息了。20. One night, however, our vicar woke up with a start: the clock was striking the hours!一天夜里,我们的牧师突然被惊醒了,大钟又在“打点”报时了!21. Looking at his watch, he saw that it was one oclock, but the bell struck thirteen times before it stopped.他一看表,才 1 点钟,可是那钟一边敲了 13 下才停。22. Armed with a torch, the vicar went u

10、p into the clock tower to see what was going on.牧师拿着一支电筒走上钟楼想去看看究竟发生了什么事情。23. In the torchlight, he caught sight of a figure whom he immediately recognized as Bill Wilkins, our local grocer.借着电筒光。他看见一个人,马上认出那是本地杂货店主经比尔.威尔金斯。24. Whatever are you doing up here Bill? asked the vicar in surprise.“你究竟在这上

11、面干什么,比尔?”牧师惊讶地问。25. Im trying to repair the bell, answered Bill.“我想把这口钟修好, ”比尔回答说。26. Ive been coming up here night after night for weeks now.“好几个星期了,我天天夜里到钟楼上来。27. You see, I was hoping to give you a surprise.嗯,我是想让你大吃一惊。 ”28. You certainly did give me a surprise! said the vicar.“你确实使我大吃了一惊!”牧师说,29

12、. Youve probably woken up everyone in the village as well.“也许同时你把村里所有的人都吵醒了。30. Still, Im glad the bell is working again.不过,钟又能报时了,我还是很高兴的。 ”31. Thats the trouble, vicar, answered Bill.“问题就在这里,牧师, ”比尔回答说。32. Its working all right, but Im afraid that at one oclock it will strike thirteen times and th

13、eres nothing I can do about it.“不错,钟能报时了,但是,恐怕每到 1 点钟,它总要敲 13 下,对此我已无能为力了。 ”33. Well get used to that, Bill, said the vicar.“大家慢慢就习惯了,比尔, ”牧师说。34. Thirteen is not as good as one, but its better than nothing.“13 下是不如 1 下好,但总比 1 下也不敲强。35. Now lets go downstairs and have a cup of tea.来,咱们下楼去喝杯茶吧。 ”$课文

14、3 无名女神36. Some time ago, an interesting discovery was made by archaeologists on the Aegean island of Kea.不久之前,在爱琴海的基亚岛上,考古工作者有一项有趣的发现。37. An American team explored a temple which stands in an ancient city on the promontory of Ayia Irini.一个美国考古队在阿伊亚.依里尼海角的一座古城里考察了一座庙宇。38. The city at one time must ha

15、ve been prosperous, for it enjoyed a high level of civilization.这座古城肯定一度很繁荣,因为它曾享有高度的文明,39. Houses - often three storeys high - were built of stone.房子一般有 3 层楼高,用石块修建。40. They had large rooms with beautifully decorated walls.里面房间很大,墙壁装饰华丽。41. The city was even equipped with a drainage system, for a g

16、reat many clay pipes were found beneath the narrow streets.城里甚至还敷设了排水系统,因为在狭窄的街道底下发现了许许多多陶土制作的排水管道。42. The temple which the archaeologists explored was used as a place of worship from the fifteenth century B.C. until Roman times.考古工作者考察的这座庙宇从公元前 15 世纪直到罗马时代一直是祭祀祈祷的场所。43. In the most sacred room of temple, clay fragments of fifteen statues were found.在庙中最神圣的一间殿堂里发现了 15 尊陶雕像的碎片。44. Each of these represented a goddess and had, at one time, been painted.每一尊雕像代表一位女神



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