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1、SAMMIT 。KING 1 外贸函电复习 第一章 商务信函基础知识 English Correspondence for International Trade To understand the importance of communication skills in relation to the career success, and explain the need for thinking critically, taking charge of your career, and strengthening your communication skills (reading,

2、listening, speaking and writing). Unit One Basic Knowledge of Business Letter Writing The structure and layout of a business letter Writing principles of business letter (7C 原则)Courtesy 礼貌Consideration 体谅Completeness 完整Clarity 清楚Conciseness 简洁Concreteness 具体Correctness 正确 第二章 建立贸易关系 Unit Two Estabil

3、ishing Business Relations 建立贸易关系是交易的第一个环节。良好的开端是成功的一半。因此,在写有关建立贸易 关系的信函时,应注意礼貌、得体,并应将自己要表述的内容清楚的叙述完整。 Estabilishing Business Relations 1、常用模式 1.进口商写给出口商 2.出口商写给进口商 Dear Sirs; Dear Sirs; A.如何得知对方信息 A. 如何得知对方信息 B.表明自己意图 B. 得知贵方有需求 C.介绍本公司 C. 介绍本公司 D.请提供相关信息 D. 随函附寄目录等 E.盼回复 E.盼回复 2、常用句型A 类:从得知贵方信息 We

4、have heard from China Council for the Promotion of International Trade that you are in the market for Electric Appliance. 从中国国际贸易促进委员会获悉,你们有意购买电器用品。 2、常用句型 A 类:从得知贵方信息 Your name and address have been given to us by Smith Co.,Inc.in New York, who has informed us that you are one of the leading import

5、ers of Light Industrial Products in your country. 据纽约史密斯公司介绍,得知你公司名称和地址,并得知你们是贵国轻工业产品的主要进 口商之一。 On the recommendation ofCo.Ltd.,we have learned with pleasure the name of your firm and SAMMIT 。KING 2 shall be glad to enter into business relations with you. 承蒙有限公司的介绍,得知贵公司名称,我们非常乐意与贵方建立贸易关系 2、常用句型 A 类

6、:从得知贵方信息 类似的表达还有: We have obtained your name and address from Through the courtesy of,we come to know your name and address We own your name and address to 2、常用句型 B 类:表明意图 我们有幸自荐,以期与你公司建立业务关系。 We have the pleasure to introduce ourselves to you with a view to building up business relations with your

7、firm. 我们有幸自荐,望能有机会与贵公司合作扩大业务。 We have the pleasure of introducing ourselves to you with the hope that we may have an opportunity of cooperating with you in your business extension. 我们冒昧写信以期与贵公司建立业务关系。 We take the liberty of writing to you with a view to building up business relationship. 2、常用句型 B 类:

8、表明意图 我们专营中国棉织品出口,愿与你们进行交易。 Specializing in the export of Chinese Cotton Piece Goods,we express our desire to trade with you in this line. 我们欣然寄上自荐信,希望是互利关系的前奏。 We are glad to send you this introductory letter,hoping that it will be the prelude to mutually beneficial relations between us. 我们愿在平等互利、互通

9、有无的基础上与贵公司建立业务关系。 We are willing to enter into business relations with your firm on the basis of equality,mutual benefit and exchanging of needed goods. 本信的主要目的是探索与你们发展贸易的可能性。 The purpose of this letter is to explore the possibilities of developing trade with you. 2、常用句型 C 类:介绍本公司 我们经营的业务主要是化肥。 Our

10、lines are mainly chemical fertilizers. 我们是声誉卓著的出口商,长期经营此商品的出口业务。 We are exporters of long standing and high reputation, engaged in exportation of the articles. 我公司与此地可靠的批发商有密切联系,能与你公司做可观的进口业务 Being closely connected with reliable wholesalers here, we shall beable to do considerable import business w

11、ith you. 我方对该货品拥有广泛的销售网,确信能以最低价格销售贵方产品。 We have extensive sales network for this line of goods, so we are confident that we can sell your products at the lowest possible prices. 2、常用句型SAMMIT 。KING 3 C 类:介绍本公司 我方在贸易界有极好的关系,对这类产品的进口有丰富的经验。 We have excellent connections in the trade and are fully exper

12、ienced with the import business for the type of product. 本公司是地区产品的首要出口商之一,因 20 年来的成功经验而享有佳誉,相信贵方会 对本公司的优质产品和服务感到满意。 We are one of the leading exporters of 产品 in 地区 and have enjoyed an excellent reputation through 20 yearssuccessful business experience. We are sure that you will be quite satisfied wi

13、th the excellent quality of our goods and services. 2、常用句型 C 类:介绍本公司 其他表达方法有: Our company deals with(handles,deals in, trades in, is in the line of) the import and export of We specialize in the exportation of We are one of the largestimporters in our country and have handled with various kinds of t

14、he products for about 10 years. 2、常用句型 D 类:提供信息 进口商要求出口商提供信息: 请提供你公司的各种详细规格,并告知付款条件和折扣率 Please submit full specifications of yourtogether with terms of payment and discount rate. 请提供在花样和质量上与随函所附样品最近似的人造丝手帕样品。 Please furnish us with your samples of Rayon Handker-chiefs closest in designs and quality

15、to those we enclose here. 若能尽快提供你方各类产品的详细情况,我们将不胜感激。 We appreciate it very much if you can provide us with the specific details of your all kinds of goods. 2、常用句型 D 类:提供信息 出口商给进口商随函附寄目录等: 为使你公司对我们所经营的各种手工艺品质量有所了解,现航寄去目录一份,及几份样品 供参阅。 In order to give you some idea of various qualities of Handicrafts we carry, we have pleasure in forwarding you by air one catalogue and a few samples for your perusal(熟读,精读). 2、常用句型 E 类:盼回复 如果你方能尽早回复,我们将不胜感激。 We should be pleased if you would respond to our request at your earliest convenience. 请尽早答复 Please reply at an early date. 盼速复 We look forward



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