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1、案例unit3 my room lets talk 一、教学设计中的具体措施: 1、在复习过程中,采用开放式的教学内容,对其他教材进行整合,使用了 chant和song 等激发学生的兴趣,同时,还在greetings中根据当天的情况, 进行了一定的课本外内容学习,让学生在无形中得到更多的词汇量。 2、在教学活动中,制订一些目的性明确的任务,让学生能在完成任务时学到相 应的知识。同时,根据学生的不同水平,还在教学设计中制订了几个分层的任 务,在必要时增设台阶,让不同的学生进行不同难度的练习,让每个阶层的学 生都能在一堂课上各有所得。 二、教学过程: Step 1:1. greetings: Wh

2、at day is it today? How is the weather ? What season is it now? Is it winter? Is it autumn? Is it spring? We can fly kites. Are you happy? (read the phrases on the Bb, such as : Thursday, cloudy, spring, fly kites, go hiking, happy.) 2. chant: Open the door, open the door; turn on the light, turn on

3、 the light; Sweep the floor, sweep the floor; clean the window, clean the window; Put up the pictures, put up the pictures; clean the board, clean the board. 3. song : in the classroom (我所想的: 1、(分层任务一)为了让学生都能在课堂上每一个步骤中有所得, 我每天的greetings 都设计了一些新的内容,并把一些关键词书写在黑板上, 进行集体朗读,让学有余力的学生能认识单词的形状,让弱的学生也能“混个 耳熟

4、”,为以后的学习打下一个铺垫。 Step 2: Revision 1.In the classroom, there are so many things. Who can tell me whats in the /your room? (利用上面的song,来顺应自然的引出本堂课中的内容, 从而作到“衔接自然”。) 2.Yes, there are 32 desks, 16 teachers, and 9 word cards in our classroom, look at the words, lets read. Step 3: presentation 1.Draw a pict

5、ure on the Blackboard, tell the Ss : This is my room. Whats in my room? Let the Ss use: There is . / There are .to describe the picture. 2.connect the whole paragraph: This is my room. There is / There are I like my room. Do you like my room? 。 3.ask the Ss to have the practice in fives, then act ou

6、t by their pictures. (1、词在句中教,句在篇中教。句子要在篇章中教,才有意义,才能具有自己 的交际性。这样,学生的学习也才是有实际意义的。2、(分层任务二)学生在进 行practice in fives的时候,被要求每人都要进行展示,但是,可以由小组 长进行分配,让弱者运用较简单的句型。这样,所有的学生都有展示的机会, 同时,学生必须要进行互相帮助,帮助弱者,真正实现了小组合作的精髓。) Step 3: Expansion 1.show the Ss another picture, tell the Ss : This is a room, whats in the r

7、oom? 2. let the Ss answer : There is in the room./ There are in the room. 3.when they answer , the T should ask the others at the same time : Is there in the room? / Are there in the room? The Ss should answer: Yes, there is . /No, there isnt. 4. have a drill. (1、利用另一张图片,让学生有一个新鲜感,从而再次调动了他们对新事物的 好奇感

8、。2、创造一个information gap(信息沟),把图片拿下,让学生充分 搜寻记忆,锻炼了学生的记忆力。) 四、本课反思: 本课重点是There is /There are in the classroom.的使用和教学 (This is my room. There is in the room. There are in the room. I like my room . Do you like my room? ) 而拓展的内容则在于Is there ? / Are there ? 本堂课必须在完全掌握重点内容之后才能进行相应的拓 展,因为对于学生来说,拓展内容是扎根于重点内容,同时又向前走了一步, 只有掌握了原有的学习内容,才能有能力迈出这一步。所以,我充分考虑到所 教学生的实际情况,在设计教案的时候,使用了情境化、交际化、任务化为主 要的教学方针,以本堂课学会介绍自己的房间为话题,来进行教学,在学生已 完全掌握之后,再开始进行拓展内容的学习,并同样的提出了交际的要求,让 学生能在真实的情境中学到知识。


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