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1、活动手册-练习题 Activity Book-Exercises 第 2 章 Chapter2 1. Display the details of all the customers显示所有客户的详细信息 2. Diplay the ID,type,number and expiry year of all the credit cards in the following format以下面的格式(参考活动手册)显示所有信用卡的编号,类型,卡号和到期年份 3. Display the customerID and the account number of all the customers

2、 who live in the TerritoryID 4显示所有住在 TerritoryID 为 4 的地区的客户的客户编号和账号 4. Display all the details of the sales orders that have a cost exceeding $2000显示所有成本(LineTotal)超过 2000 的销售订单的详细信息 5. Display the sales order details of the product named Cable Lock for which the ProductID is 843显示产品编号为 843 的产品的订单信息

3、,不用考虑名称 Cable Lock 6. Display the list of all the orders placed on June.06,2004显示所有 2004 年 6 月 6 日下的订单的信息 7. Display a report of all the orders in the following format以下面的格式(参考活动手册)显示所有订单的报告/信息 8. Display a list of all the sales orders in the price range of $2000 and $2100显示价格(LineTotal)在 2000 到 210

4、0 之间的销售订单的信息Note:LineTotal computes the subtotal of each product,Computed as UnitPrice*(1- UnitPriceDiscount)*OrderQty、备注:LineTotal 是每个产品的小计,计算方式为单价(1-单价折扣)*订单数量 9. Display the name,country region code,and sales year to date for the territory with Territory ID as 1 显示地区编号为 1 的地区的名称,国家地区代码和至今的销售记录 10

5、. Display the details fo the orders that have a tax amount of more than $10,000 显示税额超过 10000 的订单的信息 11. Display the sales territory details of Canada,France, and Germany显示加拿大,法国和德国的销售区域信息 12. Display a report that contains the IDs of sales persons living in the territory with TerritoryID as 2 or 4,.

6、The report is required in the following format. 显示包含居住在 TerritoryID 为 2 或 4 的地区的销售人员的 ID 的报告。报告显示格式如下 (参考活动手册) 。 13. Display the details of the Vista credit cards that are expiring in the year 2006.显示 2006 年即将到期的 Vista 信用卡的详细信息 14. Display the details of all the orders that were shipped after July 1

7、2,2004.显示 2004 年 7 月 12 日后装运的所有订单的详细信息 15. Display the orders placed on July 01,2001 that have a total cost of more than $10,000 in the following format.用以下格式(参考活动手册)显示 2001 年 7 月 1 日所下的,总成本(TotalDue)超过 10000 的订单的信息。 16. Display the details of the orders that have been placed by customers online显示用户

8、在线下的订单的详细信息 17. Display the order ID and the total amount due of all the sales orders in the following format.Ensure that the order with the highest price is at the top of the list.用以下格式(参考活动手册)显示所有销售订单的订单编号和待收总金额(TotalDue) 。 确保待收额最高的订单排在列表的顶部。 18. Display the Order ID and the tax amount for the sal

9、es orders that are less than $2000. The data should be displayed in ascending order.显示金额(TotalDue )小于 2000 的销售订单的 ID 和交税金额,数据应以升序显示。 19. Display the order number and the total value of the order in ascending order of the total value.按总之升序显示订单的订单号和总值。 20. Display the details of all the currencies tha

10、t have the word Dollar in their name.显示名称中含有“Dollar” 字样的所有货币的详细信息 21. Display all territories whose names begin with N显示名称以“N”开头的所有区域的信息 22. Display the SalesPersonID, the TerritoryID, and the sales quota for those sales persons who have been assigned a sales quota.The data should be displayed in th

11、e following format.显示指定了销售配额的销售人员的 SalesPersonID,TerritoryID 和销售配额。数据要求按照以下格式显示(参考活动手册) 。 23. Display the top three sales persons based on the bonus. 根据奖金显示前三个销售人员的信息 24. Display the details of those stores that have Bike in their names. 显示名称中含有“Bike”字样的商店的详细信息 25. Display the different types of cre

12、dit cards used for purchasing products. 显示用于购买产品的信用卡的不同类型 26. Display a report that contains the employee ID, login ID, and the title of employees. The report should display the records for 10 employees after excluding the records of the first five employees. 显示包含员工的员工编号,登录 ID,职位的报告。报告应该显示除前 5 个员工之外

13、的 10 个员工的信息。 27. Display the maximum, minimum, and the average rate of sales orders. 显示销售订单的最大值,最小值和平均值。 28. Display the total value of all the orders put together 显示所有订单加起来的总值 29. Display the Order ID of the top five orders based on the total amount due in the year 2001. 显示 2001 年待收的总金额显示排名在前五的订单的订

14、单编号。 30. What will be the output of the following code written to display the total order value for each order? 以下语句用于显示每个订单的订单总额,语句的输出结果是? SELECT SalesOrderID, ProductID,sum(LineTotal) from Sales.SalesOrderDetail group by SalesOrderID. 31. Display a report containing the product ID and the total co

15、st of products for the productID whose total cost is more than $10,000 显示包含总成本(LineTotal 之和)超过 10000 的产品的产品编号和总成本 32. Consider the following SQL query containing the ROLLUP operator.考虑下面包含 Rollup 操作符的 SQL 查询语句 SELECT ProductID, LineTotal as Total from Sales.SalesOrderDetail group by Rollup(ProductID

16、) The preceding query generates errors during execution . Identify the possible causes of such errors and rectify? 上面的查询在执行的过程中出现了错误。识别可能导致该错误的原因并更正。 33. Display the total amount collected from the orders for each order date.显示每个订单日期和对应日期收到的订单总金额(TotalDue 之和) 34. Display the total unit price and the total amount collected after selling the products, 774, and 777. In addition, calculate the total amount collected from these two products. 显示销售产品 774 和 777 后收到的总单价和总金额, 此


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