英语读书笔记 madame bovary 精选

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1、精品文档 2016全新精品资料-全新公文范文-全程指导写作 独家原创 1 / 5英语读书笔记 Madame Bovarythere being always a big disparity and contradiction between real life and life in literature,so we cannot take everything as gods doing when life seems difficult and unpredicted to us.maybe it is a chance given to us to adjust ourselves to

2、 the society when facing with frustrations or accidents.and this is the cruelty of the reality:the imagination is differs from reality and people have no ideas about how to deal with such a situation.therefore, madame bovary,as an embodiment of reality and ideal of life,was born.madame bovary is one

3、 of gustave flauberts representative works and it takes nearly five years to be finished.gustave flaubert was the important critical realism writer in french flaubert, whose works reflect the 1848-1871 era between the french style, exposed the ugly vulgar bourgeois society. he was famous for his cre

4、ation theory - “objective and indifferent“ and carved artistic style in the history of french literature. for many critics and historians of french literature, 精品文档 2016全新精品资料-全新公文范文-全程指导写作 独家原创 2 / 5 flaubert is by far the most modern of the great nineteenth-century novelists,and it is easy to see

5、why. because he has being an originator of realism in prose fiction. but, what makes his writing in mandame bovary distinctively modern rather than the simple continuation of an earlier self-conscious literary manner?it is because that flaubert ascribes to writers in the exercise of their craft.mada

6、me bovary depicts a process of the gradual degeneration of a bourgeois woman who grew up in a church and was not satisfied with her a mediocre life. in order to pursue a romantic hero and elegant life, the actress, emma, stoop and has adulterous relationship with leon and rodolphe. as her family can

7、not enable her to enjoy a luxurious life, she has to borrow much money to spend with her lovers. ultimately ,because of inability to repay debt, she ruined her own reputation then commit suicide and left a little daughter and her husband alone .however,after emmas death the town is as usual just as

8、nothing special 精品文档 2016全新精品资料-全新公文范文-全程指导写作 独家原创 3 / 5 happened.rodolphe idles away time by hunting in the forest all day long and leon also has an easy time in the city. what a grieved, poor woman!by describing a married womans life experience which is full of passion and fervor, flaubert used a

9、succinct,exquisitive wirting style profoundly reappear the french social life in the middle 19th and truly reveal the dark of the whole country at that time. flaubert, the author was sickened with the french mdiddle class he was born into.he believed them to be lazy, unconcerned, and selffish. madam

10、e bovary is about such a self-centered, envious and dramatic middle class french woman. the book was originally in french, but was translated into english.madame emma bovary is a tragic person.she rans after romantic love and a prodigal life , however, she does not realize that her living conditions

11、 cannot guarantee her what she wants.when love is built on the base of substance, it is doomed to be a tragedy. no matter how degenerate it is, there to be only one result-tragedy. so, who forces emma 精品文档 2016全新精品资料-全新公文范文-全程指导写作 独家原创 4 / 5 to go to the dead end? it is the peoples indifference and

12、cold made her disapppinted? or she gives up herself to real life? perhaps, it is that society compel her to poison herself. from emmas life, we can easily find that every one has a personal attitude towards dreams chasing. and for us, we seldom imaging and daydreaming.however,madame emma bovary sink

13、ed into using her own version of the image and, therefore, her still adolescent habits of imagination have brought her into radical company. madame bovarys extremely action is absolutely reflection of her unsatisfied with herself. these so-called dreams are definitely illusory and unreal. after fini

14、shing reading this book, for a long time, i just immerse myself in the book and cannot come back to the real world. it shocks me that flaubert is so intelligent and wise that the world he describes in the book madame bovary can also reflects some serious problems in todays life. they have such a sur

15、prising, unbelievable things in common! a majority of people in nowadays, just like emma,dreaming of finding a 精品文档 2016全新精品资料-全新公文范文-全程指导写作 独家原创 5 / 5 prince or a princess and enjoying a happy life without being bothered by daily chores and having to work for life. however, how could these daydreams can come to be a reality in a high-paced and competed society? apparently, the answer is cannot! thus, we should learn to figure out the current situ


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