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1、 培训管理资料大全 商务智库整理 培训管理资料大全 商务智库整理Moveable Feast Feast of LotsPurim抽签节(又名普林节)With its raucousness, relentless clowning, and borderline-bawdy theatrics and masquerades, Purim is the most unbuttoned of Jewish holidays, inadvertently echoing Mardi Gras and other pre-Lenten carnivals occurring at this sa

2、me time of year. Some anthropologists hold that Purim is no less than a descendant of the orgiastic Babylonian New Year, on which Marduk and his fellow gods were said to gamble by casting lots (purim in the Babylonian language). The consensus, however, is that Purim commemorates one Queen Esther, wh

3、o with her cousin Mordecai, thwarted a massacre that had been engineered by the anti- Semitic royal adviser, Haman. (Haman, it is said, ended up on the gallows.)Purim is the only day of the Jewish year on which celebrants are canonically permitted-in fact encouraged-to drink themselves silly. After

4、a formal reading from the Book of Esther to usher in the holiday, many temples sponsor Purim carnivals, complete with song, dance, and games of the knock-over-bottles- plinted-with- Hamans - face variety. Carnival booths offer hamentaschen, triangular filled cookies that represent Hamans three-corne

5、red hat. Throughout the day, revelers are encouraged to stomp the floor, blow horns, and whirl graggers (special low-pitched noisemakers) whenever Hamans name is mentioned.1 raucousness 喧闹 1 relentless 不间断的 2 borderline-bawdy 低级下流 的 3 unbuttoned 没有拘束的 5 Mardi Gras 大斋首日的前一天(fat Tuesday,直译为“油腻的星期二” )

6、5-6 pre-Lenten carnivals 大斋前的狂 欢节 8 no less than 正是 8 orgiastic 纵酒狂欢的 9 Marduk 马尔杜克, 古代巴比伦人的主神 12 Esther 以斯贴,波斯皇后,犹太人 12 Mordecai 末 底改,Esther 的堂兄,从 Haman 手中救出犹太人 13 Haman 哈曼,波斯王的宰 相 14 gallows 绞刑架 16-17 drink themselves silly 喝酒喝得晕晕乎乎 19 games of the knock-over bottles-painted- with-Hamans face vari

7、ety 培训管理资料大全 商务智库整理 培训管理资料大全 商务智库整理 做打翻画着哈曼面孔的瓶子之类的游戏 22 stomp 跺 March 1Matronalia主妇节 In the holiday-obsessed world of ancient Rome, even the gods had birthdays. Garrulous Mars had his on March 1, the beginning (kalends) of the month that bore-and still bears-his name. However, Marss day was celeb

8、rated not with mock battles or other predictably martial demonstrations, but with reverence to Marss mother, Juno. The goddess became pregnant with him, the poet Ovid tells us, immediately upon finding a special wildflower: “She touched it, and by her touch conceived in her womb. and Mars was create

9、d.” Juno, as one of the Roman pantheons biggest cheeses, was worshiped under many names and many aspects. As Juno Lucina she held the secrets of childbirth and was represented in artworks with a flower in her right hand, a swaddled infant cradled in her left, and a veil hiding her face. It was to Ju

10、no Lucinas temple on the Esquiline Hill that Roman women journeyed every March 1 to pay their respects, to pray, and to leave their offerings. At home, too, they offered up prayers for a good, happy marriage; on this day husbands gave presents to their wives. While the Saturnalia (see December 17) w

11、as the Roman mens chance to subvert the social order, with masters waiting hand and foot on their slaves, the Matronalia was the womens chance to do the same. On this day they doted on their female servants from morning till night.1 holiday-obsessed 被节日迷住心窍的 2 Mars 马其斯,战神 3 kalends 每 月的第一天 6 Juno 朱诺

12、,天后,主神 Jupiter 之妻,司生育、婚姻 10 pantheon 万神殿 10 cheese 耍人 13 swaddled 包在襁褓中的 17-18 offer up prayers 做祷告 20 Saturnalia 农神节 21 subvert 颠倒 22 waiting hand and foot on .辛勤地侍候. 23 Matronalia 主妇节 24 dote on 溺 培训管理资料大全 商务智库整理 培训管理资料大全 商务智库整理 爱 March 2Saint Chads Day圣查德节 Saint Chad-the brother, oddly, of Saint

13、 Cedd-was every inch an Englishman. Born in Northumbria, he served as an abbot in Yorkshire, founded a monastery in Lincolnshire, and was bishop of Lichfield by the time of his death in 672. Many English cathedrals bear his name, as do a great number of wells and springs whose waters are said to boa

14、st miraculous healing properties. Chad was famous, in his time, for his lpve of walking. (Saint Theodore of Canterbury finally insisted that Chad ride on horseback; he said traveling on foot was beneath a churchman of Chads stature.) It was Chads reputation as a nature boy that makes his feast day s

15、uch a favorite for weather prognostication and agricultural lore. One old folk rhyme alludes to the weather on the first three days of March, vis-a-vis three English saints:First comes David, Then comes Chad,Then comes Winnold, roaring like mad.Another states:Sow beans and peas on David and Chad,Be the weather good or bad.1 oddly 说也奇怪 2 Northumbria 诺森布里亚(在英格兰东岸) 3 abbot 男 修道院长 3 Yorkshire 约克郡(英格兰原郡名) 4 Lincolnshire 林肯郡(项 格兰郡名) 4 Lichfield 利奇菲尔德(英格兰地名) 6 as do 这里 do 代替 bea



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