产业结构毕业论文初稿 - 副本

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1、毕业设计(论文) 题目 江西产业结构变动趋势及对策研究 系 别 经 济 与 管 理 系 专 业 名 称 经 济 学 班 级 学 号 088301139 学 生 姓 名 王 俊 指 导 教 师 肖 云 二 O 一二年 四 月江西产业结构变动趋势及对策研究 学生姓名: 王俊 班级:0883011指导老师:肖云 摘要在经济发展过程中,经济总量增长在很大程度上取决于产业结构调整的状态,合理 优化的产业结构是国民经济持续发展的重要保证。改革开放以来,江西省的经济快速增长, 产业结构不断优化,工业化进程明显加快,但江西省经济的发展在华中各省份中仍然比较 落后,产业结构的不协调、劳动力结构与产业结构变化不同

2、步等矛盾日益显现。论文试图 通过对江西省产业结构进行深入的分析研究,提出江西省产业结构优化的对策,以实现江 西省经济的可持续发展。 论文主要从以下几个方面对江西省产业结构的优化进行研究:首先,论文从产业结构理 论的历史演化和国内外产业结构理论的研究现状两个方面对国内外产业结构理论进行了重 新梳理,进行相关的文献综述,为江西省产业结构的优化研究提供相应的理论基础;其次, 论文运用定量分析与规范分析相结合的方法,以江西省及全国的统计数据为基础分析了改 革开放以来江西省的三次产业结构和三次产业的内部结构,以总结改革开放30年以来江西 省产业结构的现状和问题;再次,论文提出江西省产业结构优化的客观标准

3、,并从需求因素 和供给因素两方面对江西省产业结构优化的制约因素进行深入分析,以分析出江西省产业 结构优化的可能性;最后,论文运用“快车道模型”,采用2002 年的投入产出表数据,采 取投入产出分析的方法计算出平衡增长条件下江西省三次产业的最优结构。 通过分析研究论文得出这样的结论:江西省第二产业产值比重过高,第三产业产值比重 过低;三大产业内部结构不合理;劳动力结构与产值结构严重失调,这对江西省经济的长期 发展是不利的。结合对江西省产业结构的分析及在此基础上做出的优化调整规划方案,论文提出了江西省产业结构优化调整的对策,为江西省建立合理的产业结构和实现经济的可 持续发展提供了理论依据。 关键词

4、 江西 产业结构 结构现状分析 结构优化对策研究 Jiangxi industry structure change trend and countermeasuresAbstract: In the economic development process, total economic output growth depends to a great extent on the state of the industrial structure adjustment, to optimize the industrial structure of national economic sus

5、tainable development is the important guarantee. Since the reform and opening, jiangxi province fast economic growth, constantly optimize the industrial structure, obviously accelerate industrialization process, but the economic development of jiangxi province in central China in the provinces is st

6、ill fall behind, industrial structure coordination, labor force structure and industrial structure change not the contradiction of synchronous appeared. Paper tries to jiangxi province an analysis is made of the industrial structure, and puts forward the countermeasure to optimize the industrial str

7、ucture in jiangxi province, jiangxi province in order to realize the sustainable development of the economy.Thesis mainly from the following several aspects of the optimization of the industrial structure of jiangxi province are studied: first of all, paper from the theory of industrial structure ev

8、olution history at home and abroad and the research status of industrial structure theory in two aspects of the industrial structure theory at home and abroad to comb, and the related literature review, for the jiangxi province the optimization of the industrial structure research to provide corresp

9、onding theoretical foundation; Second, the paper makes a quantitative analysis and normative analysis combination of methods, the national statistics in jiangxi province and the basis of the data analysis of the reform and opening jiangxi province three industrial structure and the three industries,

10、 the internal structure of reform and opening up 30 years since jiangxi province present situation and problems of industrial structure; Again, this paper puts forward that the industry of jiangxi province in optimizing the structure of the objective standards, and supply and demand factors from two

11、 aspects of factors in jiangxi province the industrial structure optimization restriction factor analysis to analyze the industrial structure optimization of jiangxi province of possibility; Finally, this article USES “fast track model“, the 2002 years of input-output table data, take the input- out

12、put analysis method is used to calculate the balanced growth conditions the three industries of jiangxi province the optimal structure.Through the analysis of the research papers draw the conclusion: the second industrial output value high proportion of jiangxi province, the third industry output lo

13、w proportion; Three big industry unreasonable internal structure; Labor force structure and production value structure serious disorder, the long-term development of the economy of jiangxi province is unfavorable. Based on the analysis of the industrial structure in fujian province, and on the basis

14、 of the optimization and adjustment of a planning scheme, this thesis proposes to optimize the industrial structure in jiangxi province, countermeasures for jiangxi province establish the reasonable structure of the industry and realize the sustainable development of the economy provides theory basi

15、s Key words: Jiangxi,industrial structure,structure alanalysis,struetural optimization 目录 第1章绪论.1 1.1研究背景与意义.1.1.1研究背景. 1.1.2研究意义 1.2.研究的思路、方法及相关概念的界定 1.2.1研究思路 1.2.2研究方法 . 1.2.3相关概念的界定 1.3.研究的主要内容与框架结构 1.3.1研究的主要内容 . 1.3.2论文的框架结构 1.3.3创新之处 . 第2章 文献述评. 2.1产业结构理论的历史演化 2.1.1古典产业结构理论研究 2.1.2现代产业结构理论研究 2.1.3当代产业结构理论研究 2.2国外产业结构理论的研究现状述评 2.2.1国外学者产业结构的研究现状 2.2.2国外产业结构理论研究现状评述 2.3国内产业结构理论的研究现状述评 2.3.1国内产业结构理论研究现状 2.3.2国内产业结构理论研究现状评述 第3章 江西省产业结构发展现状及存在问题分析 3.1江西省产业结构的现状分析 3.1.1产值结构分析 3.1.2劳动力结构分析 3.1.3比较劳



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