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1、择师教育 为您选择最好的老师 欢迎优秀教师踊跃投稿 更多海量下载 难点20 疑问感叹句式巧还原 目前,对单选题的考查,不只是对语法进行简单的考查,而是通过对一些句型的转换, 考查对语法的灵活掌握。 难点磁场 1.()Was it in this place_ the last Emperor died? A.that B.in which C.in where D.which 2.()How pleased the detective was_ what his customer told him. A.hearing B.heard C.to hearing D.to hear 3.()T

2、he manager discussed the plan that they would like to see_ the next year. A.carry out B.carrying out C.carried out D.to carry out 4.()Is this the reason_ at the meeting for his carelessness in his work?(2002 上海春季) A.he explained B.what he explained C.how he explained D.why he explained 5.()Is this b

3、ook_ that you read yesterday? A.a book B.a one C.one D.the one 案例探究 1._ was it_ they discovered the entrance to the underground place? Totally by chance. A.How;that B.What;that C.When;when D.Where;that 命题意图:此题旨在考查强调句型的应用。此题属五星级题目。 知识依托:强调句型基本结构 It is /was+被强调部分+ +其他成分 who that 错解分析:强调句型的词不能用 what,wh

4、ere,when,指人用 who,其他一律用 that 解题方法与技巧:由答语可以看出问句是对方式进行提问,所以将答语带入问句中且 转化成陈述语序,则为: It was totally by chance that they discovered the entrance to the underground.然后再对 by chance 提问,问题就迎刃而解了。 答案:D 2.Who are you going to have_this letter for you ? Tom. A.type B.typed C.been typed D.been typing 命题意图:此题考查“have

5、 sb.do sth.”让其人做某事这一结构。此题属五星级题目。 知识依托:“have sb.do sth.”让某人做某事 havedoing sth.让持续做某事 have sth. done 遭受 请别人做某事 使被 错解分析:句子结构分析不对,导致错误选项的产生。择师教育 为您选择最好的老师 欢迎优秀教师踊跃投稿 更多海量下载 解题方法与技巧:把答语 Tom 代入问句中,即为 Im going to have Tom type the letter for me. 对 Tom 进行提问,不就得到答案了吗? 答案:A 3._different life today is from_ it

6、 was fifty years ago! A.What a;what B.What a;how C.How;what D.What;what 命题意图:旨在考查感叹句及名词性从句的引导词。此题属五星级题。 知识依托:感叹句结构 What+ How+ 谓语 主 . . adv adj that 引导名词性从句只充当引导词不作句子成分,而 what 可充当句子成分。 错解分析:若选 A、B 项句子就没有主语了。 解题方法与技巧:将感叹句简化为陈述句。 Life today is different from what it was fifty years ago! 答案:C 锦囊妙计 1.找到问

7、题的切入点是关键,将复杂结构还原。 2.熟练掌握定语从句、名词性从句、感叹句及强调句型等结构。 歼灭难点训练 1.()Whom would you rather_ the car? My father. A.have fix B.have to fix C.had fix D.have to be fixed 2.()Was it 8 oclock_you heard someone_ at the door? A.when;knocking B.when;knock C.that;knocking D.that;knock 3.()Was it in the room_ Mr. John l

8、ived_the exhibition was held? A.that;that B.where;where C.that;where D.where;that 4.()Is _ you want to say? Yes,_ thats all I know. A.all what;yet B.which all;unless C.that all; D.all that;so 5.()Was it not until 1920_ regular radio broadcasts began? A.while B.which C.that D.since 6.()_the house Mr

9、Zhang has been broken into? A.When was it that B.When /Has C.Has D.Had 7.()Did_ she was chosen made her very happy? A.what B.that C.which D.it 8.()Was it at the air battle on June 8,1994,_ was led by captain Johnson,_ that Peter lost his life? a(an) +adj. + 可数名词+ 主+谓+其 他 adj. + 不可数名词+ 主+谓 adj. + 可数名词+ 主+ 谓择师教育 为您选择最好的老师 欢迎优秀教师踊跃投稿 更多海量下载 A.when;that B.that;who C.which;that D.which;when



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