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1、1 international business 国际商务 economic integration 经济一体化 globalization of markets 市场全球化 IMF 国际货币基金组织 global financial system 全球金融体系 multinational company 跨国公司 trade barrier 贸易壁垒 GATT 关税与贸易总协议 market liberalization 市场自由化 emerging markets 新兴市场 the globalization of capital 资本全球化 GNI 国民总收入 economic inte

2、gration blocs 经济一体化 集团 Coincide with 与.相符 Foreign direct investment 外国直接投资 International portfolio investment 国际证 券投资 Letter-head 信头 Reference and date 编号与日期 Inside name and address 信内名称,地 址 Attention line 经办人 Subject line 标题(事由) Complimentary close 结尾敬辞 Carbon copy notation 抄送 Identification line 辨

3、认记号 The second page 第二页 Trade with 经商,做买卖 Trade in 经营(商品)deal in deal with 与.打交道,与.做生意,处理 Commission house 提取佣金的商行 Light industrial products 轻工产品 State-operated corporation 国营公司 Joint venture 合资企业 Deal exclusively in 独家经营 Enjoy a high reputation 享有很高的声誉 Sister corporation 兄弟公司 Supply sb. With sth. 向

4、某人供应某物 Be assured of 使确信,使放心 Get in touch with sb. 与某人联系,接洽 Do business with sb.与某人做贸易,成 交 Specific requirement 具体要求 Through mutual efforts 共同努力 Equality and mutual benefit 平等互利 In time 及时 In turn 轮流地 In short 总之 Price list 价目单 Cotton prints 印花布 Export terms 出口条款 Fine in quality 质地优良 Moderate in pri

5、ce 价格公道 Novel in design 设计新颖 Household electric appliance 家用电器 Energy-saving 节能 In order 妥当;整齐无误 Make.to order 定做 In good order 情况良好 To ones order 以.为抬头,凭.指示 Be subject to 以.为准 By separate post 另邮 Prompt shipment 即装 Processing with supplied materials 来料 加工 Enquire for 询购某物 Enquire about 打听某事 Enquire

6、 into 调查 Make sb an offer for 给某人报.的价格 Sth be under offer 某商品在出售中 The offer is firm for. 此报盘有效期为 Make sb. an offer 向某人报盘 Accept offer 接受报盘 counter-offer Renew offer 恢复报盘 还盘 Decline offer 谢绝报盘 Withdraw offer 撤销报盘 Entertain offer 考虑报盘 Non-firm offer 虚盘 An offer without engagement 无约束性 的报盘 Wholesale pr

7、ice 批发价 Gross price 毛价 net price 净价 Sell off 拍卖 Sell out 卖完 Repeat order 重复订购 initial order 初次订购 Conditions of sales 销售条件 A special allowance 特别折扣 Subject to prior sale 以先售为条件 Subject to change without notice 不经通 知可以改变 In cartons 装纸箱 As per 按照 Acknowledge receipt of 收到 As a much lower price than 以比.

8、低得 多的价格 Supply.from sock 供.现货 Have.in stock 有.现货 Out of stock 脱销 With /in reference to. 关于 For your reference 供你方参考 Confirmed L/C 保兑信用证 Commercial invoice 商业发票 Make up 制作,准备 Confirming bank 保兑行 Confirming house 保付商行 Shipping instructions 装船提示 Agree on(upon). 就.达成一致 The rough handling 野蛮装卸 Bill of ex

9、change 汇票 Promissory note 本票 Demand draft (D/D) 票汇 Telegraphic transfer(T/T)电汇 Mail transfer (M/T)信汇 Remitting/paying bank 汇出行/汇入行 Collecting bank 托收银行 Documents against payment 付款交单 Documents against acceptance(D/A) 承兑交单 Commercial bill 商业汇票 Bankers bill 银行汇票 Sight bill 即期汇票 Time bill 远期汇 票 Irrevoc

10、able L/C 不可撤销信用证 Unconfirmed L/C 非保兑信用证 Non-transferable L/C 不可转让信用证 Documentary L/C 跟单信用证 Revolving L/C 循环信用证 Reciprocal L/C 对开信用证 Back to back L/C 对背信用证 Red clause L/C 红条款信用证 Standby letter of credit 备用信用证 Clean L/C 光票信用证 Reimbursing bank 偿付行 Advising/opening bank 通知行/ 开证行 Negotiating bank 议付行 Giv

11、e commission on.对.商品给佣金 At a discount 打折 In payment of 支付 In duplicate/triplicate 一式两份/ 三份 Draw up a contract 起草合同 draft a. Have a contract ready for signature2 备好合同签字 Sign(close,enter into) a contract 签订. Execute a contract 履行合同3 U3 1.我们在平等互利的基础上与其他国家进行贸易。 We trade with other countries on the basis

12、 of equality and mutual benefit. 2.他们公司主要经营轻工业产品。 They trade mainly in light industrial products. 3.我们的对外贸易日益发展。 Our foreign trade is expanding day by day. 4.市场决定商品的生产。 The market determines what goods are made. 5.你方价格与市场不符。 Your pirce is out of line with the market. 6.市场行情上扬。 The market is strength

13、ening. 7.这种商品在这儿没有销路。 There is no market here for such goods. 8.他们可能要购买尖端设备。 They might be in the market for sophisticated equipments. 9.这种产品行销欧洲所有国家。 This product is being marketed in all European countries. 10.随函寄去剪样一套。 Enclosed is a set of cutting sample. 11.随函寄去我价目单一份,请查收。 Enclosed please find o

14、ur pricelist. 12.因为天气恶劣,我们无法安排装运。Due to the bad weather, we are not able to settle the shipment. U4 1.你们经营什么业务? Whats your line of business? 2.他们已与该公司达成大量交易。 They have concluded substantial business with that company. 3.企业对经济前景不太乐观。 Business is less optimistic about economic prospects. 4.由于共同努力|我们已与

15、.达成.交易 Thanks to mutual efforts,we have closed several big deals with them. 5.这家商行经营皮货。 This firm deals in furs. 6.请认真处理这一订单。 Please deal with the order carefully. 7.我们准备只按这些条件进行交易。 We are prepared to transact business only on these terms. 8.他们目前不想就此问题进行谈判。 At present,they dont want to transact nego

16、tiation on this matter. 9.此事交给秘书处理。 Leave the transaction of the matter to your secretary. 10.对大笔交易建议用即期信用证支付。 For large transactions we suggest payment by sight L/C. 11.这批货物请分三批按月等量装运。 Please ship the goods in three equal monthly installments. 12.延误装运将会对我们未来的贸易不利。 Any delay in shipment will be detrimental to our future business. 13.货物应该每十个(每一打)装一包。 The goods are to be packed in tens(or



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